Explain why Communism failed in 10 words or less.
Explain why Communism failed in 10 words or less
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Because Marx was a idiot and Lenin was a sociopath.
Marx based his theories on pre Darwinian Anthropology.
3/4 of the world declared war on it
It didn't.
Equality is impossible.
Sorry man, but, you see, that was not real Communism
we didn't even make it 10 posts in
>Communism means 100% of the means of production are in the hands of the state.
Communism failed because its goal is impossible to achieve.
Uneducated impoverished farmers don't know theory and politburo took over.
Because it makes literally zero sense in practice.
The only good thing to come out of socialism is the fight for workers rights, but that's about it.
Fundamentally flawed view of Human Nature, also because 'Murica.
>The only good thing about socialism is the part about socialism
What did he mean by this?
Economic calculation is impossible
The revolutions came too early, in the wrong countries and were made by dictatorial opportunists.
Workers rights is just one aspect of socialism ya dingbat, unless you're memeing and implying workers don't have rights unless they seize the memes of pooduction.
"Special circumstances mean we don't need to listen to Marx."
Marx ruined communism
economy sucked
It didn't man, that wasn't even socialism, it was state capitalism.
Working class failed to develop class consciousness + impossible to implement
Human beings naturally want to get an edge on eachother.
Contextual reasons often dismissed by turbo reductionist clueless millennials online.
aklways bad leaders
>East Germans
Do all of those magically become Slavs to fit your argument?
I can do it in 4 "it was a spook".
muh solidarity
Communism failed, Stalinism worked perfectly, but capitalism's what people want.
very few feedback mechanisms for realizing terrible decisions
Communism means there is no state
>live in communist country
>no one wants to clean the toilets
>need someone to clean the toilets
>have to use force
>need something to regulate and organize said force
>government is formed
You never argued with communists before? They'll say it's not government if you don't call it a government. Truly the same doublethink retardation that plagues the ancaps too.
Why would someone not want to clean toilets
Do you want to be a plumber user?
Not him, but plumber isn't the guy who goes around scrubbing toilets, it's actually a pretty demanding and well paid job.
Can't be any worse than drywalling. I mean, there's heating.
Workers and rich people play tug of war for food.
Fuck off Marx.
The literal definition of the word is "a stateless, moneyless, classless society."
Good god you people are retarded.
How am I retarded? I'm by the way. Explain yourself or fuck off.
Liberal economists are literally always right, but always get ignored.
>Lets create a society of classless communes by centralizing all economic and political power into the hands of unaccountable bureaucrats.
What could possibly go wrong?
We're not arguing the definition, we're arguing that it's impossible.
The eschatology established probably by the early SPD theorists, though existing in a rudimentary form in Marx, is that Communism is a particular stage of historical development. Between capitalism and communism, you'd have socialism in various stages of construction or de-construction, as one preferred. There's no roadmap or anything, everyone has used different terms to describe what they figured whatever stage of semi-capitalism or socialist-marketeering they figured they or some other society was at. For instance, under Lenin's NEP, the system was official described as "state capitalism." this is a bit different from the state capitalism term used by certain british trotskyists, in that it was pretty legit capitalism, at least by soviet standards. As a more modern example, Vietnam currently calls their economic system a socialist-oriented market economy, which is conceived as a stage between capitalism and socialism. It's uh, socialist-oriented.
It's a bit silly and dumb and wholly political. But hey, that don't make you any less wrong and unable to realize one of the most important facets of the ideology you're trying to shit talk.
Humans pursue their immediate self-interest due to tribalism. ALWAYS.
No, I already knew all of this. Of course communism is SUPPOSED to be a society without government, point me where I contested that notion.
The problem is such a thing is literally impossible in a post-agricultural civilization, since it always reverts back to a government structure. I've had a debate with an anarcho-communist the other day on this very board, and his vision for organizing society was basically a direct democracy where everyone votes on everything and then some kind of militia or a police force exists to enforce said decisions. And in his mind this doesn't constitute a government somehow. Marxists and ancaps do the exact same thing.
History is neither dialectical nor material.
notice how when you point this out, there is no attempt at refutation, just memes.
State capitalism is logical nonsense. If the means of production aren't in private hands, it cannot be capitalism.
No strong incentives, too many economic variables to centrally manage
this is really just semantics. i'm not sure who gave it the name "state capitalism". It's a misleading moniker, to be sure. However, that doesn't change the fact that the USSR wasn't communism. It's just totalitarian control over everything with no individual property rights.
Because it's not anarcho-syndicalism
Germans ruin everything, dictatorships are bad, everyone skipped a chapter
It matters not if it's literally impossible. For its practitioners, it was socialism of some sort, sometimes towards communism and sometimes not, and we do ourselves a disservice by forgetting the historical use of terms.
This is Veeky Forums, have some fucking rigour.
Do you mean "state capitalism" as per Cliff, or as per Lenin?
We don't live in a flawless world
Grandfather Moon, Grandfather Moon, where is your home?
