How can Greekbois even compete?
How can Greekbois even compete?
Le "fake cuckposting bait"
Don't ever bring your Greekbois to Egypt.
t. Hadrian
> implying
Usually by mass enslaving and raping of the lesser civilizations.
is that supposed to be egyptian? looks fake
those armpit boobs, though :E
fight cucks with COLONIZED memes lads
>fight race mixing with race mixing
>implying greeks wouldn't just rape both in op's pick
Why is there a trashcan?
By conquering your lands and subjugating your people.
oh man
>d00d why go to war if youre both gonna die!!
fight fire with fire you fuck, you don't have to get a black girl pregnant either
There is literally nothing wrong with race mixing. Even people who are in favor of it have the double standard of being ok when men of their race hooks up with a woman from another race, but when it's reverse and it's their women racemixing, suddenly people chimpout.
this, go look at Serena Williams instagram comments. Negros chimped out because she, a woman 2nd to only Michelle Obama in popularity to blacks, got engaged to a white man.
Daily reminder that this image is a modern fabrication.
That's a lyre, m8
there are a limited number of white wombs
The modern concept is more about domination than being open minded or something. It's an opportunity for that male group to imply superiority to the other. It part of why, I think, /pol/ gets so enraged about "coal-burners", but then is all smiles when it's a black lady white guy. Also, why most media depictions of inter-racial couples have a lot of racist subtext. Not surprising the "cuck" meme has taken on so much prevalence.