>be jews
>live in the middle east
>migrate to europe
>live there for millenia
>decide to go create a new home for yourselves in the middle east despite people already living in that area
why is this ok?
Be jews
Other urls found in this thread:
>Be Semitic pagan
>Live in the Levant
>Arabians come and say I have to worship Mohammed
>ok we'll just make an idol of him and add it to our alt-
>Get head cut off and village raided because we don't understand Arabic well enough to get the finer points of Islamic theology
why is this ok?
>people already living in that area
That's where your wrong friendo, region was an uninhabitable wasteland till those European jews migrated and brought European agriculture technology
Between the influx of migrant jews and increased food available, the jews easily outnubmered the rest of the christians and muslims until neighboring arabs saw how nice the region was compared to the rest of Arabia and migrated there as the jews did
jews made the region what it is, from a backwater Ottoman territory only notable for Jerusalem and Antioch to a modern (for their time) area
>That's where your wrong friendo
so they're demolishing buildings and displacing people that don't exist huh
Not really, no.
I think you're right about the farming point though.
>be european
>live in europe for millennia
>decide to go create a new home for yourselves in the americas and africa despite people already living in that area
why is this ok?
It's all for strategic purposes. You have to respect Israel's security needs as a small country surrounded by potential aggressors.
Unless they drop the Right of Return business and the UNRWA starts actually trying to relocate people, Palestine as a concept is not long for this world, friendo.
because muh 6 gorillion
Israel is reparations for the shoah. take Israel away and the universe is no longer a just place in the minds of the kikes. they are no longer god's chosen people
>It's all for strategic purposes
oh i bet
>be Palestinian Arab
>take over Jews
>get taken over by crazy Frenchmen
>get taken over by Egypt
>get taken over by Turks
>get taken over by British
>land is given to Jews
>Heebs hilariously BTFO the entire Arab world and make Palestine into the best nation in the whole region despite constant attacks and aggressive propaganda campaigns
>"wtf that's sacred Palestinian clay, Jews have no right to it. Having actual holy sites centered there is meaningless, unless we're talking about the Dome, which is absolutely 1 million% totally where Mohammad rose to heaven."
Why are Palestinians so dumb?
How does it feel to know that every sentence you typed is wrong?
>Israel is reparations for the shoah.
Google "Balfour declaration"
>take Israel away and the universe is no longer a just place in the minds of the kikes
What does this even mean? Jews lived in exile for millenia.
>they are no longer god's chosen people
They seem to disagree, based on the fact that their temple was destroyed, they were kicked out of Jerusalem, and now that they control it again they can't even worship at its ruins properly, yet still insist that they're God's chosen people.
ugh you /pol/tards are so fucking triggering.
>be Jews
>live in Germany
>migrate to auschwitz
>decide to create a new home for themselves in the oven despite fire already living in that area
Why is this ok?
That's not at all a component of Israel's current goals.
Honestly it would be better for that region to be under Israeli control, and I bet a lot of Syrians and Egyptians would jump at the chance to live in a stable democracy for once- even one run by Jews. Although at this point we don't want it since it would be too expensive to administrate for the most obvious reasons possible.
Obviously it didn't start out as that, the first Zionist congress met before 1900. But that's what Israel has become today. You could be more specific and say that continued western support for Israel is reparations for the holocaust. Whenever a European country calls Israel out for human rights violations and aggrandizement the jews quickly remind them of their 'great crime' and make them stfu
A race of megalomaniacs like the Jews has a certain view of the universe and their (privileged) place therein. In the past, Jews struggled to comprehend how non-Jews could have such great worldly success: thus, for instance, they marveled at Alexander the Great, in comparison to whom all Jewish achievements in history are nothing.
The only way that the jews can make sense of the Holocaust and how their god allowed it to happen, the only way they can square the shoah with their ego-maniacal view of the unvierse, is to view it as the 'price' of Israel. That is to say, Israel as a Jewish homeland is the 'cosmic justice' for the holocaust. Take away Israel and there is no explanation or justification for 6 million of them going up in smoke.
>Whenever a European country calls Israel out for human rights violations and aggrandizement the jews quickly remind them of their 'great crime' and make them stfu
Stormbler fanfiction for 500, Frank
This doesn't actually happen, the global community's obsessively on Israel's case, more resolutions against Israel alone than North Korea, Saudi Arabia, and all African countrys combined. Check the most recent UN vote, makes sense when nations like fucking Senegal are on the SC and Saudi Arabia are on the human rights council, absolute absurdity ensues.
Good job ignoring the rest of my post.
Bibi in particular has been guilty of bringing up the Shoah at every available opportunity. When is the last time a German head of state was allowed to say anything negative about the occupation?
>muh 6 gorillion
also Israel is a nuclear armed country, which isn't necessarily the case for those other countries you named
DNK might have crude nukes. KSA probably has nukes but no delivery system.
>First paragraph
This Plus the fact that they usually just say something like "hey, you really want dunecoons to take over this area? We're doing a way better job than any other Islamic nation."
>A race of megalomaniacs...
You've never met a Jew, have you? tsk tsk tsk...
