Why did Britain follow Churchill instead of Mosley?
Why did Britain follow Churchill instead of Mosley?
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Because Mosley was a crank who went around giving speeches to drunken louts in pubs.
Why would most of them follow a fascist?
Why would they follow a Zionist?
>muh fascism is the most aesthetic
>thinks thats aesthetic
because Churchill was an elected official who had represented his constituents and party
Mosley was a nobody crackpot
He would've cucked us for Germany
Because Mosley was a huge fuckup. If Hitler was British then you might've gotten a fascist Britain, but it wasn't going to happen with Mosley.
Enoch Powell's Rivers of Blood speech was 100% correct
Britain is a shithole now.
because brits had a negative view towards nationalism due to ww1
>French ""resistance"" actually resisting anything
Only problem I see with this is that the Soviets had double the casualties of the nazi army, on the eastern front.
Mosley was a pacifist. He was anti-war
What I like about it is that it is 100% factually correct, only a fool would argue he was wrong in that speech
Just because he didn't want to fight his husbandu doesn't mean he was a pacifist
Mosley was a failure and an opportunist and British people were smart enough to know not to follow this charlatan with his lower class thugs dressing up in black trying to change the country into some militaristic joke like fascist Italy.
Reminder that british fascism was almost a womans movement.
>The British Fascisti afforded Lintorn-Orman some control over a world in which she felt a powerless misfit, punished by the fact of her sex and her unconventionality. Indeed, she was one of a number of British women who came to this early incarnation of fascism in part because of a sense of self thatcould be neither expunged nor accepted by polite society.ValerieArkell-Smith, born in the same year as Lintorn-Orman, also served in the war, signing up for the Voluntary Aid Detachment in 1914. In 1926, shejoined the National Fascisti, a splinter group of Lintorn-Orman’s organization, but did so as a man. Arkell-Smith, as she was, had been a mother of two young children until 1923,the year she left the man she was living with and married Elfrida Haward under the new identity of Colonel Victor Barker. In its invective against complacent elites, and its veneration of the unthinkable and the unspeakable, this radical new creed—yet to accrete the horrors of the thirties and forties—offered the hope of refuge to at least some of those on the fringes
>French resistance
>resisting in any meaningful fashion
>joke like fascist Italy