>tfw communism was only adopted by third world shitholes and failed states throughout history
wonder what would happen if a developed country adopted communism
>tfw communism was only adopted by third world shitholes and failed states throughout history
wonder what would happen if a developed country adopted communism
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it would turn into a third world shithole and failed state
>third world shithole
poor russia, even when they're a great power no one believes it
Well, if you want to actually listen to Marx then communism will only actually come about through a developed capitalist nation. His model was only ever intended for Western Europe.
His model was. He very plainly states in his late writings (particularly on russia) that communism could very well happen anywhere else, just that if it occurred it might diverge from his conception of its development.
1917 russia was a complete disaster
they were basically at the state the ottoman empire was before their collapse, except the russians were actually capable of making radical change
You know this directly refutes Marx and Engels, right? They predicted that communist revolutions could succeed ONLY in developed capitalist nations and not in agricultural 3rd world shitholes where class consciousness doesn't exist. The fact that the EXACT OPPOSITE happened is the biggest refutation of marxism ever, it directly falsified the entire theory.
Czechoslovakia and East Germany were developed when they adopted communism. 40 years later, they were shit.
there was class consciousness in many of those countries, it was the divide between serf and landlord
although I agree that Marx predicted false communist revolutions
Again, not in their writing.
Folks really ought to read Marx and Engels before making pronouncements on Marx and Engels, especially now that their extant writings are available freely online.
please share
Yes, in their writing. Engels even outright called Russians a "reactionary race" that needs to be literally purged because they will never develop class consciousness and overthrow their masters and thus is standing in the way of progress.
and they were a superpower during their communist days, but we still call them a third world shithole
By definition they were 2nd world.
Final draft, rather short given the size of the previous four drafts (third one is the best, especially the english vandalism part).
An even shorter statement of this appears in the final russian preface of the Communist Manifesto. Strangely, the preface is rarely mentioned in russian writings, reading lenin's writing on the state of Russia's agricultural system makes it seem as if he'd never read it. I did nab an old soviet copy of the manifesto from a professor, and the passages in question are still there.
I have no answer for the inconsistency.
Marx is more or less saying that his communist predictions concern only western Europe and Russia would first need to become capitalist before they can become socialist or communist.
So, for someone interested in the communism theory, and given that you have clearly read much more than I have thus far, what would you tell someone to persuade that Communism is a viable/better option for the United States
I posted similar argument specifically about Eastern Germany numerous times and it never fucking gets any replies.
>East Germany were developed
East Germany was rubble
He didn't call Russians a reactionary race. He did call the balkan slavs reactionary peoples, though. By all accounts, he certainly hated balkan slavs and would have loved to see em offed. As for the Russians, M&E weren't the business of offending them, as that would mean alienating a a good chunk of support in the IWA.
It was a rich, industrialized western European country with a strong proletarian class. Communism fucked it in the ass, while western Germany enjoyed an economic boom.