Why are so many black people in big cities economically fucked, and why is their culture one of gangs, drug dealing, and crime? I doubt there's just one cause, but I'm curious what specifically has made it so that many black people in America just haven't become prosperous and successful even following major strides forward in civil rights and equality between races.
Why are so many black people in big cities economically fucked, and why is their culture one of gangs, drug dealing...
inter generational poverty. Most historically disadvantaged groups can pass that down, and although one can break the cycle, it requires intense drive and motivation, something most don't have.
You think about it; you live in a terrible area because it's all you can afford, you don't have much food on the table which makes studying much harder, you probably have to work a dead end retail job to help make ends meat, further cutting into your study time, your school gets no funding as it's a dead end.
And then there's a big underworld around you; you can make money easily, without the effort of school and then a college you can't afford (you Americans have a terrible college system, you know that?).
Then, you marry someone from the same background, you raise more kids like that and the cycle perpetuates.
>Then, you marry someone from the same background, you raise more kids
>Then, you marry someone
>implying two parent household
>implying legitimate children
You aren't niggering correctly.
Fine, you fuck a girl, get her pregnant, she raises the kid in the same circumstances as you and he does the same to the next generation's girls.
I was trying to be nice and hopeful for that particular subset of the community.
Well we could solve the problem of poverty in the USA by giving Universal Basic Income to anyone who gets a vasectomy or tubes tied.
Well, illegitimacy rates are arguably the single biggest factor keeping African Americans in poverty.
You can't understand American history if you don't realize that the illegitimacy rates among black Americans went from 20% to over 70% since 1960.
The people marrying somebody before they have a kid aren't the problem. Those people tend to produce middle class children.
Maybe give then a pamphlet on theach long-term economic impacts of teen parenthood, though.
Well, it doesn't disprove my original theory of inter generational stuff. I mean, a single mother would not be able to afford much, and the other stuff would also happen.
Any kids may well be tempted by the easy money of crime, and boys without the good relationship example of both parents will probably treat women poorly, while any girls may simply expect that treatment.
>Maybe give then a pamphlet on theach long-term economic impacts of teen parenthood, though.
I'm sure that will do the trick.
Yep. It will work great. I can feel it.
I don't think giving anyone pamphlets would help anyone.
I'm not sure we could get the public to accept the sterilization of teenagers though.
But really... Only real solution to the problem.
Is how I learned about AIDS and also how to perform ten different maritime flag signals.
Knowledge is power, tho.
>Why are so many black people in big cities economically fucked
> why is their culture one of gangs, drug dealing, and crime?
Why are so many white people in the country economically fucked?
Why is their culture one of Klans, meth dealing, and crime?
In terms of black americans, the white americans were petty retards who should've realised that slavery was inefficient and shipped them back to Africa
Or they should've stopped chimping out and given them rights etc after emancipation.
>free slave class
>basically make it impossiblle for 97% to get good standard of education
>basically make it impossible for them to get housing or equal work
>mfw most americans I spoke to while over there thought that everything was basically equal after emancipation
top fucking kek
I have the knowledge sterilizing them would be more effective than handing them a pamphlet.
'White' culture is far more disparate and diverse compared to 'black' culture, and more specifically 'ghetto' culture.
You bring up lack of food making it difficult to study.
But that doesn't even come close. There's cramped living conditions, yelling parents/family, a scary walk to the library, and anti-intellectualism in the culture to contend with. In a lot of cultures being well-read and educated is often derided as being a pussy. Going into the professional sports lottery or dealing drugs are for "real men" aka Hustlers™ while adhering to the WhiteMan'sGame™ by going into college is made fun of.
In black culture wanting a career in something that doesn't directly have to do with religion or civil rights (i.e. STEM) gets you essentially called a cuck by other blacks (they don't say cuck, but the meaning is there in the insults they do use).
t. light skinned mixed dude who grew up around black people
>'White' culture is far more disparate and diverse compared to 'black' culture, and more specifically 'ghetto' culture.
Oh yeah. I'm sure. Definitely. Give yourself a huge pat on the back for being born into The Better Ones.
It's the only accomplishment you have.
Make sure you take credit for all those inventions and stoic-looking statues of bald men.
You're so sophisticated.
Well, a majority of black Americans are middle class or above.
It's that 40% below the poverty line that get all the attention for their various chimp-related activity.
Well, obviously all that too, I just had to sum up some stuff.
I was thinking the simplest way to remove the anti-intellectualism from black culture would be to make public assistance contingent on education for the child.
It's harder to make fun of a kid for getting straight As when your own mother will kick your ass if you flunk something and her EBT card stops working.
Blacks were brought to cities. The great migration was the largest voluntary migration in American History.
When they were brought to the north they were put in inadequate housing, limited educational opportunities and overt discrimination.
