Are there any crypto holders from Sweden here?
Have you already payed 70% on your crypto gains?
Are there any crypto holders from Sweden here?
Have you already payed 70% on your crypto gains?
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>making sweet gains
I have sinking feeling that I have to pay TAX 50% or more to Ahkmed and his inbred family.
Once I get rich, I will leave my ass out of this communist hellhole.
Här är jag.
Have made sweet gains, holding until shit breaks lose.
Is it really that high?
Where can I find info on Sweden taxes?
Source? 70%?
Jag undrar också hur fan det kommer gå till när jag ska casha ut, undrar om swish räcker?
Vill helst inte betala mer än 30% skatt så det är rätt så allvarligt. Har för mig även om man säger att det är spel pengar så har staten också 30% skatt på det så..
D-det är verkligen 70%..
>tfw danefag
go ahead, swedefag, pay that tax so your government can import more muslims and shove more feminist propaganda down your throat
i'll be eating my polse and enjoy my crypto gains that is 100% tax free
Wait did they make a cryptotax? How high is capital gains tax in sweden?
In sweden you only pay taxes and nothing else.
PSA: Denmark has no taxes on cashing out crypto profits. Swecucks could just move there..
What's to stop a swede from taking a vacation there, cashing out, then moving home?
Don't know but could be considered tax evasion? I'm really curious and want to hear other Svens opinions regarding this subject.
Isn't this 30%? As I understand it, you pay 30% capital gains if you cash out, and also you need to pay this 30% if you purchase something directly with btc/crypto. But if you cashed out the latter obviously doesn't happen. What am I missing here?
Börjar mer och mer hålla med den där mannen som skrek sossesvin till löfven. Fy skam. 70% är galet
Goda nyheter grabbar.
Inom EU om du bor i ett land i 6 månader så betalar du landets skatt, i vårt fall skulle Danmark. Flytta till Danmark 6 månader och betala 0 skatt.
Why nots make an offshore account?
I am a NEET so am I accountable on paying tax? I don't want to pay on profits, especially 70%
Is it 100% legal?
don't be a goy
30% from profit here in Finland, 34% if you get more than 30k€.
You only pay taxes when you cash out. Most European countries let you acquire double nationality, triple for some and a ton of countries with low taxes hand them out for cash. Get that double nationality and cash out with 5% taxes in a Latin American country...How hard is that?
Still counts as tax evasion if I dont declare my profits.
It's 30% ffs.
In Germany capital gains are tax-free if you don't touch the asset for 1 year. The idea is to incentivize investments as opposed to speculation.
I assume Sweden has similar laws.
So basically you trade as much as you want, leave the gains in a wallet for 1 year, then sell them for EUR. No taxes.
Wait.. isn't it that 70% is how much of capital losses are deductible?
>you trade as much as you want
So this means that there are no taxes associated with trading crypto for crypto? Because that's where it gets very confusing for me. It would be an accounting / bookkeeping nightmare to have to keep books on fiat value and pay taxes after trading for every step of EUR > BTC > Bitbeans > BTC > EUR > SEK
>bookkeeping nightmare
Yes. If done correctly, you must provide a list of every single altcoin trade with its EUR value.
Taxing crypto gains is a nightmare indeed.
There are tax accountants who specialize in crypto.
I'd say just use cash up to maybe 10000 EUR.
But evading taxes for large amounts is a serious felony.
Or, if you can, hold the gains for 1 year. They should be tax-free by then. But ask a professional first.
Also there are probably more ways to reduce the tax burden, like start a company, trade under its name and pay yourself a salary.
Car = company car
and so on
This is all very helpful, thank you.
Are you swedish?
I live in Sweden, but I'm not Swedish. (Inb4 Ahmed.) Taxation generally seems pretty straightforward here, but crypto is a totally other matter.
No problem Ahmed
But I agree with you, what do you think so far?
Best I can come up with is move to Denmark and live there for 6 months and cash out. I really don't want to get into trouble for tax evasion
isnt capital gains tax somewhere between 25-35 in sweden? are cryptos somehow different?
Doens't seem the case. It's 70% according to the gov site.
Consult a professional if the amounts are getting serious. They know what they're doing and it's their job to minimize your tax burden.
I've only had experience with professional accounts with regular taxes, not crypto yet.
One time I tried do to it myself, as well as I could. Tax refund: 500€
Then I went to a pro. His fee 150€. Refund 900€.
No idea what he did but it was well worth it. Also no headache from filling out 9000 pages of tax forms.
I'm okay with paying taxes here, just don't want to mess it up. It's extremely confusing. The thing you say about tax accountants specializing in crypto would be a godsend, I'm going to try to locate one. But the Danish are truly lucky.
What would you consider an amount where the government would start asking questions?
I was thinking of withdrawing like 5000 sek/600 eur monthly. I wonder if that would put me in some danger.
Skattepliktig del
Kapitalvinster är som huvudregel skattepliktiga till 100 procent, men vinster upp till 50 000 kr per år beskattas inte utan är skattefria. Regeln är utformad som ett grundavdrag. Har försäljning av flera olika personliga tillgångar skett, så är det den sammanlagda vinsten som överstiger 50 000 kr som är skattepliktig.
Kan vara bra att veta, sen är kapitalskatten 30% och bitcoins lär falla in inom det såvida vi röstar rätt 2018, du har väl inte tänkt sälja innan 2018 user??
tänker aldrig betala skatt på krypto dra åt helvete räcker med att dom får 30% från min trading på IG och lite på ISK från Avanza varje år
No capital gains tax in the Netherlands
>såvida vi röstar rätt 2018
Vad är rösta rätt för cryptos? REEE
håller med men det är 70% på crypto tack vare sosse löfven
Afaik any amount, but don't take my word for it. For example I kind of remember seeing it somewhere, that that tax free hobby income thing doesn't apply to capital gains, and you have to pay taxes for any amount. I might be mistaken though.
I don't know much about how it works, but I know that the bank usually wants to know where the money appearing on your account is coming from, and they themselves report it to Skatteverket. That's how you get the tax return form pre-filled.
I might just be saying bullshit though. Haven't looked much into it.
>men vinster upp till 50 000 kr per år beskattas inte utan är skattefria
So I was indeed mistaken in the previous post. Better this way though.
moderaterna eller helst SD dummerjöns
men hur ska staten veta att det är kryptopengar om det inte rör sig om riktigt stora summor? omöjligt eller tänker jag fel?
har ju handlat nog med illegala saker via swish och fifflat tillsammans med polare men staten har inte lagt sig i än så länge
Joking aside I feel bad for you guys, you have to pay so much to import people to rape your sisters and daughters.
Jesus, I don't know if you're trolling or not but stop panicking. Learn to read, it's not 70% capital gains tax... the 70% figure is for deductible losses.
The last example at
capital gains on crypto is standard income tax, as it should be treated as normal FIAT trading, as ruled by the EU:
Meaning, you pay normal income tax on your gains when you cash out. If you're a trader who does margin and so forth it's a bit more strict as you have to keep books on and pay tax for each closed position.
in norway we have to pay 29.7% of gains to the fucking state, how is it in sweden and how is it in the US?
In Murrica you pay 15% on long term capital gains or marginal rate for short term capital gains. Plus state taxes which range from 0-14% depending on how commiefied your state is.
Why are you posting girls resulting of race mixing?
Why do whenever there is a swedish word posted you guys feel the need to speak swedish for the rest of the thread? Are you trying to attract muslims?