We all know that the English writing language sometimes dosen't make much sense.
Propose changes that would make the English language less retarded
We all know that the English writing language sometimes dosen't make much sense.
Propose changes that would make the English language less retarded
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The c can be pronounced as an S and a K. Lets get rid of the C and only use S and K instead.
It should become more like Dutch
The North Wind and the Sun were disputing which was the stronger, when a traveler came along wrapped in a warm cloak.
They agreed that the one who first succeeded in making the traveler take his cloak off should be considered stronger than the other.
Then the North Wind blew as hard as he could, but the more he blew the more closely did the traveler fold his cloak around him;
and at last the North Wind gave up the attempt. Then the Sun shined out warmly, and immediately the traveler took off his cloak.
And so the North Wind was obliged to confess that the Sun was the stronger of the two.
Ðë Norþ Wind ænd ðë Sän wër dispjūting wič wäz ðë strangër, wen ēi trævëlër keim ëlang ræpd in ēi worm klōuk.
Ðei ëgrīd ðæt ðë wun hū fërst säskīdid in mēiking ðë trævëlër tēik af hiz klōuk šud bī kënsidërd strangër ðæn ðë äðër.
Ðen ðë Norþ Wind blū æz hard æz hī kud, bät ðë mor hī blū ðë mor klōuslī did ðë trævëlër fold hiz klōuk ëraund him;
ænd æt læst ðë Norþ Wind gēiv äp ðë ëtemt. Ðen ðë Sän šaind aut wormlī, ænd imīdīëtlī ðë trævëlër tuk af hiz klōuk.
Ænd sōu ðe Norþ Wind wäz ōublaiǧd tu kënfes ðæt ðë Sän wäz ðë strangër ëv ðë tu.
No, fuking kill yourself
How would you pronouce the "ch" phoneme in "church"?
Too much to go into detail but make the written language match up with the spoken language. Meaning each sound has one and only one letter or set of of letter that makes the sound.
For example C is bad in two regards it makes two sounds and it makes sounds that other letters makes.
You should know exactly how something is spelt by listening to people speak it
Why what is wrong with objectively making a language easier to write down.
New letters for stuff like CH.
Maybe C can be exclusively CH.
stop capitalising I
More vowels for every sound, instead of many sounds sharing one letter.
Are we just making our own language?
I should screencap this to show to any idiot that thinks that English is a Romance Language.
Start using IPA instead of Latin alphabet.
Get rid off "she", "he"&"it" will have to do.
even french would look germanic if you used those letters, it doesn't prove anything
the umlauts aren't even used the same way they are in germanic languages
Absolutly unrelated
His text was full of French words despite how hard he tried to avoid them
I didn't write it, the fable's commonly used in linguistics to illustrate a language's phonetics.
Also only 15/113 of the words are Latinate, the text is just under 90% Germanic.
Change the spelling of "phoenix" to "feenix"
And make a letter for it
>Also only 15/113 of the words are Latinate, the text is just under 90% Germanic.
Now consider the fact that the only words that matter in giving the sense to a sentence are verbs, adjectove and nouns
Of course if you count the irrelevant "the", "at" "to"...etc 90% of the text is Germanic
But if you consider the words that actually matter it's much different
And keep in mind that this text was purposedly designed to be abnormally highly Germanic
In non cherrypicked ones, the proportion of Germanic words is even smaller
its written not writing
I don't think anyone calls English a Romance language. But English is definitely heavily influenced by both Latin and German. Did you take Latin back in high school? You can get by with pretty good marks just through having a decent English vocabulary.
English has zero German influence.
"Why, how call you those grunting brutes running about on their four legs?" demanded Wamba.
"Swine, fool – swine," said the herd; "every fool knows that."
"And swine is good Saxon," said the Jester; "but how call you the sow when she is flayed, and drawn, and quartered, and hung up by the heels, like a traitor?"
"Pork," answered the swineherd.
"I am very glad every fool knows that too," said Wamba, "and pork, I think, is good Norman-French; and so when the brute lives, and is in the charge of a Saxon slave, she goes by her Saxon name; but becomes a Norman, and is called pork, when she is carried to the castle hall to feast among the nobles. What dost thou think of this, friend Gurth, ha?"
>But English is definitely heavily influenced by both Latin and German
You got it wrong
You made French Latin (out of francophobia) and Germanic German (out of ignorance/nazibooism)
English is mostly influenced by French (words directly originated from Latin itself are very rarely used unlike French ones) and Germanic (=/= German, English and German have very little in common)
Those "irrelevant" words are crucial to the language.
nigga I hope you ain't serious
>Did you take Latin back in high school? You can get by with pretty good marks just through having a decent English vocabulary.
