You're sitting in your car somewhere in Northern Ireland during The Troubles

You're sitting in your car somewhere in Northern Ireland during The Troubles.

A group of armed men surround you and make you roll down your window. You don't know what group they belong to.

"Catholic or Protestant?" the leader asks you.

What are you supposed to say?

Burn in hell Mick cunt

Orthodox :^)

"I donta speeky engleesh meester"

I don't think the Irish would kill a mexican tourist.

Culturally Russian Orthodox, cyкa.

Protestant because I'm a Protestant


I tell them I'm christian (protestant)



they would mistake you for a brummi and bomb you


Fun fact: Wahhabists learned how to make bombs from the IRA

you'll be dead (corpse)

"So Catholic then."


Orthodox lad

>"Catholic or Protestant?"

What does it matter?

>What are you supposed to say?

Same as you

Fun fact: IRA were trained by british mi6 agents

I'm atheist!


Fun fact: the british mi6 agents were trained by the hungarian goulash-guerilla.

I thought that was the UDA

"Jesus would be dissapointed kiddo"

>Eastern Orthodox

What was Gaddafi's motivation for arming the IRA?

>What are you supposed to say?
Selam Alejkum filthy kuffar! This land belongs to his holiness the Grand Mufti of Al-Londun! Shoo! Begone you rabid dog, subhan'allah!

He recognizes the oppressed and supports them against their oppressors

Are Catholics the sandniggers of Christianity?


>I'm Jewish, and quite frankly, I think both of your little cults are errant nonsense.

Old guy here, this was a legit concern back in the day. Crossing the border in either direction was extremely hazardous because of "unofficial" checkpoints


Then I detonate the car bomb.


lmao at the thought of some nasally hebrew saying this in his whining voice and then getting shot by Seamus

If I take off the mask will you die?

neither, i serve my own gods

"You first"


Fun fact, the hungarian goulash-guerilla were trained by actual gorillas.

"Y-You too"

I'm an orphan. :'(

>baptised catholic
>raised protestant

I am invincible



>Fuck you Paddy

> Catholic but hey I date a protestant gir-

Why, catholic of course.

Tiocfaidh ár lá!

You're right, it was the UDA.

Actually, friend, I subscribe to Tolstoy's interpretation of Christ with regards to the Sermon on the Mount, what about y-*BANG*

Actually it was MI5 training the UDA. Northern Ireland was considered home territory for UK Intel.

MI6 had the IRA so they could infiltrate double agents that could travel anywhere.

The hole fucking Troubles was a huge intelligence playground.

"I'm a Dutch tourisht, Dutch Reformed Church! Nice hatsh boysh, care for a shpliff?

No one hates the dutch, no one that matters anyway

Partick Thistle

He just liked doing stuff like that

"You wouldn't kill a married man with two daughters, would ya'? Last man in me family, after me brother got shot last year.
I'm not gonna tell you what I am, since I don't know what you are, leaving it at a fifty-fifty you'd shoot a brother.
Will you take that bet?"

I don't know.

If you could tell me what the fuck an Episcopalian is before you shoot me, that would be great.

Michael Caine?


you better have bought the spliff off an IRA cunt or that's a BANGin


>"Catholic or Protestant?" the leader asks you.
Protestant. If they are Loyalists they'll leave you alone because you are protestant. If they are republican they'll leave you alone because republicans are more civilised than loyalists

Athiest :^}
Go worship your sky daddy retards

are you a catholic atheist or a protestant atheist

God save the pope.

Oh fugg... ah Catholic ?

fucking kekkkkkkkkkkkkkkk


"You are at least seventeen, I doubt you could hit anything with that piece of crap."

God is a social construct, shitlord!


Imagine you finaly westernize your country after years of doing nothing but suck up the powers that be.
As you watch the diplomacy screen you see that the UK is experiencing trouble with Ireland, and that an independant ireland would neuter his manpower capacities of cock-blocking you when you go the pan-arabic decisions. So you press "Subzidize war effort" and hope for the best

>doing nothing but suck up the powers that be
>blow up a disco full of American soldiers

Or they'd accuse him of selling and knee cap him

>somewhere in Northern Ireland during The Troubles

What date, location? This matters.

Ireland was indiependant you fucking stupid fuck, this was about reunification with a tiny portion that wanted to remain part of the UK, but much more massively it was tension resulting firstly from Protestant aggression against catholics in northern Ireland, which ended up leading to a spiral of retaliation

was there ever any official census on how much of the population were separatist or loyalist? would be interesting to see

I'm just here to drop off more armalites, do you want them or not?

you better have some fookin armalites in the trunk you cunt

Gib green things, I need them to fuck dumb girls in boston.

I tell them I'm a Jew.

Sean Connery you dope.

>get shot because the PIRA was friendly with the PLO

Nothing to do with Gaddafi.


Buddhist :^)


no thanks I'm Chinese

Top o' the morning to ya laddy!

*puffs on pipe*
*tips bicorne*

I believe in fucking every last ripe fart out of my lass Nora's arsehole.

Am I Irish enough to get past paddy?

atheist, think both sides should turn the other cheek

"terribly sorry old chap but I wont engage in this tom foolery. So go to the devil you mick bastard, God save the queen, toodlepip and cheerio!!!"

Then i shoot him through the door with the walther PKK ive had beaded on him since i pulled over.

he would have detected your beady eyes and opened fire before you even arrived at the stop

Fun fact: John Lennon donated thousands to the IRA in 1972

happiness is a warm gun


Ore wa Shinto desu
*Unsheathe Katana*
*Tereporto behind you*
Nothingu personneru baka gaijin.

"I'm a irish hindu meself, nothing personnell"

>"all i know is ill meet god if you pull that trigger lad"

As the other guy said, Mexicans are Catholics.

Say you're Jewish. They'll let you pass

Judaism =/= Zionism dumbass

I am aware of what you are referencing!

>get shot because Seamus doesn't know the difference