What can we do to put an end to the senseless usage of Common Era in contemporary academic works?
What can we do to put an end to the senseless usage of Common Era in contemporary academic works?
Who gives a shit
AD is a myth. We call it the common era because we can all be traced back to a commen ancestor who lived in antioch 2000 years ago.
many people
did you even want this answered?
It was 75% bait 25% serious. The only actual argument I see against it is that it isn't consistent with historical papers made before CE was in common usage. To be fair I don't see many convincing arguments for changing it to CE either especially since it is still based off the birth of Christ. It seems like a dumb thing to get worked up over, and that goes for both sides of the argument.
why does CE need to exist?
why don't we change the names of the days of the week?
it's pointless, but it's becoming pervasive
>why don't we change the names of the days of the week?
why don't we change our units of measurement?
it's seriously not an issue.
I understand what people mean to say when they say CE or AD, but I'm not going to stop using AD.
No reason to get so worked up over it.
You're equating it with something on a whole magnitude more of importance to the common person. Changing AD to CE isn't going interfere in somebody's lifestyle except if they're a historian or a related profession. Changing Monday to Funday or something is going to affect everyone because of how important time has become in our modern world. It's more like if you change the naming standards of organic chemicals. Only chemists are gonna be affected and it isn't hard to learn to systems anyway.
It's pointless to change but its pointless to get angry over if it does change.
are you implying people don't receive an education dates are recorded?
must be american
No kid, unless seriously invested in history, is going to care if his history class says AD or CE beyond the most superficial interest that will get him a better grade on the test.
i think this would be a good idea
no it's not.
We don't need any additional reasons to argue about. Especially when it comes to the fucking calendar year.
Do you people really don't have any other pressing issues to think and/or activate about?
Nothing. CE is factual. AD is mythical.
they're the identical, only one has been used for centuries without issue, and the other makes you feel smug about yourself
completely pointless, one extra character to add on every date for no good reason
This seems more like a feel-good measure than anything else.
CE doesn't use the landmark of a fictional character.
I find it amusing how much CE triggers people.
AD butthurt is far more sophisticated
It's simple, conquer the world and then start a new era called OPISAFAG.
Reddit pls leave
Daily reminder CE is much better than AD
Christfags. I've never seen CE fags make a big deal about this, they just use what they think is better and get on with history. But this triggers the christfag.
Yes it does.
Yes it does you retard.
Why should the Jewish version be any better than the Christian version? They are, after all, the same numbers.
it triggers anyone that is western because it's our system for dating years you ponce
but what about when OP delivers win?
CE is inherently stupid
AD & BC relate time to the crucification of Christ. There is nothing wrong with this.
Muslims use a different year system in their calenders, they relate time to the year Muhammad made his pilgrimage. There is nothing wrong with this.
Jews say its the year 3000 or some shit. Nothing wrong with this.
"CE" & "BCE" use the same reference as AD. Is "Common Era" supposed to be politcally correct or some shit? It accomplishes nothing but confusion.
If SJW's or whoever the fuck are offended by the AD system, then they are free to choose a new year 0 for themselves. Pushing their agenda onto AD doesnt help their cause at all, its still in terms of Christ...
Fuck off, AD is much more aesthetic.
Tell me how changing the NAMES of days changes fuck all
>2 ACY
>Not using Current Year as a reference point
>Anno Domini
>doesn't actually mark the birthdate of Jesus
My beef with CE and BCE is that they're awkward to pronounce. AyDee and BeeSee roll of the tongue far better than Seeʔee and BeeSeeʔee.
Also AD and BC are international whereas CE and BCE is Anglo only.
honestly, I keep using CE and BCE (exclusively) on Veeky Forums just because I'm sick of seeing this thread and the same tired butthurt every few weeks
Also, what's so common about the common era?
Fundamentally there's nothing wrong with counting by a religious or mythical event, even moreso when it's based on a religion like christianity which has touched every corner of the earth.
This is further reinforced when you consider that Jesus is also seen as a figure in Islam.
