Anyone else find it unsettling how quickly and pervasively agriculture and farming as a means of supporting yourself was abandoned in the industrialized parts of the world?
Anyone else find it unsettling how quickly and pervasively agriculture and farming as a means of supporting yourself...
Its not profitable when everyone produces a ton of food. No one will buy it at your price. They will be sold at 1c per billion tons of grain.
People who saw no profit from farming moved to other industries, which were readily available.
who the fuck said anything about profitability
fuck off autist I bet you're an accounting major always have to maximize the bottom line for schlomo don't you
The means of supporting yourself is economy.
You could be self-sufficient and live like Amish or you could partake in trade/industry and live a much grander life.
Why would it be unsettling? Every city is surrounded by farmland and there are tons of sacks of grain in warehouses and silo stocked by businesses for various reasons. If we stopped eating meat we could feed 50 billion people using the grain we feed to animals, so if there was a famine we could literally stop starvation by eating the excess cattle.
Just because at the we let Jose and Marcia handle food production doesn't mean disaster is looming.
That would be economics or business admin you fucking Cletus.
>the tertiary sector doesn't produce wealth
No, because technology has allowed few people to feed many times their number.
If a farmer can't make any money he won't be a farmer very long. Do you have any idea what it actually costs to farm these days? Even using decades old equipment you need a few hundred thousand then you have high seed costs(thanks Monsanto) fertilizer, chemicals, fuel, land taxes, land rent, equipment repairs and maintenance. You literally can't make a living with less then 200 acres anymore and even then a single bad year can bankrupt you
It was never abandoned, it just takes 1 farmer in a tractor instead of 100 peasants.
What videogame inspired that idiotic screencap, I wonder?
Not really, farming is hard. Getting someone else to do it while you're free to pursue more interesting endeavors is a pretty sweet deal.
I'm more concerned about the abandonment of hunting in favor of agriculture. Fruits and vegetables aren't food desu, you can barely even digest them.
Agriculture is a myth. Humans will always be a hunter gatherer type of folk. There was no agriculture in ancient rome and they did just fine. We will do fine too
user, what are you going on about?
The only carbohydrates we can't digest at all are cellulose and amylopectin. Only a few can' t digest lactose. Bacteria only help us partially digest them.
They got their grain from Greece an Egypt. That's why Egypt became so rich.
you have to really want to farm in order to keeping farming for long
it's constant work, and you basically can't leave your property all that much in order to keep everything going. it's also not famously profitable
Vegetables for sure I know you can't really digest that well. I stopped eating them since they would always end up passing through me completely unchanged from how they looked before I ate them. I don't understand how anyone could live off of them. Milk and meat on the other hand digest just fine.
Not him but you should really see a doctor and stop pretending your fucked up body is a good example of the average human.
That's bullwhip, farming can be extremely rewarding if you have enough capital and own your own equipment. If you dont have enough money, you got to lease equipment and your returns will barely be able to cover the fixed costs.
They got food from egypt yes but it was not agriculture. The egyptians at that time were just gatherings wheats they didnt actually grow it. And the romans got most they food from apple trees
You can ferment dem grains though.
>I stopped eating them since they would always end up passing through me completely unchanged from how they looked before I ate them
user literally eats shit more news at eleven