Except what you took for Latin influence was really French influence
The big majority of Romance words in English entered it through their French form, because of the French colonization between 1066 and 1485
Sure you can recognize Latin words too, since most of said French words ultimately originate from Latin, but the similiarity with French is even more striking
It's most of the time just one or two varying letters, and sometimes no difference at all.
You happen to be one of those faggots who confuse German (Deutsch) and Germanic
English has similarities with Norwegian (another Germanic language), but not with Deutsch
If A influences B which influences C, then A also influenced C.
Proto-Germanic =/= German
English and German are much closer related than English and French.
There's much more to a language than just word origin.
Isn't a dialect of Dutch the closest language to English?
English and Deutsch are both West Germanic.
Norwegian is North Germanic, but underwent changes very similar to English. So it's rather interesting.
What's with this French not Latin bullshit? It was clearly both.
Your thinking of the Friscian languages, and they aren't a Dutch dialect but a language in their own right.
They're basically English with no French-Latin influence, really cool.
Yeah, but in the case of the origin of English vocabulary, it's better to use the language from which words are directly originated
Because some words also entered English directly from Latin
They're very different from the Romance words that entered English directly through French as they are mostly very technical terms rarely used in everyday speech (genus, referendum, forum, calculus...etc)
Meanwhile, Romance words that entered it through French are much more basic and common (people, city, forest, river, place, point, use, able, person...etc)
That's why making the distinction is important
should just speak esperanto desu
Your chart includes medical terms as English vocabulary, which is of course part of our dictionary, but misleading as to the spoken nature of our language.
Take pic related for example.
The ultimate sell-out globalist language
>French words ultimately originate from Latin
Which would be the definition of "romance language". It isn't about how many chicks you can pick up with it. (Though there does seem to be a strange correlation.)
>English and German are much closer related than English and French.
Pic relate, ironically enough, the only words an English speaker will be able to recognize in the German texts are the Romance originated ones
See The distinction is important
These graphs are very misleading as they take in account irrelevant structure words such as "the" "at", "to"...etc, which are more numerous than the sense-making ones
When you take only the sense making ones (Verbs/Ajectives/Nouns), you get a different result
See pic there The fact that "für" ressembles "for" and that "und" ressembles "and" won't help you to understand the text, while they heavy similarity between French and English adjectives/verbs/nouns allows you to get the general sense
Just go back to old English
English is fine how it is. Also, fuck language associations.
I understand the German much more than the French:
>something about people from other states being forbidden
Vertboten is obviously 'forbidden' to an english speaker.
>Change the spelling of "phoenix" to "feenix"
x's function can be replaced by ks.
Spell it feeniks or fиniks
>structure words
This isn't about which is more intelligible.
At the end of the day, both are unintelligible languages to us. French may have more words that are recognizable, but they aren't enough abd they won't make enough sense to form sentences. Then you get into sentence formation and German is closer in that.
Neither are intelligible to English, no matter the shared traits between any of them.
No need to lie fem (unless you're Dutch or Scandi)
The only words clearly understandable in the German texts are the Romance ones (nuklearem, katastrophen, staaten, militar, and zivilpersonen)
The rest are indecipherable for people who didnt study German except maybe for irrelevant shit like "und" and "für"
Meanwhile, the French text have several key words that are literally the same as in English
is this really how it would've been structured in old english though? Seems like you just changed the letters
It's not supposed to be Old English
"closely related" doesn't necessarily mean similar, it means the languages originated from a relatively recent common ancestor language which for english and german is proto-germanic. later influences through language contact - even though they significantly alter structure and vocabulary of a language - are not taken into account for a classification into language families, unless they result in creolization or mixed languages which is not what happened with english. english basic vocabulary is still mostly germanic
I see "fare" and "tread" in "Betreten" and "Befahren" respectively
whoops other way round
Wi ol nou det d inglish vriting lengvidz daznt meyk much sense.
I woud go xe rowt of Willyam Webster: All of my rivishins woud be in xe interest of simplifying xe langwadg and eeliminayting reedundansees and stoopid contradikshuns like "i before e exsept after c"
OP asked about spelling, dumbass.
Tshurtsh. Done
Just pronounce things properly. Great should rhyme with meat. Knight should have extra syllables. We've just collectively decided that erroneous pronunciation is correct. Or we can change the spelling of things because of that collective decision and divorce the written language from etymological continuity and sense.
>English writing language
you mean orthography. don't equate letters with language.
English was certainly not lexically influenced by German to the same extent it was lexically influenced by French and Latin. English grammar is decidedly Germanic though, which has nothing to do with being influenced by the German language, but being descended from Proto-Germanic, from which German is also descended. It's like how humans didn't evolve from chimpanzees, we share a common ancestor with chimpanzees.
