Born just in time to see the rise of Soviet Union and live long enough to witness the collapse of its must be an epic experience.
Born just in time to see the rise of Soviet Union and live long enough to witness the collapse of its must be an epic...
Unless you were Russian
When was a good time to be Russian?
Which part the the epic collective farming or the epic part where they were propped up as a boogy man to justify judeocapitalistic imperialism?
Seriously speaking, Russians have had such shit treatment I don't think there was ever a good period, from Mongol, Tatar, Boyar, Tsar, Church abuse, to abuse under communism, and abuse under shock capitalism, today honestly might be the best time for Russians
Honestly, how can you call yourself a Republic when there weren't elections since 1929?
Not at all. Male lifespan is in the fifties due to violence and alcoholism.
why did the Soviet Union turn out to be so mediocre
you really figured they could have had something going there
nope let's have our entire economy revolve around building 50,000 tanks even though a conventional land war has been rendered obsolete by MAD
I saw a good part of it.
Born in 36, still kicking.
Mediocre compared to what? Before the soviet union russia the country was practically medieval.
As cunty as the soviets were they still dragged the country into the 20th century. Even just basic first world shit, like the literacy rate got raised to 90+% from fucking nothing in a couple of decades.
Would have happened at a faster rate if the revolution never happened. The Russian empire was on track. The revolution was a set back.
It's 66 years not in their 50s retard.
Russias has undergone westernization processes severla ties before the sovietn revolution and no, things werent going well during the last tzar. the monarchy was extremely despotic and condenscending. the boiling undercurrents of dissent and hatred towards the oppression of the monarchy were strong and the monarch was not strong enough to violently subdue them any longer.
>He has not seen the stats on starvation ,economic failure and exacutions that happened after the revolution.
Sorry, the czar was harmless compared to retards like Stalin who think kill productive farmers for not selling goods at state controlled price s was a good idea.
Eastern Europe is still paying for the autism of planned economy.
sure you were grandpa
it's easy to say afterwards that the situation was slowly improving and would accelerate afterwards
>creating an industrial superpower in a few years from a mostly agrarian country is somehow not impressive.
>bringing russian people in a few years from absolute ignorance to being on par with western powers is somehow not impressive
>Western powers
Sure thing vlad
Not a Russian but really, do you want to live past your 50s? What for?
To see the World burn
The only thing that'll burn out is your libido and will to live.
I interviewed several WWII veterans a few years ago. They were all Americans who piloted bombers in Europe, one primarily served in Italy, the rest in France before pushing into Germany. They mostly believed the Russian people weren't bad, just their leaders who forced communism on them. All of them said Reagan was the best president they lived through and they were concerned that Obama was introducing socialism to the United States.
80 year olds on Veeky Forums
>81-year-olds shitpost on Veeky Forums
Pic×tamp grandpa.
If true you have the right to tripcode.