Historical settings you have an irrational aesthetic hatred of?

Historical settings you have an irrational aesthetic hatred of?

I hate hearing about conquistadors or spanish shit in general, it just reminds me of elementary school and makes me want to throw up.
Bule unrelate

WW2. It's just so shit and boring.

Early modern Europe.

I'm sure that's most people's favorite. But that shit is fucking insufferable.

1800s I don't like their shirts, I don't like their wigs, I don't like their guns

World War II, because it's overdone and over-rated.

The Norse Vikings of the 9 - 10th centuries, because there were much more interesting places to see during that period of time than some barbarian raiders in some cold, hellish backwater

I wish we would see settings like World War I, or the Napoleonic Wars, or the Byzantine Empire (at any point in its life), or the Roman Empire during the Dominate.

Everything Asian - Japanese, Chinese, Indian, Central Asian. Meh.

>Historical settings you have an irrational aesthetic hatred of?
Is this Veeky Forums or Veeky Forums?

MesoAmerica and India.
Make me feel hot and uncomfortable.

Pre and post Meiji reformation Japan.

Injuns. Mostly due to "muh noble savage" tropes and revisionist historians.

WWII. It feels too recent for it to have that real feeling of an entirely different time and setting. I also have a hatred for Ancient Egypt as it got shoved to shit down my throat back in school

I never really liked Roman history, especially during their empirical period.

I always thought of it as overrated and overblown. They never seemed to get succession right and most of their emperors seem to be either incompetent, insane, or both. Whenever something does go right for them it was either a fluke or was undone almost immediately afterwards by the next emperor.

Rome becoming a run-down backwater after West Rome fell almost seems poetic.

Anything that deals with the US except the Antebellum Era. We are just too oversaturated with epic American war movies.

The Rennaissance. Lord almighty, I'm sick to the bones of it. 18-20th century Italian affairs are much more interesting.

The Taishou period is GOAT though.

>empirical period
they just had to find that evidence huh?

>Historical settings you have an irrational aesthetic hatred of?

None because I'm not autistic


I fucking love stories about conquistadors, it's insane how overlooked it is by movies, just a few men, most of them knowing eachother by name venturing into a completely unknown world and toppling an entire kingdom of human sacrificing savages. It's incredible

anything related to india

I always thought the medieval European aesthetic was lazy, dull, kind of squalid and massively overplayed by Christian larpers, even outside of Veeky Forums.

Knights are basic as fuck. Castles are just grey stone blobs. Period churches are literal huts. European peasants led such incredibly boring lives (even compared to their oriental counterparts) they would rather sit inside, copy the same book over and over and not have sex.

Fight me.

The Roman Empire is so fucking vanilla, same with Classical Greece. The Early Roman Republic and Orientalizing/Archaic Greece are much more interesting since transitionary periods are by nature full of change, whether its in art, technology, politics, etc.

Sub-Saharan Africa, obviously no explanation is necessary.

Anything chinese or korean.
Fuck it, pretty much anything Asian, I just can't give a shit about it.
WW2, because its as chewed over and regurgitated as any period can be.
The Vietnam war, for the same reason as WW2.

Tudors, they bored me to tears when we were taught about them in school, but only because all we ever heard about was Henry VIII and his fucking wives and how shit the living conditions were for poor people. Little to nothing was taught about the War of the Roses or the English Reformation.

We did a fair amount on the Spanish Armada and Francis Drake though because of the area I'm from. Those were the only good bits.

American history from the revolution right up until WWI.


European royal dynasties
Royal families in general - fucking boring
China when there wasn't some unifying empire
Japan when there was a unifying empire
Greece after 100 BC

Lastly, I'm American and I think American history is some of the most boring shit you could possibly come up with, aside from the Civil War.

Really? American history is one of my absolute favorite things to study.

Anything African or Asian, it's just so fucking dull.

Are you American by any chance? I think the subject soured for me because we have years and years of revolutionary war through civil war stuff in elementary through high school.

>Empirical period
You just went full retard user.



African history before colonialism

Although berbers were cool to study about, it's probably the most boring continent

>empirical period.


Pre-WWI European society. I literally could not give less of a fuck about it.

The Holocaust. The rest of WWII is fine, but having "You're evil because the Germans gassed 60 zillion Jews" shoved down my throat four times a year every year for 10 years straight bores you to death.

Native-American and African art. If you talked about the Bantu expansion and cultural shifts, I'd be interested. The pseudo-matriarchal slave based economy of the Iroquois is interesting as fuck. But no, just more "l-look, mud people can make art too!" from smug liberals who think they're racially superior to Blacks and Indians. Yawn.

Vikings. They're unbelievably boring and uninteresting to me and I don't understand why they get so much attention

Islamic Golden Age

Mainly because whenever I see a setting in it, I remember all the diverse languages and culture of the middle east and north africa that got supplanted by Arabic and the mainstream Islamic culture and it makes me mad.

I do like reading about groups that retained more of their cultures and languages though, like Berbers, Turks, and Persians.

For some reason I just fucking hate reading about Socialist uprisings/movements in Europe. Especially French Socialists. I just picture them as the most stuck-up, snobbish cunts around.

pic unrelated

these two

French revolution. I guess more broadly speaking any European revolutions/uprisings that are predicated on socialist/leftist values.

>aesthetic hatred of
What does this even mean? I didn't know hatred could be aesthetic?

>aesthetic hatred of
What does this even mean? I didn't know hatred could be aesthetic...

Glad I'm not the only one.

Getting the obvious answers out of the way (sub-Saharan Africa, Indians of both the feather and dot variety, Canada) I simply don't give a shit about Victorian Britain. British history in general but Victorian Britain especially just isn't my thing either to read about or as a setting. Imperial Britain I guess overlaps with that because it's basically autistic fit after autistic fit about someone daring to colonize somewhere else and thus denying the British their right of global domination.

Basically it's the history of a state that believes the world has always, should always and will always belong to them and acting on those impulses while declaring everyone who's not British to be a sub-human ape person.

And as much as I enjoy American history, I don't care too much for the Revolutionary period. The post-Revolutionary period (up through the War of 1812) is great but the actual Revolution and lead up to it is pretty boring.

If you think American history is nearly more objectively interesting than Asian history you should immediately kys

art deco


Overrated nation that wasn't as relevant in the world as England, relevant in Europe as Germany, or as relevant in western civilization as Italy.

maybe he meant superficial?

>If you think American history is nearly more objectively interesting than Asian history you should immediately kys
No, if you think chingchong """history""" is more interesting than American history YOU should kys.

What the fuck are you talking about.

Low Middle ages

besides Vikings not much happens there other than dickish nobility

>Basically it's the history of a state that believes the world has always, should always and will always belong to them and acting on those impulses
So you mean every conquering civilisation ever.

Not even disagreeing with you, but it's hardly a uniquely British trait.

>MesoAmerica and India. Make me feel hot and uncomfortable

>it's basically autistic fit after autistic fit about someone daring to colonize somewhere else and thus denying the British their right of global domination.
>Basically it's the history of a state that believes the world has always, should always and will always belong to them and acting on those impulses while declaring everyone who's not British to be a sub-human ape person.

but that's why it's so great