>Knight should have extra syllables
why? should be pronounced "kuh-NIG-it?" there's only one vowel in there, just pronounce the KN at the beginning as an onset and GHT at the end as a coda consisting of a palatal fricative followed by an alveolar plosive.
Dear Friends,
The United/European Union Commissioners have announced that an agreement has been reached to adopt English, rather than German, as the preferred language for American and European communications.
As part of the negotiations, Her Majesty's and the United State's Government conceded that English spelling had some room for improvement and they developed a five-year phased plan for what will be known as Euro-English.
In the first year, "s" will be used instead of the soft "c". Sertainly, sivil servants will resieve this news with joy. Also, the hard "c" will be replaced with "k". This will make English konform more klosely to German, which is a more proper language. Not only will this klear up konfusion, but typewriters kan have one less letter.
There will be growing publik enthusiasm in the sekond year, when the troublesome "ph" will be replaced by "f". This will make words like "fotograf" 20 persent shorter.
In the third year, publik akseptanse of the new spelling kan be expekted to reach the stage where more komplikated changes are possible. Governments will enkorage the removal of double letters, which have always ben a deterent to akurate speling. Also, al wil agre that the horible mes of silent "e"s in the languag is disgrasful, so those would be dropd.
By the fourth year, peopl wil be reseptiv to steps such as replasing "th" with "z" and "w" with " v". Vuns agan, zis is mor in kunformuns wiz German.
During ze fifz year, ze unesesary "o" kan be dropd from vords kontaining "ou", and similar changes vud of kors be aplid to ozer kombinations of leters.
After ze fifz yer, ve vil hav a reli sensibl riten styl. Zer vil be no mor trubls or difikultis and evrivun vil find it ezi tu understand ech ozer. Ze drem vil finali kum tru.
God bless the Normans, this is just disgusting.
Came here to post this.
Also, why does everyone want to simplify spelling and language in general? It's disgraceful. Maintain proper form and grammar; learning feeds the mind and the character.
if anything french ought to be modified so it sounds like it is spelled
Please introduce þ (for th)
ß would be handy as well and would cut down on some word length (for ss)
Ч for ch would be great as well then we can eliminate C entirely. And can use K for ck
Чek, Meßy, þat, Maþematiks, Matчes
Looks good to me
Ўът ђъ ѳък дiд йyў џycт ѳъкiнг cєй ъбayт мiй йyў лiтл бiч? Aйл хяв йyў нoў aй гpядйyўєйтд тaп ъв мaй кляc iн ђъ нєйвiй ciълз, янд aйв бєн iн нyўмъpъc ciйкpiт pєйдз aн Aл-Qyaєдa, янд aй хяв oўъp 300 кънѳъpмд кiлз. Aй ям тpєйнд iн гъpiлъ ўopѳяъp янд aйм ђъ тaп cнaйпъp iн ђъ єнтaйъp УC apмд ѳopcъз. Йyў ap нъћiнг тyў мiй бът џъcт ънъђъp тapгєт.
Take it a step further
Oo becomes ü
Eliminate the z sounding s and replace with a z.
Qu becomes и
Ee becomed ë
Ll becomes Ł
Now we kan së what þis language would lük like and its still иestionable but not yet siły.
Now we have to deal with hard and soft G
Soft g, (guess) would stay g and hard g (second g in gauge) would become j
Languaje, þimble, иën, Streß, faggot, beł, masedonian, rußian, wizdom, mase, kake, иëzy, dubz, history, gauje.
Now we are getting somewhere.
spoken english is already a ''common tounge''
english is just so widespread it dosent realy belong to the english any more
id suggest we write ''po vuku''
as in write as you read
mening no dable leters, no vird relations bitvin w h th, end so on, aj min its faking anoing, hau meni vords are dere in inliš, dat dont rid as deire vriten, itz almost laik frenč, vaj? vaj not đust tajp as u read?
po vuku lik po vuku
mostly good but some bits are too ugly. This is how I'd do it
Ðë Nōrþ Wind ænd ðë Son wër dispyūting whiċ was ðë strangër, when æ trævëlër cǣm ælang ræpd in æ wōrm clōc.
Ðǣ agrēd ðæt ðë won hu fërst sucsēdëd in mǣcing ðë trævëlër tǣc aff his clōc shod bē considër'd strangër ðæn ðë äðër.
