Greeting Veeky Forums. I am a rich NEET. I have 160k in savings, 300k in investments, own a 550k house that I get $3,000 a month from rent. Why does society still hate me? I don't use any sort of welfare yet I am still hated by all just because I'm a NEET. Why are people like me hated? Would you hate a rich NEET like me, Veeky Forums? If I am doing nothing wrong I don't see why I should be hated.
Rich NEET hated by all
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I don't hate you, I am jealous though
Who hates you, exactly?
Don't hate you, pretty jelly though.
This. You're living the dream, OP.
Because you became successful while defying the system.
>160k in savings, 300k in investments
Wait, are you seriously just letting 160k sit in the bank, especially when you have a reliable 3k/mo coming in? Invest another 100k at least.
you're not a neet you stupid fuck, you're a rentor, assuming you manage this property for the occupants.
If you're just getting paid 3k by your parents, then you're a rich neet, which is a comfy life but you still won't do jack shit with your life and you are by far in the extreme minority of NEETs browsing this board.
Nobody here hates you OP. This is a board for NEETs and aspiring NEETs.
You sound like you've achieved an enviable level of NEETdom.
I was talking to a female in my apartment complex and when she asked what I did as job I told her I was a NEET and she started to look weirded out. I've been told by some of my relatives to "get a job!" And to "stop being so lazy"
>to a female
Well there's your first problem. You talk like a fucking serial killer. Time to use that free time to get some social skills mate.
youre rich but you dont have friends and never get invited to parties.
You just need to become more eloquent.
Instead of saying "NEET" or "Full time shitcoin trader" say
> "Oh all sorts, but these days I mostly just manage my investments"
People have told me that before, but that's just what I call them. They are females after all. I still never had a gf though, even though I'm in a better Financial situation than 99% of my peers. I've been thinking about buying a hooker, but I don't want to risk getting arrested. I'll probably go to Germany so I can finally have the sexual intercourse I've been desiring.
>he spoke truthfully to a vagina
user, you may be moderately well-off but you are still retarded
for the next time: never answer anything a woman asks you, be mysterious but not an asshole about it either
>talking to women
If you aren't paying for their time disregard roasties
Ditto - you've got it made in the shade with a glass of lemonade.
wtf man? Just say you manage properties. don't talk about your investments to normies. you never know who the fuck is going to try to kill you for your dosh. as for your relative, they're just h8n the gr8
it's like the crazy:eccentric dichotomy, once you get rich you aren't called a NEET, you're called an entrepreneur/investor
i dont hate you im just jealous as fuck
people are just jeolous of you my man. your not getting wagecucked week to week. you are the elite of human history. you are actually free.
Or say you're a capitalist
You're not a neet, you're a business owner, OP.
You're not well protected from legal challenges by your tenants, but that's your prerogative/risk tolerance, which is none of my business.
People don't hate you at all; our president is a businessman in the real estate industry. Those that denounce him are primarily angry that he has money and they don't.
Your problem is that you're socially retarded, mate. I've been a neet all my life, but when people ask, I'm working in IT. Just babble stuff on cryptocurrency if prompted and normalfags will think you're Satoshi himself.
Yeah, I just tell people I'm a self-employed web designer working from home. On top of that saying you're in IT makes people think "autistic savant" instead of "creepy loser."