Eventually post WWII their labour was no longer wanted with veterans and white women getting job preferences. Industry leaves for the newly built suburbs GI Bill benefits white vets, blacks left with few opportunity.
Black professionals begin to leave, inner city decays, integration enforced, black teachers are screwed over, black kids put in hostile educational environments with few faculty support.
Drugs from Vietnam hit like heroin, mafia allows drugs into black areas, CIA allows crack in. Gangs form from what was protection into drug related ventures, the hip hop community forms not to advocate but speak on the experiences of the inner city.
Stop being fresh, we had this thread a thousand times.
Because of racism of course!!
Nah, in all seriousness they're just inferior
>making EBT contingent on how well a kid does in school
Yeah...I can't see that backfiring at all.
>that resentment
>mfw most americans I spoke to while over there thought that everything was basically equal after emancipation
Oh yeah. I hate those fucking assholes.
Gotta love the "They need to get over the police shootings. Slavery was like forever ago. We're equal now!" rhetoric.
Even the homeless get treated different based on race. I watch black homeless dudes get passed up frequently while white homeless dudes need only pull the veteran schtick (maybe complain about Jews and Blacks and immigrants to the right audience) and the money just flows right into their pockets.
good job being a nigger, can't even be bothered to formulate a logical argument.
Not an argument
>professional panhandlers
>Won't admit that the only reason he rhetorically spews out that "white people are more diverse and interesting than blacks" bullshit is because he wants to take credit for collective racial accomplishments in light of his own lack of accomplishments.
>inb4 math major 300k a year any job I want meme
By the way. No resentment here. I look like a white male and am essentially treated like one everywhere I go. It is from my black grandfather and my visibly mixed mom that I learned the truth time and time again that you simply aren't treated equally in this country if you're black. Not that blacks can't be racist. There are racist blacks in my family. Some against whites. Some against themselves. There's sadness and stupidity everywhere and in everyone. Trying to pinpoint a group as being "The Problem" is laziness and heuristics.
The white side of my family got by with significantly less work. They experienced less social stigma. When my grandmother would go out with my grandfather's mom, she would have to pretend she was a housekeeper, rather than a mother-in-law. People were that unreasonably upset about miscegination in 60s Maryland.
My Grandfather came back from the Korean war as a hardened veteran with PTSD and could still be told to "gtfo my store" by whities who resented serving anyone but their own kind.
Even now you want to chalk up disparity to resentment because believing you live in what is essentially an unbalanced RPG is too much.
It makes you sound like a prick to anyone who's honest with themselves about the American social landscape.
But please, run your mouth about how a few Tyrone The Crackheads stereotypes means we can throw upward mobility and equality out the window for an entire group of people. I'm sure your mates will get a chuckle and reaffirm your beliefs.
I anticipate you criticizing "what I sound like right now" rather than my points.
>reads about racial disparity, which is the OP topic
>decides to home in on professional panhandlers.
>ignores the poignant image showing how white people in power liked to deny discrimination even during the Jim Crow era
>will proceed to either ignore or deny all of this, or play tone police, or play SJW card, or maybe make another HI-LARIOUS welfare gorilla purple drank watermelon chicken crack baby joke
>professional ignorance
Better yet why does no one ask about rural American poverty in the south or mid west?
Or maybe, as a non American, you should all be asking about why it is that your country is so fucked economically for such a vast number of people.
Someone will always be "on the bottom" of the pile.
Yeah, but it seems like (to a foreigner) a large percentage is on the bottom, and everyone but the 1% isn't much higher than that.
We are a more stratified society. It's largely due to our inherent culture of meritocracy, we aren't really aghast about class disparities since we generally believe that rich guy earned his comfort while the poor person more than likely made bad decisions to end up there.
It can be a good and bad thing to be structured this way. I prefer it. No one is starving here so there can't be many gripes fundamentally.
>entire post is ad hominem
Are you angry dude?
But they probably can't read.
>one can break the cycle
keeping yo pants on can do da trick, too, my nigga.
Yes, which is why they have so little power.
I can tell you for free, Detroit is full of teachers who have tried and tried to give those kids some knowledge, but a good proportion of them just don't care about learning.
I honestly blame Black Media sowing an inherent distrust of ANY kind of authority among the most impressionable group of people.
More black kids in the intercities aspire to be real gangstas instead of lawyers and doctors or civil servants.
Alright, mate.
My remark was in regards to the comic that was posted in your (?) original post, which tried to satirize the idiotic commentary that abounds in public discourse around black poverty and black crime by drawing supposed parallels in 'white' (really just 'white trash') culture that get a pass simply because of the racial association. That itself is a very narrow perspective to take, but whatever, let's take it on the chin. I do think there is a cultural component in both 'black ghetto' and 'redneck' poverty, but there is ano implicit moratorium on discussing the former dumpy because to do so would be 'racist'. Obviate other factors are inveighing, but dismissing the cultural element or of hand because it makes us feel icky isn't helping anybody, and makes effective public policy harder to employ.
