>holds less than 1 btc
kekitty kekitty koo
What did he mean by this?
I'm happy with $250,000 tbqh
>over the next decade
>by the end of decade
Nigga I'm not waiting until 2027.
Well, the flippening will happen within the next two years, so push that mansion and lambo back about 10 years each.
How old are you?
$10k when?
>$1,000,000 Bitcoin
When ETH has a higher market cap than BTC.
>Wences Casares, (((CEO of bitcoin wallet Xapo))) and member of PayPal’s board of directors
maybe wont be bitcoin, but the biggest coin 2027 WILL have a market cap over $1,000,000,000,000, lets just figure out which one that will be.
I know what I'm buying with my DGB money.
Boi.... 1 bitcoin will be worth tens of millions in a decade (after two halvings). How do you think rich Chinese/Russians/Latian Americans are able to get money out/ secure it against government seizure? Crypto baby!
This year.
It will take all, and I mean ALLLLLLLL ALTCOINS with it. The cheapest altcoin this year will be at least $0.50 be if not $1!
By the end of this summer no coins can be bought for less than $0.10. Just watch
its very crazy because just year ago $30000/BTC seemed like totally insane idea
today with price $2450+ it seems rather reachable
I want to believe but I'm scared that BTC is growing too fast. It's had like $50 growth per day for the past 2 weeks.
There was a thread yesterday that the chinese are putting up fake buy walls to keep the price up until they dump because the government is doing some crazy shit idk, but it seemed scary.
Who cares it will going up
It's got bubble written all over it. I think it could feasibly reach $3000 but there will be a crash soon after. That's when you buy a shit load of bitcoins and wait for it to hit a new high a couple years later.
>title says in a decade
>OP is an allcaps faggot
3 or 10 years, what's the difference anyway
People have been saying that since 8 dollars.
you going to cash out at 100k pham or hold for the mil?
Bitcoin going from 1 dollar to 1000 dollars is the same as going from 1000 dollars to a million dollars
think about that
To be fair the actual quote said "in 5-10 years" anyway.
Remember in 5-10 years with the halvenings making one Bitcoin will be tough, supply and demand baby.
Im 27. If I have 21 million by age 37 I would be pretty fucking happy. We are still young enough to enjoy it unlike waggies which will continu suffering until age 70.
This is what ETH cucks like to think to sleep at night.
I think crypto is the new gold, and foreign countries like China, India, Japan, and Russia are all discovering this right now. Unless there's some HEAVY regulating or an exchange gets heisted nothings going to stop it to be honest desu.
I have literally zero motivation to wageslave. Am I wrong to feel this way? I have 29btc and knowing I'll be a multimillionaire in a few years time is crazy... do I just keep wageslaving until then? How can it be possible for this mindset to even exist? Am I the only one?
In 10 years, Bitcoin will collapse under the weight of transactions
>he still doubts the flapjackening
Keep wageslaving so you can buy more
I've been making more in a day trading memecoins for the past week than I used to make in a month wagecucking. This shit feels surreal. I know it can't last but I'm enjoying the fuck out of it while it does.
Does no one understand that this is hype and marketing?
BTC is LITERALLY worthless. You can say fiat money is worthless as well since it isn't backed by gold, but USD is backed by the US government which could conquer the entire world 5 times over.
So people with 300,000 BTC are going to be richer than the Rothschild banking family?
So people with real assets like land, will give that land up for electronic monopoly money?
And you think for one second that when the world does move towards digital currency (which will happen) it's going to be mother fucking bit coin or ethereum??? LOL. It's going to be a new form of crypto that is government regulated, and will literally destroy the value of any crypto.
Enjoy the gold rush now, but BTC isn't going to be the currency of the world. A new form of crypto that we haven't seen will be.
>He thinks its not already out
Get in on ETH, illuminati confirmed.
it doesn't have to be backed up stop living in the 1800s
People say they're bored if they don't go working, I find this sad. (Except if you have work related passion)
There are so much things to do in life (And no, I'm not talking about shitposting on Veeky Forums) .
There is nothing wrong with you.
Who is going to have strong hands to hold 300,000 BTC when it hits $10k and up? This is why it could reach $1M dollars, it will distribute itself even more as prices go higher.