>The only way that the jews can make sense of the Holocaust blah blah blah
Honestly, if you bothered to read the bible, you'd know that God actually fucking hates the Jews and is always looking for excuses to kill every single last one of them, and he gives them annoying laws they have to follow because they're a whiny stubborn people. The Holocaust is 100% consistent with Jewish theology.
You would know, Zio-shill.
>Good job ignoring the rest of my post.
>hurr durr the jews r evil with their megalomania potato soup
Shut up
>Bibi in particular has been guilty of bringing up the Shoah at every available opportunity
>mentions it to group of 150 nations who unilateraly oppose Israel because OPEC daddy says so
>somehow wrong?
>When is the last time a German head of state was allowed to say anything negative about the occupation?
Why do US politicians steer away from messing with Native Americans and their reservations too much? Is it because we fucked up with them in the past and we'd just look dumb by doing so? Does this mean Native Feathered Horse Runner controls the US gov? That's the logic you use in Stormbler land, right?
>arabs took jews
arabians are naturally dumb
Not an argument, durka durka
Name me a race of people that has not been persecuted or holocausted at some point in history. Are the Armenians and Rwandans entitled to anything? What about the Gypsies, they died alongside the Jews in the German camps. What are they entitled to?
It's bullshit bunk logic and they only get away with it because of their egomania and political power. Israel wouldn't last two weeks without the guarantee of American military support.
Eh, shit happens.
>Israel wouldn't last two weeks without the guarantee of American military support.
name one military in the middle east who does not receive some kind of support from some foreign power.
Look at Syria now. They were being utterly BTFO until Ivan showed up
>Name me a race of people that has not been persecuted or holocausted at some point in history
Jews and none of those people are a race you fucking retard, you're confusing ethnicity, which is something only sub-par IQ peasants do
>Israel wouldn't last two weeks without the guarantee of American military support.
Firstly, this isn't /pol/, any talk of modern stuff is inappropriate
Nonetheless, given how high Israel's gdp is, yes, they could
Well, the Rwandans weren't mass murdered, an ethnicity in Rwanda was, and yeah, the discourse there surrounding the genocide is waaaay worse than Israel.
But it's not really the Israeli's logic, they use the holocaust as emotional power for the plebs, but they know the real reason they're there is because they have better allies and a historically more effective military than their enemies.
By your logic, Belgium has less of a right to exist, since it had to be totally bailed out by its allies in two consecutive world wars.
>American military support
desu if an American boot stepped foot in Israel, there would be a chimping out from the Israeli government the likes of which has never been seen before. They only accept financial agreements.
>using the modern definition of race
academic retard detected
race means common ancestry. there are genetic markers that identify and segregate the jews from all other races
Lol @ anyone bitching about American military support
>having allies is only okay when we do it!
>Are the Armenians and Rwandans entitled to anything? What about the Gypsies, they died alongside the Jews in the German camps. What are they entitled to?
i love how nobody can answer this question
>race means common ancestry
No it doesn't, just cause you wan't it to, means nothing.
>using modern academics is BAD
Fucking retard, tell me more about your flat earth fanfiction too while you're at it
No curve lmao, right?
Jewish men have been marrying local women and making them take special baths for millennia. They're basically the same as people in their locality with some distant Levantine ancestry at this point.
Israel is like the hysterical girlfriend that ruins your relationships with other people and makes everyone else hate you. She's also a complete shrew, won't make love to you, screams that you don't love her, and starts burning your stuff every time you don't pick up the phone.
America needs to cut the bitch off.
literally a retarded claim and the kid's trying to act like he didn't make a major blunder
Doesn't matter. Genetic markers are still there. You can't wash yourself of Jewish ancestry. It always shows up in testing.
It's the definition of race that every thinker and intellectual has used up to the last century. I think it's far more valid than the recent egalitarian inspired definition. Google Nietzsche or Napoleon or Cicero on race.
>demolishing buildings
I don't see any buildings at the location of modern day Tel Aviv in 1908
good job arguing over semantics and making no proper counter argument my dude
Rwanda gets a ton of financial support. Plus it wasn't like "Rwandans" were murdered, it was a poorly-defined ethnic minority in Rwanda being murdered by other Rwandans
Armenia gets to be independent. It kind of got the short end of the stick, since the government who perpetrated it no longer exists and doesn't have a real successor like Germany does for the Jews.
The Roma didn't really have the prior agreement, the organization or the land that the Jews did, sorry.
>Genetic research published in European Journal of Human Genetics "has revealed that over 70% of males belong to a single lineage that appears unique to the Roma."[131]
the city of (You)
>modern day
Well, she doesn't burn your stuff, she burns Lebanon's stuff.
Israel is useful as a destabilizing force in the Middle East and more aligned with American philosophy and strategic goals than anything else in the region.
There are people who just convert to Judaism.
That makes them Jewish. It does not, however, make them Jews.
Learn the difference pham
get the fuck out
pham I am a Jew. People whose conversion is properly overseen by a Rabbi are viewed as a member of the house of Israel. Full stop.
That's great m9. You're still not genetically a Jew. Doesn't matter how they view you.