Why Asians and Africans so neotenized compared to White and Asian Caucasians?
Why Asians and Africans so neotenized compared to White and Asian Caucasians?
Other urls found in this thread:
>asians are a monolith
>africans are a monolith
>"caucasians" used instead of "europeans", or even a particular haplogroup
>using ""white"" like it's ethnographically meaningful and not quaintly archaic
God if you're going to be a /pol/ack at least keep it consistent.
Caucasians aren't just European, butthead.
im pointing out that this fruity 20th century racialist vocabulary doesnt even make sense
if you're going to say "white" you should also say "yellow", "red" or "black" races; if you say "africans" and "asians" you should also say "europeans", and if you want to say "caucasians" when referring to people who aren't Chechens also carry out the obligation to use broad, meaningless terms like "capoid" and "mongoloid" instead.
That said, you have to be blind to think anyone living below the Sahara has much of anything in the way of neoteny. I think you mean atavism, since the defining feature of most african people is their brachycephaly and the robustness of their faces.
Blacks look like a chimp that hads it face morphed into something more human looking not neotenuous.
They are trying to establish "white" in continental europe now. The cancer spreads.
>flat round noses
>round short cranium
>either big eyes or slight eye fold
>big lips
It's right there.
Their noses are an ape feature, for fuck sake the niggers have the highest level of sex hormones.
Apes don't have "noses" in the sense people have. There's no skin over their nostrils, barring the exception of those monkeys that look like jewish caricatures.
>niggers have the highest level of sex hormones
[citation needed]
I know Yoruba women have the highest rates of twinning, but this is a quality of phytoestrogen from yams impacting ovum descent, not anything innate.
you obviously have no idea about what brachycephaly means
Negroid is at the extreme of *least* neotenization. From least to most, it's:
Blacks are highest test, Asians are least test.
>being an avatarfag
Stop thinking about black dicks for a moment and look at their faces they almost mongloid in their neoteny sometimes.
Caucasian structure seems to be most varied and developed and thus least neotenous.
No, blacks objectively have the most testosterone and lowest IQ, whites are like the Mario race (everything in the middle), and asians are low test / high IQ. I don't know how you could be so blind to this, it's really obvious.
Also how else would you explain the high violent crime rates in black predominant regions and the low violent crime rates in asian predominant regions? Or the racial IQ differences? Negroid -> Caucasoid -> Mongoloid as ascending order of neoteny is a really basic fundamental truth about racial differences, I'm honestly really amazed you could think otherwise. Blacks and asians are basically complete opposites.
But this thread is for morphological neoteny.
This isn't culture:
>Also how else would you explain the high violent crime rates in black predominant regions
Black nations aren't the only places with high crime rates. Why are people so obsessed with blacks it's so creepy as fuck.
>low violent crime rates in asian predominant regions?
then explain the Mongols
>higher test
american blacks have an IQ on par with north africans, they aren't supposed to be living in ghetto criminal hell holes based on their IQ level
see pic rel.
also they and the asians are also the most neotenized in comparison to whites, who are quite gerontomorphic
On top of that Blacks AND Asians are more likely to be mostly hairless.
>whites, who are quite gerontomorphic
Near East people are even more gerontomorphic.
It's called sexual selection. Women have selected only specific men for hundreds of thousands of years, unless they were being raped.
Slavs are a lot brachycephalic, and they aren't black at all
Mods are asleep! Post threads that properly belong in /pol/!
Neanderthals had more "ape noses" than blacks, yet eurasians are more neanderthal than blacks. Fuck off with your racist common sense. If you are to be racist, at least think about it