>you are completely fucking wrong
>because you are completely spot on and correct except for that it's a new name instead of bitcoin or ethereum
Thanks for your input
I'm scared to buy more boys
>do I just keep wageslaving until then?
Unfortunately yes.
Wageslave for now to preserve the principal.
>BTC is LITERALLY worthless
Obviously it isn't, but I get your point and I agree with the rest of what you said.
You should invest in your education if you have too much money and free time. Go back to school, some courses on line.
You're free to make yourself a better human being, why go back to wagecucking just to occupy your time?
>t's going to be a new form of crypto that is government regulated
This is exactly why Bitcoin has value.
Nobody here thinks Bitcoin is going to be the currency of the world, or even a currency.
>BTC is LITERALLY worthless. You can say fiat money is worthless as well since it isn't backed by gold, but USD is backed by the US government which could conquer the entire world 5 times over.
Having this much faith in "muh US government". LMAO
>So people with 300,000 BTC are going to be richer than the Rothschild banking family?
>So people with real assets like land, will give that land up for electronic monopoly money?
>And you think for one second that when the world does move towards digital currency (which will happen) it's going to be mother fucking bit coin or ethereum??? LOL. It's going to be a new form of crypto that is government regulated, and will literally destroy the value of any crypto.
Being this uneducated on how crypto actually works. Pathetic.
>Enjoy the gold rush now, but BTC isn't going to be the currency of the world. A new form of crypto that we haven't seen will be.
stay poor forever nocoiner scum
>it doesn't have to be backed up stop living in the 1800s
BTC is backed by consumer confidence and the tech industry's validation, which is a form of being "backed up" you fucking idiot.
The only BTC/ETH I'll sell is from gains from trading memecoins.
>You're free to make yourself a better human being, why go back to wagecucking just to occupy your time?
I know. But normies are so formated by the jews to think like that.
>1 satoshi becomes a dollar
>no altcoins are able to sell against the btc
i hope this isnt true
this is how the true beta uprising begins
Kek you're a dumb ass the elites that control the world own most of the bitcoin, bitcoin was made by the CIA *mark of the beast*. Ethereum is sky net. The old world elites can't run the new world so new ones are born.
You'd just see more ETH/alt or LTC/alt pairings, really wouldn't change too much.
What is Hyperinflation?
a lot of people with that much BTC have them in cold storage in vaults and are already wealthy hence don't need to withdrawal their BTC. You're saying those people will be trillionaires? Those people, by the end of the decade, are going to be worth more than Billl Gates, Jeff Bezos, Jack Ma, combined? Why are people so stupid, USE YOUR HEAD.
I believe you mean deflation in inflation purchasing power goes up not down. Unless you're implying the dollar is going to tank against everything.
I'm thankfull i listened to the bitbean shills
>Bill Gates
Bill Gates is going to be a multitrillionaire, he's already in crypto.
>So people with 300,000 BTC are going to be richer than the Rothschild banking family?
lol. They will kill you and steal your BTC before that happens, keep dreaming NEET.
>stay poor forever nocoiner scum
Wanna compare portfolios? KYS.
$100 000 is maximum limit
>Rich from "Muh index funds"
Don't you fucking dare buy any coins faggot. Better stay where you are.
>literally understands nothing about economics
At that point, wealth inequality will become so grossly disproportional that you will have riots. If you think nignogs chimping out over BLM was bad, multitrillionaires will cause an uprising like the world has never seen.
>thinks he's smart
>doesn't even realize they'll just give the plebs UBI to keep them sedated
was talking about my coin portfolio you retarded faggot. KYS you're literally worthless. Seriously do it. Your parents fucking hate you I can tell. Loser.
>the goverments have any power
>implying when our cuck politicians (too old to even realize the fast technologic changes we are experiencing) decide that it's time to switch to digicurrency bitcoin / eth / others they won't be so prominent already that they will have to bend their knees to major digital currency owners (most likely bankers)
you are cute user.
I don't think this is going to be a risk free asset that will magically double your money every 4 days for a long time and a "market crisis" or 2 are bound to happen once (((they))) decide it's time to get into this shit, but fucking politicians... oh my god. Money = Politics, that is all.
no, sorry
Money > Politics.
>Literally about to get a brain aneurysm from this much butthurt
So thoroughly enjoying this.
Governments have no power? You're literally fucking retarded.
