What are the characteristics of a dying civilization/society?

What are the signs of a civilization in decline? Are there any more examples then just Rome?

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lack of toilet paper

Go outside and take a look

Intellectual, cultural and economic stagnation

I think Islamic "minor signs" are a pretty good place to start.

Inhabitant's unhappiness

Anal Birth. Take a look at this pic and tell me it's not the product of a collapsing civilization.

Low sanitation and high disease.

Civil unrest/ unhappy population

Loss of territory.

Loss of wealth, unable to sustain its previous habbits.

Is that you user

> mfw all of those check


What wrong was with Rome?

No, that's the Umqua (or however you spell it) community college shooter.

So America present day?

So pretty much summary is that it was immigration that ruined Rome

Well the great depression could be a phase of decline, the country went to shit.

Decline does not mean it cant come back and prosper.

>Muslims shall fight against a nation wearing shoes made of hair and faces like hammered shields, with red complexion and small eyes.

dude pass the khat lmao

oh fuck

>Wild animals communicate with humans, and a man speaks to his whip or his shoe, and his thigh will tell him about what happened to his family after he left
This would have seemed like fucking bullshit just 100 years ago, now it's pretty much here.

Rampant decadence(American lifestyle), ever increasing bread and circus(American media, drug legalization), increasing gap between rich and poor(Modern USA), people beginning to focus more on individual personalities rather than political parties (Trump for example)
We're seeing the United States as a pseudomirror into how a modern day late Republic of Rome would look. The Patricians aren't doing enough to keep the plebs happy and now caesarism has started to take hold. If cults of personality keep happening in American politics you could have a situation like in Russia where one man can just keep rewriting the constitution to keep himself in power and no one protests openly for fear of reprisals.

Anomie and low social cohesion.

>Jews fighting Muslims
Its been the end times since the beginning of Islam then

underrated post.

>signs of a civilization in decline

are you really asking Veeky Forums?



They kinda starve there and are opressed though


All good men are. Being full and """"free""""" makes you start finding problems that isn't there

Get a load of this guy.

I don't get it. Care to explain the joke?


Please explain


>le America is falling like Rome because of homosex and SJWs meme

Rome was astoundingly corrupt and decadent long before the empire fell.

Read Collapse by Jared Diamond OP. Talks all about the numerous civilizations that have collapsed and why. Good read on the subject.


Yeah, what does he have to do with r9k's eggman?

I love them all

Rome fell because its military began taking its own power, instead of receiving it from and using it for the good of the state. Every other "cause" is just a result of a lack of central authority/stability and near-constant war.

I am surprised Glub has not been brought up yet here.

>What are the characteristics of a dying civilization/society?
I believe that widespread hatred for one's own culture/civilization/ancestors is one. That really depends on the area, though.

Has anyone ever managed to correctly predict the decline and fall of their own civilization?

The importation of muslim refugees

One word: decadence.

Not mine, found this on a forum:

>You have to understand what democracy does in order to understand why we act the way we do today. Plato, like Aristotle, despises democracy.

>He says the structure of your soul is similar to the structure of a society. Your soul has 3 parts. Rational, spirited, and appetitive. If your soul is rational, you will have rational people running your cities. If your soul desires honor or is spirited, you will have honor loving people running the city (Sparta). If your soul is purely appetitive that is only interested in the basic primal needs of life (food, drink, sex), you will have the appetitive part of your soul running the city (the majority). The majority of a society functions solely on the appetitive part of their soul. This is why democracy (the majority), which literally translate to "rule of the mob" is awful.

>So when you have a democracy, this type of decadence becomes pervasive. The appetitive part of your soul is all about feeling good, satisfying your urges. When you hear about individualism that is exactly what this is. People are naturally selfish. They only care about themselves and what they want. They do not care about the greater good. So douches that promise the masses a bunch of free gifts are the ones who get elected, because the majority are ruled by the appetitive part of their souls.


so is leftism just the end of times?

really activates my almonds

nope not really