This board is just pol lite and it is fucking cancerous. Worse than Reddit / history.
Bunch of video game neck beard retards arguing about which Wikipedia article had the coolest battle in it.
This board is just pol lite and it is fucking cancerous. Worse than Reddit / history.
Bunch of video game neck beard retards arguing about which Wikipedia article had the coolest battle in it.
Then leave.
You're right. I'll never use this board again, you should do the same, you seem like a smart guy.
About a year back, most of the grad students moved on to a different forum (I'm not going to say which one), and ever since then, Veeky Forums has been shit.
What forum?
I'm not going to say, but most of them still come back here to shitpost, but they leave the quality posts at the other forum.
I suspect this is the answer.
Then leave
It's only been around for a year, fuck off
He's kinda right about the battles part. About a third of the entire catalog right now is about battles, generals, or warfare in general.
But is there anything odd in that? In my experience, people who read history books tend to be very interested specifically in war history.
>people who read history books tend to be very interested specifically in war history.
Laymen are interested in this kind of history.
It's not odd, but there are also a million other things to discuss in history. And that's not even scratching the surface of the Humanities side of the board.
War history is the history of entire societies. Military history is a subbranch of this broader field.
There has been a noticeable dip in the number of people who know what they're talking about, in favour of absolute shit. I don't just mean people who are wrong, but utter cancer threads.
What used to be detailed conversations about specific topics,has degenerated into 200 threads of the same shit over and over.
>Holocaust? More like Holohoax!!! XDXDXD
>Was it autism?
>Who would win in a fight between 5747347634 US Muhreens and 1 Vietcong armed with a stick?
I suppose the memelord kids found the place or something...
I've seen a number of quality threads, and always do.
Of course, it's only a steady stream of about 10, but that's as much as you can really expect, isn't it?
So what do you want to discuss?
/pol/ is disgusting but so is this meta garbage. Be the change you want to see in the world, make quality threads and foster quality discussions, don't just whine and expect everyone else to drop what they're doing and serve your every whim.
There's still the occasional good thread but there used to be so many more.
Only like 5% have actual knowledge about historical warfare. The rest suffers from a history channel tier education.
so the exact same thing that happened right across Veeky Forums - board leakage
Honestly this board is not 'pol lite' at all, it's probably one of the most liberal/centrist boards on the chans.
I blame /int/.
clearly you haven't been to
are there really this many people here shocked and angered that Veeky Forums's history board is simply history themed shit posting?
I think it's quite novel, and enjoy role playing antiquated mindsets
lmao is this what reddit actually believes? this board has been a failure since day fucking one with flags and autists. you're just as much of the problem, since i assume you know even less than /pol/. do i need to go in and dig up the archives of that one guy who though mail was ineffective because he couldn't eat soup or that china didn't have pikes, only long spears?
It's definitely right leaning
Veeky Forums is pretty centrist as well
>there used to be some shit threads, so that makes it acceptable to have nothing but shit threads
>everything was better back then!!!
>everything is shit now!!!
just fuck off then. if you're clamoring for the supposed postgrads who enriched this board with their vast array of knowledge, then try reddit. you can go ahead and enjoy the bland, generic, and whitewashed answers that they'll provide with no citations, no recommendations, and the same crap their professors told them, but reworded. but before you leave, please go and find some examples of those stunning threads that Veeky Forums used to be populated with. the "detailed conversations about specific topics". The Great Game thread is probably the only example you can provide, but I'd love to be proved wrong.
And need I mention that just last week we had a huge compilation of books, pdfs, and other crap dropped.
tl;dr: fuck off to reddit, no one wants your dumb ass.