***where appropriate and obvious
>why is their culture one of gangs, drug dealing, and crime?
It's a culture of poor people, not black people. Unless we're going to treat slavs and balkan countries as black countries.
>Well we could solve the problem of poverty in the USA by giving Universal Basic Income to anyone who gets a vasectomy or tubes tied.
This sounds like such an amazing population control measure that I wonder how no one ever tried to implement it.
>makes sure that all the addicts and retards that live their life on compulsion never pass on their genes
>completely eliminates poverty in more ways than one
>absolutely voluntary
Most governments already have to provide minimum wage to a lot of people for all sorts of reasons, it won't even be a huge financial blow. And it will probably even turn in profits in the long term.
Hell, I could even see some corporations jumping in to sponsor that stuff since they're already forced to pay minimum wages to all these people that they'd much rather replace with automated checkouts and delivery drones.
It all because by ethnosocial coagulation it's impossible to implemented any degree full cultural assimilation, if subject to assimilating representatives are too much.
[spoiler]Also, plan of zog.[/spoiler]
Этo вcё пoтoмy чтo из-зa этнocoциaльнoй кoaгyляции нeвoзмoжнo пpoизвecти cкoлькo-нибyдь пoлнyю кyльтypнyю accимиляцию, ecли пoдлeжaющих accимилиpoвaнию пpeдcтaвитeлeй cлишкoм мнoгo.
[spoiler]Aлco, плaн зoг.[/spoiler]
- russian thinker-
>dat comic
kid rock became famous as a rapper and that was in like 2006 or something lol
Just watch The Wire.
Nope "Bawitdaba" came out in '99.
but user senpai, population contraction is considered bad for the economy
>Why are so many black people in big cities economically fucked
where AREN'T black people economically fucked?
You know there are black suburbs right?
This may come as a shock to you, but not all black people are helpless failures who need whitey to come save them.
> (OP)
>inter generational poverty. Most historically disadvantaged groups can pass that down, and although one can break the cycle, it requires intense drive and motivation, something most don't have.
Blacks were actually doing fairly well until the 70s. What really fucked their communities up was that most manufacturing jobs were moved to China, which caused massive unemployment and made it hard to ascend the social ladder.
Detroit is a perfect example of this.
>You think about it; you live in a terrible area because it's all you can afford,
Poor area =/= terrible area
Culture plays a massive factor in how an area looks.
In fact, resettling people into a "nicer" area often has adverse effects as happened with Pruitt-Igoe.
>you don't have much food on the table which makes studying much harder,
That describes 99% of humans before the 20th century and almost none of 20th century U.S. citizens.
>you probably have to work a dead end retail job to help make ends meat,
>Implying retail stores hire hoodrats
>your school gets no funding as it's a dead end.
Black people got more funding than any other group in history before and they still fucked it up.
Let that sink in.
Throwing money at a problem rarely helps.
>And then there's a big underworld around you; you can make money easily,
Gang culture is a symptom not a cause. It only appeared after the community was already completely destroyed.
>but not all black people are helpless failures
you're right but it certainly looks that way
what a retarded comic.
Why does nobody ask about the oppression of women in Saudi-Arabia or of the Falun-Gong sect in China?
Why don't we have threads discussing the Gulag system every day?
Because information requires media in order to spread and those people have no lobby to get the media's attention.
There is a lot of horrible stuff going on around the world that you'll never even hear about since the local government suppresses journalists and big media is starting to realize that giving time slots to talk about the plight of people in bumfuck nowhere doesn't sell.
I dare you to go to China and try to report on the horrible living conditions of unskilled laborers.
Even if you managed to get past government censorship, no network would want to report on this, since we need good relations with China because they make our stuff.
Rich get richer
Poor get poorer
Capitalism is the amassing of wealth to the top, not the distribution of wealth to the bottom. The distribution of the wealth to the bottom is needed for healthy capitalism, else we end up with things like Great Depression.
Who shit in your Cheerios, pal? I was expressing disgust that someone would choose to swindle people trying to be charitable, not making a racial statement, the only racial part there was that I've seen what it said about whites being able to throw on a canvas jacket and make real money. Maybe you should take less cues from a two-word reaction gif response and more from all the people actually talking about shit. You might not be getting anywhere, but at least you wouldn't be wasting time getting butthurt about this kind of thing.
Go back to /leftypol/
kek that's not a political opinion regarding if capitalism is right or not, it's just a fact you don't have to get butthurt about.
>Black people got more funding than any other group in history before and they still fucked it up.
>Let that sink in.
>Throwing money at a problem rarely helps.
Lol no.
>Detroit is full of teachers who have tried and tried to give those kids some knowledge
Most of those teachers are underskilled though. The most challenging teaching jobs in poor areas and schools are given to the least qualified teachers.