To the daytraders here: Whats your strategy on trading oil tomorrow?

thats a kid dressed up as a whore. what is wrong with you faggot

Look into CLB if you're into oil.. my girlfriend's uncle is the CEO

You have got to be insane to trade oil, especially at a time like tomorrow. If you don't already have a position you are trying to accumulate more of or sell you are already fucked. Tomorrow will be the time to get out. I would not get in tomorrow if I were you. Too much volatility.

It's shopped

Trading oil? What is this 1960? Cmon gramps.

what a dumbass

last year during these times i made 400% profit, but of course it's somehow insane to trade oil. What's your guess for the outcome though?

I bought crude and Brent today, desperately waiting for tomorrow's deal because I keep losing the money.


Never heard of it

my strategy is to buy mooncoin and buy whores like this as i tour the world in my fucking LAMBO

That thing is way too skinny - you can keep it.

Same moonbro. We're gonna make it.

Oil trading is crazy because it is so hard to predict and often is manipulated in wild ways that are not really plan-able contingencies. If you made that profit from actual analysis and hard work my hats off to you, and I would ask for recommendations. But often with commodities like oil that have near global supply, some Saudi asshole could flood the market one day and withhold barrels the next week on a completely arbitrary basis. So analysis of supply flows/fundamentals/etc becomes moot and it turns into gambling.

Not going to argue that you didn't get 400% gains, but I will argue that it probably was more luck than it was analysis unless you have some insider info that I don't.

wtf i want to trade oil now what other markets r like this, you see you have to THINK like a saudi thinking how we think

>what other markets are most similar to wild gambling like bitcoin/oil user?!

kek, Forex markets and commodities markets are great if you are a gambling man, or if you have a setup for bot-based algorithmic trading. If you aren't doing algorithmic trading and are just trying to fucking day trade commodities/forex yourself though you are fucked, it is pure gambling where the odds are barely even calculable. You would be just as well off going to a casino.

Lance Beggs says he makes a killing on tick charts in CL

I can't find this one. Did you misspell it?

She has the proportions of a Bratz doll. What are you retarded?

Buddy she sucks cock better than your mom, and your mom's pretty goddamn good.
>the cross around her neck
This dumb bitch loves cum


Is oil ever going to go up to 2008's levels?
We need another Middle East war, lads!

Exactly, i was gambling because this market is fucking rigged. Just when the fundamentals indicate that the price should drop suddenly there's a strike in kuwait or a pipe blows up in mexico keeping the price steady. I was hoping to hear from some algo traders or guys who do analysis and trade with strategy. Are you that user who posted about the iminent housing bubble in canada last week?