ITT: overrated talentless generals
ITT: overrated talentless generals
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Wasn't zhukov a good general?
He was a good gardener.
All that slav fertilization helped improve the Central European fauna immensely
You mean flora?
tee hee
You are objectively wrong about Marlborough though.
all the central european fauna (animals) got sent to israel after the war
Zhukov's greatest defeat is the fact the Russian race survived
>I must unite all the Russian people under one graveyard.
What did he mean by this?
anyone could be zhukov, just keep the ura flowing and hit your enemy until they're so worn down from your crashing waves they can't but relent
His battle in the deep ground was a revolutionary strategy
>logistics guy: we don't have enough resources for so such a large army
>zhukov: I fix
>Hey, you see that open field with no cover that the enemy has half their artillery trained on?
>ctrl+f Rommel
>0 results
step it up Veeky Forums
An admiral but so overrated that he has to be included.
Oh god yes, this guy was awful. His operational plans were overly complex and convoluted and he failed to appreciate the value of the right subordinate for the task, or to act decisively when the opportunity arose. He also threw a bitchfit and threatened to resign when Nagumo tried to point out the many problems with his preemptive strike plan.
You mean strategic depth? Literally used for thousands of years, not to mention it was written into Russian military doctrine before Zhukov ever got his hands on it.
Deep battle is literally just a meme, you broke through the enemy lines...and now you're gonna exploit that break, wow fascinating, Russia much smart, how original. Stressing combined arms warfare? Oh you mean the thing the Germans used to BTFO you 1941? Oh wow so learned Russian. Literally just taking stuff that generals like Napoleon would do...and then realized they could do it with tanks and airplanes instead artillery and cavalry
Hannibal. Great and winning battles, great at losing wars
Hannibal probably would have won if his generals in Iberia weren't shite, if Carthage actually was willing to send him supplies, and if the ungrateful Greeks had helped him actually besiege Rome. Hannibal had all the cards stacked against him and still held out for over a decade.
>Carthage actually was willing to send him supplies
Carthage was willing, they were just generally unable what with Roman naval dominance and the necessity of sending everything the real long way around.
> and if the ungrateful Greeks had helped him actually besiege Rome.
Why should they? They were, by and large, better off under Roman rule.
You anons are not doing the Zhukov meme right. Pic related.
>battle in the deep ground
See? Battle IN the deep ground... there would be enough room to bury all the bodies of the soldiers Zhukov would be wasting...
and both wellington and monty are better than the francoboos and burgers like to proclaim
Patton on the other hand was a real self inflated shithead, who whould never have been allowed to rise higher than a corps commander at most
He was great
Was there anything he could've done to minimize the casualties inflicted on his regiment on Peleliu?
His Regiment was all but annihilated by the time it was relieved
This is your average Veeky Forums poster
surprised nobody posted this yet
This guy and von Rundstedt
zhukov needed to do a strategic withdrawal at stalingrad,saving kkks of soldiers' lives while regrouping giving his boys a weeks rest food hot water,he ought to have told stalin to fuck himself on the 'no retreat' order.
>implying Zhukov would of strategically retreated
the only retreat Zhukov would find acceptable is a retreat into a mass grave.
Also Patton. Publicist's wet dream.
>Patton. Publicist's wet dream.
Fuck no it would suck to be Patton's publicist. The whole world is at war and your boss is stuck on some bullshit administrative post because he slapped a traumatized soldier and got reprimanded for it.
Plus when he actually was in war he was Omar Bradley's second fiddle
Alexander was a myth. Seleukos was the real general behind the conquests of macedon. Ptolemy came up with alexander to try and claim seleukos victories as somebody elses.
I've never encountered this theory, Where are you drawing the information from? I'd really like to read about this.
The rise of the seleukid empire
Hindenburg and Ludendorff.
Literally meme'd into power after stealing credit for Max Hoffman's victory at Tannenberg. Once in control they governed no master plan and proceeded to crash the Kaiserriech with no survivors
Are you retarded? Zhukov wasn't even in command when they were retreating and at least possibly considering retiring over the Volga, he was up near Moscow commanding Mars.