Could economic socialism pave the way for sexual socialism, where males are given the same demand as women?
Could economic socialism pave the way for sexual socialism, where males are given the same demand as women?
Should we legislate to correct for biological differences?
whore stamps?
More like forcefully taking the kulak's (chad's?) Means of (re)production.
Literally just finished reading this a few weeks ago. Unless you can somehow convince every man on earth to forsake women, I don't see this happening. We're not quite where we need to be with robots or artificial wombs to make this option even viable in the first place.
capitalism is actually the leveling agent in the sexual free market
yes even you can have a 9/10 gagging on your cock within a half hour by finding her on Backpage and throwing $400 her way
The free market literally fixed it again
what about people who are poor AND ugly?
why is that women complain about not being fat (which is done by just eating right and walking, when you start as non-fat) while men must not be fat AND be muscular for 30 years ?
All sex is rape
Women are more superficial than men. Men are more egocentric.
Women are the limiting factor in reproduction. As long as this is the case - women will remain with inherent value while men stay disposable. Naturally we have evolved around these dynamics so a sudden change to womens reproductive value would not change much. Women would still be hardwired as opportunistic babyfactories while men continue to blindly compete like dogs for access to these women. Women have biological incentives to be picky and the modern state also enforces this behaviorby providing resoruces and security without any commitment to a man.
Phoneposting. Also, contraceptives play(ed) a major factor here. Just imagine the sexual revolution without them. At this point (and in the context of incels) there's not much that can be done here, a complete ban on contraceptives is not realistic from a practical perspective nor would it help low status males since the effect would be even pickier women (and fewer prostitutes). Making women immediately reliant on other males income (on an individual basis) would fix the problem but obviously that's completely unrealistic not to mention a shitshow from a moral standpoint.
If you can't get a 400$ sex is the least of your problems. You are not a child and the stare is not your parent you fucking communist.
truth be told populations of socialist countries were rather laid back and less inhibited about sex, it was just a normal thing, people had more sex on average, there was way less stress about it, it all just followed from notions of morality and equality that the ideology built the society on, not in the sense that regressive libtards would take it today, but in the sense that they were all 'equal' parts of the classles collective, that they are 'conscious' in the political sense and so reject superstition and taboos about things that are just 'natural', so having a full and satisfying sex life was almost seen as a part of being a good happy communist, its just healthy well adjusted behavior in a collective of equals
pluss it was way easier to score, what you do, how much you earn, do you even own a car, all that was way less of a factor, sure having a unckle in the local party branch or something like that helped, but bar such political nonsense the majority of people were mentaly more free to spontaneously fuck
at the same time homosexuality was illegal, people were put in camps and prisons for it
cause thats not how a healthy well adjusted member of a classles collective should behave
You didn't research the subject in any way and just post your thoughts about how you IMAGINE that would look like don't you?
no, i lived then and there, and i still live here now, personal experience
Where do you live?
And how old were you during those times?
Socialist culture was extremely conservative , sex was tabu and the idea that there were no class differences is laughable. Owning a car was much more big of a deal that in the west because a car cost maybe 10 times more than in the west, you had to be very well conected to even buy one so it was a much greater status symbol than in the US.
not even him but by the late 70s having a car in Yugoslavia was no big deal, this wasn't the Soviet Union we're talking about, people who did nothing but work as fishermen for a living were buying cars
Because Yugo was the least communist of them all, so my point stands.
>Why society should pay for my autismal inability to get laid
the thread
awcshully if you go by the metric of ACTUAL "worker's self management" Yugoslavia was probably the most communist...It's just that they used an actual market instead of a strict command economy