Counting up from the date of birth of an internationally known figure - real or fictional, is totally sensible.
It fundamentally doesn't matter if you believe whether an event was real or not - what matters is familiarity.
Fucking worthless Christcucks can't take that their religion's 1800+ year reign is almost over
Jesus wasn't even supposedly born in 1AD you fucking cuck, not that he was born at all
Do you think AD means after death? Are you retarded?
I always specify the era when writing years, even when it's obvious that the date is recent, and I never abbreviate.
>Remember the Olympics back in the Year of Our Lord 1982?
Drove my Marxist professors mad. Fuck 'em.
right you got me, I meant to say birth. idk why I wrote crucification
Changing it was pretty dumb in the first place because it was explicitly about political correctness and removing any reference to Christ (at first pushed by Jewish academics because oy vey Christ ain't the savior, then spread through academia in general) but then falls flat because it's still using the Christian calender anyway. Nobody outside of a small handful of people took umbrage with AD so the change is incredibly pointless.
It actually does work me up because it's a pretty prime example of how needlessly politically correct and up its own ass academia is and unlike a lot of other academic shit the reasons can't really be hidden behind walls of denial and obfuscation.
It's crucifixion, too
>Everything is DA JOOS
>Can't be because your religion is outdated
Still fixed by a monk (en.wikipedia.org
Just because he got the year wrong doesn't change the religious nature of the dating system in the first place.
At least the "human era" fags have a consistent argument.
>Is "Common Era" supposed to be politcally correct or some shit?
Yes, this is literally the reason.
>Use of the CE abbreviation was introduced by Jewish academics in the mid-19th century. Since the later 20th century, use of CE and BCE has been popularized in academic and scientific publications and more generally by authors and publishers wishing to emphasize secularism or sensitivity to non-Christians, because it does not explicitly make use of religious titles for Jesus, such as "Christ" and Dominus ("Lord"), which are used in the BC/AD notation, nor does it give implicit expression to the Christian creed that Jesus is the Christ.
Maybe they should stop using our calendar if they hate Jesus so much?
>Maybe they
Maybe you should stop living on Thursdays if you hate Thor so much, you can always kill yourself before then
Doesn't matter which air vibrations are used to name 1/7 rotations of the earth. What matters is we don't pointlessly change the names of things and cause confusion.
There is no actual difference in the calendar system between AD/CE and no one actually cares about it except triggered Christfags
Honestly I've never understood why they've never pushed for a new secularized calendar if they're so set on removing the christian nature of it. If you're going to dechristianize the calendar system at least create a new one instead of changing the names but not changing its basis and acting like it was some seismic shift.
again, you could change the names of the days but as long as they're still seven days the system isn't that different. Some batshit Leader of Turkmenistan even managed to do it but it went out the window when he croaked
>Use of the CE abbreviation was introduced by Jewish academics in the mid-19th century.
and right before that...
>The expression "Common Era" can be found as early as 1708 in English,[7] and traced back to Latin usage among European Christians to 1615, as vulgaris aerae,[8] and to 1635 in English as Vulgar Era.[c] At those times, the expressions were all used interchangeably with "Christian Era".
In this case, yes. It literally was DA JOOS with the reasoning being that AD offended their Jewish sensibilities.
Who fucking cares? Do you get triggered every time you see "BCE" on Wikipedia or something?
>not that he was born at all
Close this tab, go back to r/atheism, and don't even think about posting in this site again.
>traced back to Latin usage among European Christians to 1615,
The original Kepler quote refers to "aerae nostrae vulgaris" in an explicitly Christian context:
>passionis, mortis et resurrectionis Dn. N. Iesu Christi, anno aerae nostrae vulgaris
The reason CE is outrageous is because it removes Christ DESPITE being based around His birth anyway. If secular academics want bring up the "passion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ" every time they use CE like Kepler did then I'm all for it but frankly AD works just fine.
This. Nobody cares.
