I made a mistake buying this at 775 yesterday.
I made a mistake buying this at 775 yesterday
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It'll never be tgis cheap again.
No you didn't. stfu and wait.
Sell all buy VOX while you still can.
tweet is only 1 hour old. It is spreading on twitter and here quick.
Run Forest run.
lol i brought in for a 3rd time at 790 jesus christ, although i have held on to the 40k i brought at 137
You have 2 options.
Shill this thing like the other guys. You gotta shill hard so it go back up to your buy in.
Sell it now and learn your lesson.
I have this very very bad feeling that the coin is dead.
horrible fud jesus christ i hate you shills.
>very very bad
lol faggot
dont say it
It's going to shoot up soon (1000+ sat), screencap this.
You guys would be better off selling it now and buying ETH ath.
what does 'sat' mean?
I tried googling and couldn't find it
Please don't tell me you bought this shit and have no clue what a sat is...
Just fucking wait.
>DGB moons to the 400's
>buy at 350
>later it crashes to ~200
>panic, sell at a loss
>later it moons to the 600's
Then I did the EXACT SAME THIS when it was 600. I bought, held, it crashed, I panicked, sold, then hours later it fucking mooned to 900.
This time I'm not making this mistake. You shouldn't too.
I haven't bought anything except eth I just started lurking a week ago
ok sorry
Don't listen to FUDders, they made me sell 500k at 350 sats
>I haven't bought anything except eth
You're doing just fine then.
at sat is the smallest fraction of a bitcoin known as a satoshi after satoshi yakamoto, one satoshi is 0.00000001 BTC
I understand now. Will try to use better googling in the future. Thanks.
ETH was a solid buy. If you're looking to branch out, research the market first. I'm sure you'll find some other coins you think are worthwhile.
I'd spam the shit out of this board with shilling, but I'm not a good salesman, I dont know how.