When did it all go wrong?
When did it all go wrong?
When they decided to double down on absolute monarchy at a time when constitutions and parliaments started to come into their own.
Most of their problems can be traced to butthurt traditionalists/monarchists undermining their various republics and committing treason on behalf of foreign governments.
Also, Catholics.
are the french the only people that can be indisputably considered white and European?
When they messed with Anglos
>not 1871
No, especially not now.
Poles are probably your best bet, considering they're as west as you get
When they were so cucked that they elected a fucking manlet
oh the day they crawled forth from the spawn to be sure
>Massive immigration froms iberia and italy in the late 19th century early 20th
Republic, since 1789 our country is fucked up by whining anti-christian shits
If France would still be a monarchy it would be 10x better
+ the "republican" flag is fucking ugly
Domine, salvum fac regem !
that's funny because i'm born the same day that Louis XVI
Immigrants will never be French. Those who spill blood for her may be. But never the immigrants, it is simple logic. A dog walking into a stable does not magically become a horse.
Ww2. Specifically post war when they let a bunch of miserable bourgeoisie socialist take over who flooded the country with third world savages
>tfw your polish Jew Manlet president literally says he's going to cuck the French people by force
France is a myth state. Gaul is the true state. Rome ruined the greatest civilization to ever live.
After Napoleon
They were just like the Germanic S. Gauls were not the best civilization.
What wrong?
Then how come after Ahenobarbus conquered gaul the romans started copying the gallic way of life? The romans knew the gauls were better in every way but warfare. Being good at warfare is a clear sign of barbarianism
When Napoleon invaded Russia.
When the commune was crushed.
Losing an entire generation of people during WW1 fucked France over really hard economically as well as socially. They never really managed to recover.
Both of these without a doubt, it's not usually talked about but France was damn near in civil war mode throughout the 1930s and the French Right had a very sizeable portion who would rather be under Teutonic rule instead of the Commies. If it weren't for Charles de Gaulle being the postwar leader the French right was in severe danger of being purged the fuck out.
>compares arbitrary things with species
Also, do you imply that you aren't French?
>mfw monarchyfags are still mad Republicanism has won
Feed me more tears
Nothing to be mad about since France is now a 3rd world shithole. You got what you deserved.
Won? Republics are seriously outnumbered by hard oligarchies and tyrannies. The verdict is still out.
When they failed to join the Reformation
1871. Germany should have annexed the whole thing. French verve and German engineering would dominate the world.
latins can't do anything right though
see spain, italy, and france really, all they'd do is toss a baguette in the gears of any excessively complicated german plans
Northern France is alright. The thing with warmer climates is though, that it attracts a certain kind of people who are inherently useless and thus provide the formation of vertical power structures. And like slave societies, the power of retards under the command of a proper man is a mighty weapon.
I really can't tell. Either in 1871, 1914 or 1939, it can all be traced down to the rotten conservative mentality of the french people stuck in their ways and refusing to adapt to a world constantly reshaping around them.
Their inability to accept their changed border in 1871 led to world war I and the millions of men they lost due to their inability to accept new military tactics in the face of new technologies.
Their inability to look inwardly for their blame of WWI laid the groundwork for their treatment of Germany and its resentful move towards yet another war and more suffering.
The French are basically the key to all of this, they're a move vengeful character than we've had before.
Wrong. The real answer is 1870.
>Their inability to accept their changed border in 1871
>laid the groundwork for their treatment of Germany
poor german dindu nuthin
at the heart of this all lays France, who even declared war under their own napoleon against Germany in 1870, the cycle started there, and France has not learned yet I would expect.
>conservitive way
>not autisticly sperging out every few decades and shitty out meme revolutions and ideologies
There is more to conservatism that the current dichotomy left/right. Fascists are "conservatives" but it was still tied to modernism and futurism. I've been living in France for a long time. French people may be more liberal by some criteria, but individually they all seem way more reluctant to change
This has to be bait. The Christian establishment has irrevocably damaged the structure of French society.
Did anyone manage to recover? > but France was damn near in civil war mode throughout the 1930s
Desire to know more intensifies
Ignoring Bismarck tricking France into a war with Prussia and then signing a humiliating peace trety in hall of mirrors are we?
France at that point had almost a third of the population revolving around communism, and at the other side you had a great number of "leagues" organizing, inspired by the italian blackshirts.
It was indeed a very tense time
Reminder that the reason France lost in 1871 was because Napoleon had his hands tied by the Pope and french catholics into postponing Italian unification by refusing to let Rome go to the new Italy, hence blocking the French/Austrian/Italian alliance.
Really when Nappy lost, a lot of men were dead and france had to pay reparations, which reserved money for the payment that could have been spent on industrialisation and in general improvement of living standards, it's in this period that france(the then most populous country in western europe)'s population growth paled in comparison to that of its neighbours, all because of the reasons I mentioned.