>AD & BC relate time to the crucification of Christ
They relate it to his birth and dont even do it accurately
>The reason CE is outrageous is because it removes Christ DESPITE being based around His birth anyway
Except AD is actually fixed on hise birth year anyway. Its literrally a completely arbitray date
CE acknowledges this by removing the religious association but keeps the dates the same for convenience
I use them interchangeably and dont understand why anyone cares about this at all
You know I often see those who claim that there is an organized effort to destroy Western spirituality and history dismissed as a ridiculous conspiracy theorist nutjobs but then I see things like this and all I will say is that it really makes me think.
I care because it unnecessarily revises my culture.
stop trying to make me associate a good film with your retardation.
Not an argument.
you have to go back, /pol/
Lmao you ain't Roman fuck off edgelord.
Do you actually think like this or are you temporarily retarded?
I was raised in Christendom.
are you retarded?
He's trying to be clever by implying Latin from "Anno Domini."
Culture changes. Not everyone is religious and no one is forcing you to use it
there's cultural change, and then there is devious social engineering
Hmm I wonder why the culture changes?? I wonder why ((some people)) feel the need to draw attention away from Christ's divinity??
So so much to think about!!
I don't hate Thor. I just don't think he exists. So I don't feel the need to try to erase his name from existence. Funny how that works.
Thor is a meme.
I see your hammer and raise you a hatchet.
Itt this is /k now
Why bother? CE has been around since the 1700s.
Personally I'd like to see the start point and naming scheme switched to something of genuine international relevance, but I don't have any illusions of such a thing happening.
This is something I've only ever seen Veeky Forums Christians get butthurt about. It was something started by academics and largely used only by academics, and then adopted by the UN (and some other important international organizations). It was not some "SJW" scheme to suppress Christianity.
>Also AD and BC are international whereas CE and BCE is Anglo only.
Flat-out wrong. The UN uses BCE/CE.
>academics and the UN not SJWs wanting to suppress Christianity
Oh man, what brand of tinfoil do you use for your hats?
Do you people actively look for reasons to be offended?
I've said it before, I'll say it again: victimhood seems to be a desirable state of being that many people seem to construct an illusion of for themselves, and I'm pretty sure it's because as a society, we've been conditioned to see the victim as morally superior (ignoring the fact that this may not in fact be the case), and thus a means to attain moral certitude. Nietzsche was probably right about slave morality.
The majority of their panel is Christian. Chrisyians oppressing the poor victimized christianity seems a bit ridiculous.
>Jewish academics
every fucking time
>Conveniently leaving out the first superpower the Achaemenids
>Only mention is of the Greeks holding them off
Schlomo pls
Yeah changing the dates of billions of documents to fit your Reddit conception is totally a good idea.
Fuck off!
>stop playing the victim! Your religion isn't being suppressed! Now just let us erase it from history...
Reminder that today is the 14 of Nivôse 225.
>he doesn't give the date as Before Battle of Yavin (BBY) or After Battle of Yavin (ABY)
fucking casuals, get with the times it's 340,000 ABY
French revolutionary clandar is the only right calendar, get on with the current age you conservative phosils, no one cares about your religious nonsense anymore.
>"Veeky Forums is a Christian board!"
Fuck off, reactionary
Not going to lie, when I see an undergrad you B.C. or A.D., I tend to scrutinize their papers harder.
>thinking the way we measure time should arbitrarily center around Jesus
Yeah that's pretty dumb.
>keep the same way of measuring time but give it a dumb academic label that divorces it from its tradition
Our mate lindybeige came up with a solution: Change the meaning of BC to backwards chronology because the numbers go backwards and AD to ascending/advancing date. You can assign whatever meaning you feel and everyone uses the sane abbreviation.
>Christians then
>Avoiding persecution from the Romans
>Chstians now
>Complaining about calendars and coffee cups.
Wouldn't it be acceptable to move year 1 to the beginning of the holocene and call that CE? What we get then is a calendar that encompases all of civilization. It'll probably give people who aren't studying history a better sense of time.
>it's christians that think this is stupid
>think it's even a problem that christians would rightly think this is stupid