There will NEVER be a successful communist society

>there will NEVER be a successful communist society

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Aren't you forgetting about

It seems okay to live in.

>population was 2,748 people, in an area of 25 km2.

And tell me user, what is wrong with a small town as a community?

communism is LITERALLY inevitable

I can't imagine that the model would be able to support a larger state, but granted that does sound like a nice place to live.

I could imagine a loose confederation of many towns like this forming something of a nation, but they would need military aid from an outside country because militias can't do shit.

Marxist-Leninism will never work that's for sure.

Why are leftists seemingly stuck on Marx? Why hasn't leftism moved onwards from him? Yeah he's an important figure but his writings are surely flawed. It's like claiming Freud and Smith are infallible

The same reason why democracy still idolizes John Locke and why America idolizes the founding fathers, it is important to know your history. But imho, idolization can be just as bad as ignorance.

I'm sure someone has pointed this out/asked about it before me but I haven't heard a response to this yet: Why do people still take communism seriously even though proponents of it come up with explanations for it ad hoc as every old explanation falls to the wayside over time? I mean there's been tons over time. Capitalism will eat itself up soon, oh wait no the people are too stupid to revolt we need to teach then, oh wait no they are too comfortable in capitalism so that's why they aren't revolting, oh wait no it's obvious that communism is inevitable yes that's it, and so on and so on. Give me a break.

From what I have experienced from IRL communists, they don't think the worldwide revolution will start when (x) happens, but believe that the best way to do the worldwide revolution is to focus on the individuals, usually by the form of groups that end up doing communist systems in groups of 5-10 in order to show them the viability of the system. They recruit people and try to propagate their ideology, not wait for an event or date.

Top kek

Says who


>tfw lenin ruined communism
ML purge when

Marxism sees itself as a science, even though it's unfalsifiable and essentially just dogma. Reality needs to conform to their theories, not the other way around.

Can you crawl back in your grave, Mr Popper?

Big Karl was right though.

why doesn't every homeless person in spain go there

Next post

There is a two-year long waiting period.

>Reality needs to conform to their theories, not the other way around.
what the fuck am I reading

Because all people need to work for Communism to work.

Except that is not the same relationship at all. Locke etc are revered with regards to principles, whereas Marxism is considered gospel by actual communists, complete with heretical sects, schisms, orthodoxy, heterodoxy, etc.

Because the system we live in is still awful.

>the need for a military will always ruin everything
feels bad man

So why struggle for it? Why not sit back and let it happen?
Is it possible to jump the gun on revolution?

There are people from all sides that worship things that they shouldn't, as I said, idolization is bad. There are people that worship Locke and the theories he created, same with Marx and plenty of others.
>heretical sects, schisms, orthodoxy, heterodoxy, etc
The evolution of ideas and the creation of different schools of thought. You just framed it in a pseudo-religious way to validate what you believe. There is no one singular communism, nor one singular communist. It is just natural diversion from difference of ideals and principles, not religion.
Hopefully we are on our way to a great time of peace soon. Or at least a time of peace for all Western nations.

what the hell is it with communists and factory work and farming?
are those two the only jobs that exist to them?

A small town isn't going to be a scientific powerhouse user. There aren't many other economically viable options for them given what they had beforehand.

every fucking time

>A communist society isn't going to be a scientific powerhouse
i'm sorry that's how i read your reply


Few people are actually communist in the sense of they actively desire to live in a communist society.

Supporting communism is just a form of virtue signalling in certain social circles, while adhering to Marxism and parroting its content is a easy form ot building intellectual prestige without actually doing anything hard.

So when the minority that actually wanted communism gains power and enact the policies that everyone else just pretended to want, the government has to transform the country in a prison otherwise everyone flees and the same intellectuals who spent decades supporting communism are often the first to complain.

