>when you realize that your mom lied on her resume and works a $70k job while I'm a goodietwoshoes low wagecuck who fell for the "honesty is the best policy" meme
When you realize that your mom lied on her resume and works a $70k job while I'm a goodietwoshoes low wagecuck who fell...
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>when you realize your mom didn't actually lie on her resume but instead convinced the boss in other ways
>"honesty is the best policy" meme
Okay you got me, what did you do?
Over my time I've been overly honest at interviews and on my resume. Never worked above $13/hr wagecuckery
How did your mom lie then?
Honesty will get you nowhere in business.
I had to learn this the hard way in my 20's.
I have started 3 businesses. If you tell a customer that you have just started and lack experience in a given thing, they will never hire you. But if you tell them you know what you're doing and fake it, you will book jobs. Then end up with that experience you lied about.
Fucking human psychology. We love and trust the strong and experienced and shun the weak and inexperienced.
I saw her resume on her computer once and it had experience I know she never worked.
True, feels like a sad reality though.
>expecting same outcome when your resume just says how much a piece of shit you are
honesty is the best policy yes, because it also pushes you not to be a piece of shit. If you're a liar you can be a piece of shit and still be ""successful"". However you will always know you lied your way through, and that if someone honest managed to be as good as your lies, you could get BTFO.
If you're honest, you can't be a piece of shit and be successful. However if you decide to try not to be a piece of shit, you'll find others readily help you (because they appreciate your honesty) and sooner or later you actually won't be a piece of shit. You'll begin to be successful, truly successful, because you know that most others around you got there by lying, and so they live in houses of cards, while you live in one made of the hardest metal, diamonds.
I don't see the problem. You just found out that lying on your resume isn't just a meme and that even your own mother lied to get a decent paying job. Use what you've learnt to get ahead in life.
I guess I will... it just feels wrong.
Stay honest tho
yeah well your mom also blew a few dudes to get her job and routinely has to give maintenance blowjobs to keep it. You willing to do that as well?
>it had experience I know she never worked.
there's more shit she is doing at work that you don't actually know. Don't understimate how much shit you got because she let a superior ravage her pooper.
Skip to 2:16:45 He says it better
Check out Jordan Peterson if you want to know why honesty really is truly the best policy.
You can lie and be """"successful"""" but you'll still be suicidal. If you're honest though, you'll be in ecstasy every moment because its like you're a literal fucking mythological hero.
>Check out Jordan Peterson if you want to know why honesty really is truly the best policy.
>You can lie and be """"successful"""" but you'll still be suicidal.
But I'm not suicidal. This is retarded. I don't give a fuck about that shit, there's no honor in modern jobs.
we live in a world run by kikes. Being honest in this world is a massive handicap and won't get you anywhere.
dishonesty is truly the best policy in the current year
It's a trade-off. If you think you can lie your way into a $100k+ career and never do any work, you're going to get burned (unless you're an expert at forging identities), If you lie about little things just do get your foot in the door and gain experience, you're doing it right.
It really is true. There's no fucking honour in modern work.
Every single person lies. EVERYONE
You probably need to do something different then.
Start with yourself. Clean your room.
if you lie, why even live? for hedonism? then why not just go and die of a heroin overdose? you'll experience all the pleasure you ever could and quickly enjoy death.
If you're honest then you have something Real to live for. If you're dishonest, you'll fall into the very real hell that waits for you as a result of your dishonesty.
You know all this shit today about "Imposter syndrome"? Guess what. Only imposters get imposter syndrome. They won't admit that they weren't fully truthful on their way to their position, but they know it to be true as well. You are not special, you are a human like everyone else and you will fall prey to this if you lie your way through life.
If you're dishonest you'll always live in fear of yourself and others. If you're honest you'll always live with satisfied confidence with yourself and others who are honest. When you see liars, you can internally laugh at their efforts to maintain their house of cards. If you're honest you can focus on something meaningful and just keep building yourself up and getting better and having more to be proud of. If you lie you only get others thinking that you have built yourself up. But you'll still feel just as small internally. If you can't enjoy it, whats the point of "success"?
Also, a lot of people do tell the truth, and most liars still tell the truth commonly. If you're honest you can recognize it all so quickly. Its kind of hilarious desu.
>Only imposters get imposter syndrome.
Total BS
turn that bitch in
>lie on resume
>learn once you are hired
$70k a year job. I spend $10k a month on just fucking delivery. How the hell does a human being live on anything less than $300k+ a year is beyond me.
And I'm talking $300k bare minimum ur scrapping by.
This is fucking retarded
I could retire with $300k, how you manage to spend all that in a year boggles my mind. Seriously, what are you blowing it on?
this is why mooncoin managed to hit 3 satoshi
do you live in fucking zimbabwe nigger?
cant get a job due to gap on resume and cant fill gap on resume because cant get a job due to gap on resume ...
That's because she's a boomer whore who probably sucked a dick or two for success.
In all seriousness it doesn't work anymore because references. If you put down people who worked for a company which shut down recently they'll take an extra look at your university degree and find out it's fake since they're really hard to forge nowadays. And I'm not sure if they can sue you for wasting their time and doing something illegal but it wouldn't surprise me.