>mfw you will never see the Paris Commune again
This. They could have had a peaceful reform but liberals had to chimp out and initiate the reign of terror.
you must be hella old
May, 1968.
>they made us declare war
it was allies started WWII tier
The defeat of the Fronde ensured that France would become a centralized state under an absolute monarch that attempted to destroy every single institution, be it either cultural, social, economical or political, that challenge his power.
Ironically, the absolute monarchy couldn't do that, since there competing institutions were rooted in the same cultural traditions as the monarchy itself, and destroying them would risk the monarchy too. The revolutionary had no qualms, and the great work of the Jacobins was finishing the job that the Kings began and completing the complete centralization of France and the domination of the State as the only sovereign institution, with the subsequent destruction of every single intermediary corps between individuals and state, such as family, Church and guild.
Ever since then France has been a country spiritually dead, not able even to reproduce most of the time, because people have no right of association when this right goes against the interest of the state (unless you are a Freemason, but the State and the Freemasonry in France are linked anyway). French people are extremely dependent on their civil service jobs, they simply can't function without it, they are like fishs out of water outside the scope of government interventionism. It makes me pity them.
Sometime between 1918 and 1939.
June 18, 1815, or if you want to be more specific, September 1812; the beginning of the end.
I hate France, but there is nothing wrong with that video.
Actually, that attitude of the women, which is supported by the state, makes me hate it even more, because it reveals how the French state still doesn't recognize human beings the right of self-association, they think a bunch of Muslim men drinking and talking about horse races is a subversive act that must be disrupted. Can't have people talking between themselves without some civil servant to listen. Every single human contact must pass through government approval to be legitimate.
I really hope there is civil war in France too. I will root for the Algerians.
>Ever since then France has been a country spiritually dead
You got it backwards, reactionary cuck. Revolution was the spiritual birth of France, not the death.
Poor French dindu nothing
Kinda wrong? 1792.
Really wrong? 1815.
Terribly wrong? 1848.
Just fuck my shit up wrong? 1871.
W A K E M E UP wrong? 1914.
N O R E T U R N wrong? 1940 or 1944.
I T S O V E R wrong ? 1968.
Oui oui, it is le grande oaf rosbif, and le ogre Allemand who is to blame !
Germany's high birth rate meant it manged to spring back faster than France. Plus it had always had a larger population to start with (which was Europe always had a vested interest in preventing German unification).
WW1 was terrible for all the European countries involved in it, but of the major powers which survived the war, France fared probably the worst, with the fighting being conducted mostly in their country and losing the most men of child rearing age percentage wise.
To be honest France is still the greatest nation in the world. Of course it's sick, but that is the same sickness of all the West, and if there is a cure it will come from France.
1944. Should have allied with Hitler and fought anglo-judeo-capitalisme.
52 bc
Its pretty obvious the French people should not have had democracy.
Napoleon III should have pushed for more power and ignored his treacherous parliament.
The parliament fucked him over and blamed the disaster of a war on him.
French republicanism ruined France. Monarchs made it great.
This. Everytime France has something going for it the French people and in particular secularists and Marxists reach in and fuck up the country until we witness the current tragedy that is the 5th republic.
I dunno, I think it's fine.
>Kinda wrong? 1792.
fuck off liberalcuck
this The revolution was a mistake.
>no arguments
>ad hominem
you sure showed him
>all wrong
seems alright to me. Could probably use public highways.
when they decided "we republic nao!"
>had to go through 5 republics
>still think republicanism works
>>tfw your polish Jew Manlet president literally says he's going to cuck the French people by force
Literally cucked. The First Republic was an autistic self-destructive mess, Second was a trial run for Napol3on, Third was an infighting-y mess that got itself conquered by Hitler, Fourth just failed, Fifth is now responsible for the fact that France is probably going to be a Muslim-majority country in 50 years time.
He lost because he fucked over the only people in continental Europe who were anti-Prussian. Austria would have come to Napoleon's aid had he not fucked them over in Italy (for no real gain I might add).
>The parliament fucked him over and blamed the disaster of a war on him.
>French republicanism ruined France. Monarchs made it great.
Napoleon III was a good domestic ruler, but boy was his foreign policy autistic.
>Fifth is now responsible for the fact that France is probably going to be a Muslim-majority country in 50 years time.
Nothing to do with te Fifth really. More like the people who are in power, in France, like in all western countries.
Actually the Fifth Rep. was a made to be some kind of mix between the Republic and the monarchy (that's why the President is called the republican monarch. De Gaulle wasn't really a republican himself, he was very close to the monarchist and nationalist/far-right during his youth and was heavily influenced by Maurras, in his ideas and politics (see for example Kiel et Tanger)
Well, at least it was the concept. The politicians screwd it decades ago, plenty of constitutional revisions....