Ðen ðë Nōrþ Wind blū æs hard æs hē cod, bot ðë mōr hē blū ðë mōr clōslē did ðë trævëlër fōld his clōc araund him;
ænd æt læst ðë Nōrþ Wind gǣf op ðë atemt. Ðen ðë Son shīnd aut wōrmlē, ænd imēdēëtlē ðë trævëlër toc aff his clōc.
Ænd sō ðe Nōrþ Wind was ōblīġd tu cënfess ðæt ðë Son was ðë strangër af ðë tu.
Note that this is coloured by aesthetic preferences and my local accent, and is not meant to be 100% phonetic. There's a few things more I'd like to change but I can't be arsed thinking about it right now.
I really don't like that e umlaut but I don't know what to replace it with
How about y, as in Welsh.
"anderer" sounds similar to "other," has same meaning
"verboten" = "forbidden"
articles start with similar consonants
it all sounds like bad fantasy writing
Shouldn't it be more like: mining no dabl leters, no vird relejšns bitvin w h th, aj min itz faking anojing, hau meni vords ar dere in ingliš, dat dont rid as dejar vritn, izt almost lajk frenč, vaj? vaj not đust tajp as ju rid?
More like: Minding no dubl leders, no wird rileišons bitwin w h th, i min its fuking anojing, how meny words r đer in ingliš, đat dount rid as đej r writn, its almoust lajk frenš, vaj? Vaj not dshust tajp as ju rid?
Because it's fucking retarded, that's why.
ITT: Americans transcribing English in their barbarous accent
nah, you've got it all wrong, it's
Míning nó dobal leitears, nó bhuírd reiléiseans botaoin w, h th, adh mín iots focaing anádhaing, habh meiní bhords ar doir in inglis dait deont riad eas dé ar ritin, iots álmóst laidhc freins, bhadh? Bhadh nat deost taighp eas dhiú ríd?
Ju sko'iš o' somþ'n?
Ðy Norþ Wind ænd ðy Syn wyr dispjuwting wič wyz ðy strangyr, wen y trævylyr kejm ylang ræpd in y worm klowk.
Ðej ygrijd ðæt ðy wun huw fyrst syksijdid in mejking ðy trævylyr tejk af hiz klowk šud bij kynsidyrd strangyr ðæn ðy yðyr.
Ðen ðy Norþ Wind bluw æz hard æz hij kud, byt ðy mor hij bluw ðy mor klowslij did ðy trævylyr fold hiz klowk yraund him;
ænd æt læst ðy Norþ Wind gejv yp ðy ytemt. Ðen ðy Syn šajnd awt wormlij, ænd imijdijytlij ðy trævylyr tuk af hiz klowk.
Ænd sow ðy Norþ Wind wyz yblajǧd tuw kynfes ðæt ðy Syn wyz ðy strangyr yv ðy tuw.
Fokhing ei
Work done.
Replace "th" with þ.
If anyone has a similar suggestion for "ch" I'don't love to hear it.
>If anyone has a similar suggestion for "ch" I'don't love to hear it.
c, after all other c's have been replaced with s and k.
for ch
dutch typesetters have already fucked up english enough
though, enough, plough, thought
why the fuck did you do that?
They're only responsible for gh's in the beginning of words.
The Cyrillic ч for "ch" like in "Bach"
I wandered lonely as a kloud
Þat floatz on hih over valez and hiłz,
When ał at onse I saw krowd
A host of golden daфodilz
Beside þe lake, beneaþ þe trëz
Fluťering and dansing in þe brëze
Kontinuous az þe starz þat shine
And twinkle on þe milky way,
Þey stretчed in never-ending line
Along þe marjin of þe bay
Ten þousand saw I at a glanse
Toßing þeir headz in sprihtly danse
Þe wavez beside þem dansed; but þey
Out-did þe sparkling wavez in glë
A poet kould not but be gay
In suч a jokund company
I gazed and gazed but liťle þouht
What wealþ þe show to me had brouht
>If anyone has a similar suggestion for "ch" I'don't love to hear it.
diacritics my nigger
English doesn't really have that sound though. Apart from scousers.
oh ok
- eliminate silent letters
- get rid of TH and bring back Þ and Ð
- get rid of SH and use ʃ instead, but with similar uppercase to the lowercase instead of borrowing sigma
- get rid of W and use U instead
- get rid of double-pronunciation C, possibly replace CH with C but probably use Tʃ
- get rid of Q
- get rid of X
- fix up the spelling of many words
- bring back the dieresis/umlaut for telling apart diphthongs from consecutive vowels
- allow the above to be retained for proper nouns but encourage the owners of said nouns to change their spelling
- recognize the legitimacy of certain words that are divisive and oust certain others
- remove the rule about the subjunctive mood requiring the present tense plural conjugation to go with it
probably other changes I can't remember right now