Even if you were a mulit-trillionaire coin investor (lol), try and do something outside the jurisdiction of whatever government you live under. (assuming you live in a first world country). You will be warned then killed.
>he thinks UN beurocracy and moldy rigid banking drones can keep up with disruptive high tech inventions.
>yfw all the BTC coverage will cause the same thing that happened in 2013 of a shitton of people investing into BTC without knowing or understanding thinking its just free money and then FUD + Whale selloffs kill it for another 3 years as it becomes 1/4th of its ATH
Media please, let us at least have a summer of moon missions before the normies come and flood the market
and I'm going to enjoy it when you look in the mirror and realize what a retarded faggot you are and you kys.
>you will be warned, make a "donation", and then allowed to do whatever you want
bitbean shills
this tbfh, I just want this summer to make a few grands, for me it's like a summer job i'm not even a "my ferrary is 1 mooncoin away" memelord
The IMF is pulling their hair out over crypto
in the entire history of human civilization we've only changed our payment technologies a handful of times. barter->metal says->paper->digital
this is a massive , unprecented black swan event. open your eyes
we're due for a correction but you won't see that much of a crash unless GOX reoccurs.
You're an idiot, Satoshi is already worth 2 billion USD. When BTC only needs to 40x and he will literally be richer than bill gates
Yeah, this is reality
"You think some nerd will be the richest guy in the world from making some computer program you can move square windows around on? LMFAO."
"You think the guy who invented the next big currency is going to be the richest person in the world? LMFAO"
Yeah... Obviously...
I have a question for you: who is Satoshi Nakamoto?
>muh new technology
>muh crypto
>lol governments are so stupid they can stop us!
You're a fucking idiot. CIA technology is 50 years ahead of what's on the market. Crypto is designed to get people used to the idea of a digital currency, then a global digital currency will be implemented.
There are literally think tanks like RAND full of the smartest people on Earth who are hired to make you do things and give consent. You think all this "mooning" and lamboland shit is a coincidence? This crypto boom?
Make your money, and buy your lambos, drive around on the moon, but don't think for a second you're ahead of the curve you fucking mongoloids.
I still think Satoshi's probably dead.
>Satoshi Nakamoto
He invented bitcoin, he has over 1 million bitcoins
we are all satoshi
Do you know what he looks like? Where he was born? How old he is? Satoshi Nakamoto is a farce.
yeah but with MSM saying things like "1 bitcoin will be a million soon!" is going to get a fuckton of bold gen X who are only moderately competent to invest just like in 2013 when people were spouting about "a 0.25 coin is now worth 200! If you don't get one now, you'll miss out on when its worth 500!"
Market got super flooded with new buyers, skyrocketed the coin in wholly unnatural growth, whales pumped it even more for artifical growth, and then even more buyers came in, and then the whale did massive selloffs, tanking the coin.
Its correction was still higher than its original value, but it just ruins it for people trying to P&G in the market for moonshots or who are trying to ironhand it.
If BTC or ETH get too big too fast, it'll be a bloodbath for crypto in the face of this bull market. all ironhands will commit sudoku for their investments requiring 2 more years to reach 100% relative to what it was before the bubble pop.
>Its correction was still higher than its original value,
it's happened like 5 times now, and it will happen again and again and again.
You just have to hold like 5 more times
If that happens we'll hit a $200 million crypto marketcap or higher before correcting down to 1/5th to 1/4th of that. Not too bad really, even gives you a chance to increase your holdings. I know I'll be buying the shit out of any ethereum I can get for under $100.
Dont fight it user. The bean is the future.
Too late, it's already pushing up on $200
we will be rich in 50 years or so since we change from fiat to digital concurrency
its already starting with apple pay and other digital payment methods
soon we won't even need fiat anymore
marketcap still hasn't hit $100 million total. If you mean ETH I'm clearly talking about in the event of a crash.
Oh I'm illiterate
Vitalik is Satoshi
Cap this.
>Satoshi isn't bitbean's dev
If nothing else I love the amount of OC that bitbean has created.
I honestly don't even have any bitbeans, I just enjoy beanposting.
>CIA technology is 50 years ahead of what's on the market.
Have to pay $1Mil for an israeli company to crack a single iphone
>i dont understand currency and exchanges the post
Here I got this meme for you, I think it's right up your alley.