what happened to commies?
What happened to commies?
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They have been subverted.
They got BTFO by reality.
but that's the same thing
more or less the place I'd expect to find such a shitty image
Horrible post. The USSR was hugely feminist in comparison to the West and helped drug addicts rather than killing them
>what happened to commies?
people started cherrypicking pictures of contemporary communists that looked stupid and putting them next to old communists that looked strong and their movement collapsed as a result.
they started subsisting of middle class for fashion
>implying the USSR was not the most internationalist state in human existence
>What is socialism in one country
The same thing as dry water
You mean real?
Literally just a springboard for spreading socialism abroad. You can't promote your ideology worldwide without developing your own country first.
Postwar prosperity ended the revolutionary spirit of the working classes. Intellectuals sought revolutionaries in other groups.
They've only found niggers, women, sexual deviants and college students.
Political expediency
>National Bolshevism
>National Socialism
The reason Commies were patriotic during the Stalin years is because they were fighting for their motherland.
>Dry water actually consists of 95% liquid water
No I mean it isn't and its name is retarded, just like the popular "democracies" of Eastern Europe during the cold war.
>National Socialism
Please tell me you don't actually believe that National socialism was actually socialism.
Its a "I get to decide what is or isn't socialism" episode.
Fuck off buddy, my particular brand of socialism has never been tried.
5% is dry water. Are you gonna pretend it doesn't exist?
>implying patriotism wasn't stamped down until a convenient rallying cry against the Nazis was needed
They lost.
National Socialism: People working for the good of the country with profits going to the owners of companies, driven by the needs of the state with all conflict between classes suppressed by a heavy-handed state.
Do I need to say more about National """socialism"""?
National Socialism is a form of Right Socialism. No argument exist that it isn't.
Depends on the period and nation.
>means of productions privately owned
>capital share of income increasing
>in bed with corporations
Are there any argument for calling it socialism?
>what happened to commies?
Reactionary classcuck circa 1950: I hate commies because they're violent proles
Reactionary classcuck circa 2014: I hate commies because they're so peaceful and intellectual
not him, but when it comes to policies, national socialists are kinda like democratic socialists....minus all that nationalism stuff.
Who could forget about all those social democrats persecuting syndicalists, providing slave labor to corporations, and executing opponents.
>something that objectively exists is an oxymoron
That's an oxymoron.
Well, that's one aspect where they're more similar with communists though. But hey, they're socialists too
>marxist """"intellectuals""""
Commies exist. Intellectuals exist.
Put the two together and you get an oxymoron.
>i don't like this group of people therefore none of them have this attribute that is considered positive
literally mentality of a 5 year old
>What is syncretism
>try communism
>people die
>system fails
>but that wasn't my perfect vision of communism
>try communism again
>people die
>system fails
>but that wasn't my perfect vision of communism
>try communism again
>people die
>system fails
>but that wasn't my perfect vision of communism
If you keep doing the same shit over and over again despite having a failure rate of 100%, then it's not a sign of intellectualism, it's a sign of pure autism
The action of a person not being a "sign" of an attribute does not logically imply that the person doesn't have that attribute, otherwise every action should have to reflect said attribute, which is ridiculous.
On the other hand an intellectual like, say, chomsky, who supports anarcho syndicalism and has always opposed soviet systems, has no responsabilities regarding the consequences of the latter since it's unrelated to his ideology. Your post rests on using several definitions for the same word.
>since it's unrelated to his ideology
Well good for him. He's not a communist then, just a mere socialist.
He is, as anarcho syndicalists call themselves communists. As i said, your argument implies using several definitions for the same word.
Man, if you put on a Marx shirt, that doesn't make you Marxist. I doubt that American Marxists have ever tried to read something but Frankfurt and short summaries
You realize how easily this same comparison could be made between Nazis and modern /pol/acks?
It means that the original movement is dead and lives on only through middle-class LARPers, basically.
A lot of the qualities of the Russian commie are reasons why they [collapsed].
Karl Marx was an intellectual.
Socialism is worker control of the economy. It's pretty simple. Nazi Germany did not have anything close to a socialistic economy. The few authentic socialists were purged soon after Hitler's ascension, and the economy was largely driven by private industrialists who cut deals with the regime.
>it's an extremely inane shill tries to argue that the Nazis were actually left wing becuz nobody evil could ever be right wing XD episode
I fucking hate this rerun, but for some reason they put it on every week. Why is this allowed? Why are people so insistent that nobody associated with their ideology has ever done anything wrong?
Water vapor
Me: National Socialist are right wing socialist
>why do you insist they were left wing?
That pic could just say "American" and "Russian". American conservatives are also megacucks compared to Russian ones.
>worker control
No, that's merely Marxist socialism. That kike and his followers don't have a monopoly on the socialism, sorry to inform you.