I am referencing the cognitive dissonance commies experience when their great revolution does not come. All through the 20's and 30's it was the party line in the USSR that world revolution was imminent, when Bukharin pointed out that capitalism wouldn't fall because of government intervention he was shot by Stalin. You get shit like 'false consciousness' to justify their lack of revolution.

this primarily classified military program was responsible for a number of pioneering accomplishments in space flight, including the first intercontinental ballistic missile (R-7), first satellite (Sputnik 1), first animal in Earth orbit (the dog Laika on Sputnik 2), first human in space and Earth orbit (cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin on Vostok 1), first woman in space and Earth orbit (cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova on Vostok 6), first spacewalk (cosmonaut Alexey Leonov on Voskhod 2), first Moon impact (Luna 2), first image of the far side of the moon (Luna 3) and unmanned lunar soft landing (Luna 9), first space rover (Lunokhod 1), first sample of lunar soil automatically extracted and brought to Earth (Luna 16), and first space station (Salyut 1). Further notable records included the first interplanetary probes: Venera 1 and Mars 1 to fly by Venus and Mars, respectively, Venera 3 and Mars 2 to impact the respective planet surface, and Venera 7 and Mars 3 to make soft landings on these planets.
It just keeps going too!

>using the ussr as an example of communism
just stop

>Look, ma! I wrote my first political analysis

>virtue signalling

this is what I'm referring to right here: The URRR was looked to as a shining beacon for the future of communism by COMMUNISTS themselves in the past. Yes even the communist intelligentsia in the west held that view. But now it's been thrown to the realm of not real communism by communists now. Why do people take them seriously?



>The URRR(sic) was looked to as a shining beacon for the future of communism by COMMUNISTS themselves in the past.
(Not true by the way)


The USSR fluctuated between a communist state and an authoritarian state throughout it's existence. It never got to the same level of communism as it did in the revolutionary period, but to disregard the entirety of Soviet history as "not Communist" is a grave danger to communists, as they must learn from the past to prevent this sort of thing from happening again.

the kulaks didn't starve but they should starve again

>communist states without extensive manual farming societies that use sheathes of wheat or sickles as symbolism
unironically triggers me desu

You need only open a history book to see that there were plenty of leftist critiques of soviet policy.

>But now it's been thrown to the realm of not real communism by communists now
i don't support communism you idiot
so waiting in line for bread was considered part of a shining beacon for communists?
hah no wonder it collapsed

>USSR goes from a backwards shithole to a space-exploring country in the span of 50 years
>hahaha look at how shit communism is

>from a backwards shithole
i'm pretty sure it stayed a backwards shithole the entire time and no amount of rockets changes that buddy

It's like Venezuela was THE socialist of the 21st century just 10 years ago and now it's not even an existing place anymore, if you go by how much they mention it nowadays.

>Literally the second largest economy in the planet for decades.
>durr it was always backwards because of this cherrypicked example from the late 80s

The Russian Empire was not a backwards shithole, though.

Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, the founding father of astronautics and inspiration for the Soviet space program, was born and educated under Tsarism.

It's literally the best system in history

>literally faked all their statistics and had a famine every decades
>Tankie tards defend this

You know the Soviets won the space race, right?

Plus the US isn't particularly successful, it just buys in smart people from other countries.

>You know the Soviets won the space race, right?
is that before or after they were communist

>literally making shit up that not even the most hardline cold warrior historians believe
>muh tankies

Soviet GDP was actually estimated by the CIA you dumb faggot.

Oh gee oh wow

Why is (((socialism))) such a huge economic failure? That was supposed to be it's biggest advantage.

Why do commiecucks vote against their economic interests?

You walked right into that one.

>no Khmer Rouge


>participating in bourgeois democracy by voting

You're never going to get it

Commiecucks in my country participate in elections.

Are you one of those autistic laping edgelords who stay in their basements all day masturbate to tranny porn and fantasise about the revolution?

no I think trannies are disgusting and should be gassed

k keep me posted

>tankies BTFO

Lenin has his critics even when he set up USSR

>fabricating fake memes
Holy shit /pol/ is desperate

I'd hardly call Catalonia a shithole.

Every. Single. Time.

Capitalism creates wealth. Literally everyone but dropkick commie scum agree

>Because the system we live in is still awful.

no system specifically needs your approval when objective historical processes are bound to lead allende to suicide and ceausescu to assassination ("it's the fault of treacherous revisionists and opportunists like kruschev and gorbachev" because individuals famously make history according to marxian objective science)

>cuckholdry is mentioned
>automatically the lefties think of NIGGER dicks
I think there's a term for this.