This is actually a fairly minor issue compared to all the other problems with communism. Austrians trumpet the calculation problem because they're retarded and can only parrot Mises and Rothbard
oh so it's physically impossible. okay.
>my retarded utopian meme is perfect in my head god why cant you idiots realize this!
>MOM! When are the hotpockets going to be done!?
You know this meme is pretty tired.
Communism can mean both communism the system and communism the ideology. Therefore when I say "communist Poland" I don't mean that Poland had communism, but that Poland was ruled by people who believed in the communist ideology.
communism isnt real communism
It's like homonyms exist or something and one word can have several meanings.
If it fails it isn't communism, because by design communism is supposed to be perfect, therefore.
Marx was wrong on almost everything in Das Kapitel.
capitalism provides luxury and distraction
Such as?
Capitalism would have failed without socialist policies.
It means the state is unnecessary and therefore will naturally disappear, which is kind of like a sci-fi idea: that the workers will create paradise through technology designed to reduce their labor that, unlike under capitalism, actually reduces the amount of labor they have to preform instead of leaving it the same.
The LTV is the main one and it being wrong negates concepts like "surplus value", capitalist exploitation, and the eventual downfall of capitalism.
>it's actually a pretty demanding and well paid job
not under communism :^)
and what is wrong with it
It didn't, Leninism and Bolshevism did. Workers didn't control anything.
Sentralized power without third party side is a fuckin mistake
This (kinda busy to explain myself rn
China, USSR, Middle America and Korea going full retard nonstop.
>no Yugoslavia
Compare it to household chores. Nobody wanted trash or washing-up building up, so when I was house-sharing at college we devised a rota so that the we shared the responsibilities fairly evenly. It's a shitty situation but the cleaning has to be done - therefore people will organise and do it.
>implying 2008 wasn't a result of an extreme lack of regulation
>implying neoliberalism isn't rampant
All you've done is demonstrate (correctly) that the Leninist approach is retarded.
Exactly and it is in the self-interest of the rich to keep dominating the poor, and it's in the self-interest of the poor to overhaul the class system, this is why leftist ideology exploded in the mid 1800s.
That ancom is retarded: trying to decide what the society should exactly be like is akin to Stalinism, Islamism, Nazism and other fascist -isms. The people in the future should decide at the time. Communism should be argued on economic principle, not political detail.
>workers own nothing
>state owns everything
>somehow this is socialism
In Leninism, the government becomes the bourgeoisie.
In socialism everyone owns their own homes and workplaces. No fucker rents your house or owns your factory, getting money for nothing (much like the image they spread of people on welfare.)
>at home, dishes aren't done
>need incentive to do dishes
>the reward of eating on clean plates isn't enough because muh human nature
>implying people would rather not work and nothing be done than work and reap rewards if things being done
>implying 2008 wasn't a result of an extreme lack of regulation
Well yes and no. Look up the HCDA from '92:
>This legislation established an "affordable housing" loan purchase mandate for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and that mandate was to be regulated by HUD. Initially, the 1992 legislation required that 30% or more of Fannie's and Freddie's loan purchases be related to "affordable housing" (borrowers who were below normal lending standards). However, HUD was given the power to set future requirements, and HUD soon increased the mandates. This encouraged "subprime" mortgages.
This was a big deal because it allowed for shitty borrowers to get an easy access to loans and the foreclosure rate in 2006 absolutely skullfucked housing prices which led to the recession.
Then you obviously also have cases like repealing Glass Steagall but you cannot just outright say the only problem was the lack of regulation.
In candylandism, everyone prospers because candy grows on trees
Everyone is starving under the not-real-candylandism?
Those corrupt morons forgot the candy trees!
>I'm from the government and I'm here to help
>ignoring that Wall Street's malpractices
>making shitty loans to poor people and sold those shitty loans
>"When the music keeps playing, you have to keep dancing"
The USA government might be incompetent but Wall Street was borderline malicious for 08
>Here are the concepts central toa new form of government
>Okay sounds good, i'm going to ignore the vast majority of them.
>hey wait what the fuck that's not what i suggested
Name the core tenants of comunism and tell me with a straight face that it's been tried.
Wall Street has been malicious for its entire existence. But this shit can be directly traced to HCDA which was an idiotic government legislation.
There has never in history been a stateless, classless, moneyless society, and every attempt has been either hijacked by the bourgeoisie (1799 and 1917 for example) or the capitalists mobilised and killed them (1871 and 1919 for example.)
Communism hasn't been tried, but we have tried to try it many many times.
>stateless, classless, moneyless society
Pol Pot's Cambodia.
>dictatorships can be anarchist
I don't disagree it was flawed. This legislation was done with good intentions of trying to make the middle class homeowners. It is Wall Street that turned a mistake into a crime. It is like you are blaming the forest for the fire instead of the arsonist
why don't you retards just pitch a patreon fund and buy a private island to circlejerk on
oh wait you can't because communism is in fact just an excuse to commit violence against capitalists to be the le edgy fuck society peasants you are on the inside like the anarchkiddies
and then you come here and try to spread your bullshit 19th century """"theories""""" here
Dictatorship of the proletariat.