>that's merely Marxist socialism
A stormfag is completely ignorant of the history of socialism, how surprising.
That definition of socialism precedes Marx
Marx is to socialism as Euclid is to geometry
You mean fundamentally defines and creates the existence of a pillar of educational material which lasts for millennia on the subject? No, Marx was not that for socialism
>Burger meme history: the post.
People die under capitalism as well user. Reducing the complexities of Marxist theory and reducing one of the most important events of the 20th century to "lol people died doesnt work" is the height of anti-intellectualism.
>implying there aren't a million rebuttals to das kapital floating around for you to get butthurt at over some ignorant retard on Veeky Forums
You're well within your rights to point out these arguments and books in question, if you wouldn't mind
Find me a modern day communist who is alpha and white
>natural phenomena = manmade construct
Wew really made me think
He absolutely was. His analysis of capitalism provided the first justification for socialism that was not entirely moralistic.
This is the exact same bullshit as holocaust deniers. People don't have the time nor the access to debunk every flaw of marxism. It should be enough that it is an empiric failure and has only found real intellectual merit inside sociology
>stopping "exploitation"
>not a moral argument
>People die under capitalism as well user.
And yet Capitalism has a success rate that is non-zero.
Read Marx. He lays out why socialism isn't just good, but necessary.
An economic system requiring constant growth, on a finite planet, can only lead to disaster.
Literally every capitalist state has been built upon extreme suffering at home and abroad.
But which ones remain functioning states today? Capitalist's. Which was my point.
>whats Africa
jeff monson
His center argument was that capitalism is unsustainable.
i think we're talking here about democratic socialism vs revolutionary socialism.
the idea that socialism should be done via a peacefull way instead of a full-on civil war goes back to the 1800s.
They're always shit, it's the lack of working propaganda in recent years that has exposed the pathetic creatures that communists are.
Marx's motives become more clear if you read Communist manifesto first and only then start reading Kapital.
He first recognized that capitalism is "bad" and "oppressive" and then creates a retarded unfalsifiable theory post hoc to try to rationalize his personal feelings.
It's like hating women and then inventing a bunch of theories about them being subhumans, literally the same principle.
Whats wrong with being a reactionary, were reacting against the forward march of death and decay, which progressives see as their ultimate ideal.
We wish to prevent death in the body, they wish to perpetuate the aging process until death.
I'm not a Marxist but you're actually quite wrong here.
Marx stated out as an idealist (in the philosophical sense, he was a left-Hegelian idealist) until he read the Ego and Its Own, which forced him to evaluate his positions and shift towards materialism. So the point at which the Manifesto was written was written from a completely different frame of mind from which Kapital was written.
Communism is a story of failure.
Failure first to actually exist, as every communist attempt was stopped in a bloodbath or, worst, succeeded in establishing regimes that couldn't get past the dictatorial stage.
Those regime then either commited crimes against humanity, crumbled, or adapted themselves to resemble more closely capitalist system
>Haha look at my blatantly retarded and wrong post guys aren't I a smart one
but he only heard of Stirner through Engels recommendation and he completely disagreed with him
Working class ideology centered around not allowing the more powerful to use them, taken over by middle class youth with few real problems at all relatable to class struggle.
Weirdest part is that lately a lot of the right wing cage rattling has more common ground with old school left.
Don't know what happened really, my grandfather asked himself the same thing. He was a White Russian, fucked off to Ireland when shit was done and over with. May the legend rest in peace.
Not reading communist literatures, but rather buying Che t shirts and spend time talking about "muh white cis male" and other identity politics.
Did your mom finish sewing the iron crosses on your LARP uniform yet?
>Accusing anyone of LARPing
Not a commie, senpai
>Naxalites terrorism
>Nation subverting
Commies are anything but peaceful in 2014
Cuba, Vietnam, and the DPRK are all 'functional states' as well. If 'functional state' is the only criteria, then the Commies have a much higher success rate.
For one thing reactionaries have never accomplished anything good. Going back to the past has been successful a total of zero times, because the only way to go back, as the Khmer Rouge discovered, is to kill lots of people.
don't know why you specified white but anyway, here's some British volunteers in Rojava
>disagreeing means taking opposite standpoints
do you even dialectics
>Not franco
Western Communism is a subversion of western liberalism. Traditionally communist states were morally conservative but had equal rights ideals such as the abolition of racism and sexism. Most communists in the west are liberal socialists who want to call themselves communists because they think it makes them sound cooler. Also, actual communists would be throwing hand grenades, not peaceful rallies as the whole purpose of being a communist is that you're a fucking revolutionary, not a reformist pussy.
Franco killed 500,000 civilians, destroyed a democracy, and plunged Spain into decades of darkness full of executions of dissidents, government child trafficking and complete with making the Catholic church a police arm of the state. Immediately after his death his regime was dismantled.
>thinks Franco was worse than the partisans
Your bias is showing.