It's about to have a YUGE pump get in now!!!! Don't miss this
It's about to have a YUGE pump get in now!!!! Don't miss this
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You know this kid is gonna bring great things when he doesn't look like a corporate schmuck like the rest of them. You think it's a big pump now? Just think about when he fully releases Sia. This shit is gonna be big.
its -15% you stupid fucking shiller
You're an actual faggot kys
HOLY SHIT IT'S -15% BUY NOW FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i am not the retard that shills
Somebody on Polo bought 156BTC of Sia at 419. Tell me it isn't going to whale I dare you.
really good dating profile pic
pic pls
>Normal correction on a coin
>200% on shitcoins in a day
I swear to god people on this board have autism.
u know its good tech when the creator looks like jimmy neutron boy genius
That's why I am so excited. The business looking guys wanna line their pockets. Guys like this and the guy who created ethereum are in love with their projects for real.
egyptian triangle spaceship
I thought exactly the same thing. I was sitting on the fence as to whether or not to invest in Sia the past few days, but after seeing this guy I've pulled the trigger.
Sia pattern is on the cusp of a breakthrough
Own 800k. Am I gonna make it lads?
>bought 1.2 million
This is it lads, lamboland is right around the corner :,)
Millionaire in a year or two, congrats user
Looks like a fag. Sia is a retarded coin; Why is it a coin ?
Cant deny the quints buy dgb rdd and vox cucks
Cheap distributed file storage. Needs a coin so people can buy and sell access to unused hard drive space. Major work is being done to this network to allow video streaming capability. This could be huge.
I think this is a scam because the about page is basically the plot of the show Silicon Valley
This scam is pretty dedicated with 7000 commits and written in go.
Damn these guys are real meme lords
See Buffet watches HBO too guys
If only they had a way to compress the data with a Weismann score over 6.5
All the contributors have thousands of commits and living the programming life.
You still don't need a coin LMAO; Works just as well without it.
>Being this autistic
negative canthal tilt, would not bang if I was homer
Get in now before you miss it.
Stop dumping your bags on us, you dirty shills
Saw a lot of hate against Sia, that's the reason why I'm investing in it because everytime I liste nto you motherfucking fuds I miss gains
Not sure if it'll moon but it can only go up from here desu, no point in not buying some.
just waiting for pic related to appear, 410 comfy club