Why do irish people have so low average iq?
Why do irish people have so low average iq?
They aren't people.
FAS is very prevalent in Ireland.
Because they're potato niggers
Who cares? They breed red head qts.
brain drain, but if I had to tell you that you prob don't know much in general anyway
Irish women are legit fucking ugly. If you see a qt red headed woman, chances are she's actually Germanic and not Irish.
or from Norwey, I was with a redheaded Norweyan qt
This legit Irish girl I went to college with was so fucking ugly tho, luckily for her she was one of the only girls in the honors program so she still got attention
Yeah I would imagine there are people here desperate enough to fuck an exhaust, but that girl is legit hideous.
I have seen worse.
The only horrible bit is the mole. Other than that she looks a little homely but still a perfectly cuddable waifu.
She actually looks deformed.
Are you high?
She's not THAT bad user.
You must be from Ireland or some similar country where being ugly as fuck is considered the norm.
Lol, ok.
yes i am actually
Portland OR m8. I just haven't been so disensitized by porn I can't recognize an average looking girl when I see her. She isn't especially ugly user.
>be me
>always looking through old old family photos (from 1800s to now)
>uncles, grandfather's, etc. are reasonably attractive
>all their wives are really ugly
Fast forward to now
>my uncles and aunts on irish side marry non-irish
>their daughters (my cousins) are modestly attractive
You know. Maybe you're onto something here.
More honest reporting of test results.
Tatu Vanhanen - From Finland
>Patriotism much
Richard Lynn - From Northern Ireland
>Axe to grind much
She looks alright
Red hair AND Blue Eyes are a really rare combo in humans, you put the rest together...
>any proper scientific basis
pick one
Brain drain from being a colony for so long
Check out the brains on Switzerland
>tfw same iq as göreing
How are the Mongols so smart
>MFW we are 10 points higher on the IQ scale then the Albanians, Croats and Bosnian.
kek, who's the subhuman now, eh?
Lynn's study was flawed to hell and back. The dude calculated tiny samples, sometimes as small as 13 people, sometimes children and sometimes famine refugees. He would then say "Yep, that's the average IQ for this nation!", shit study.
>Why do irish people have so low average iq?
Because Richard Lynn was a Northern Irish protestant with a chip on his shoulder.
Same reason Finland is so high. Tatu Vanhanen is a Finn
All the smart one left during the potato famine.
Smart people fucked off. You didn't hear about all the Irish migrants in the US, in Australia and in Scotland?
The exact same thing happened in Russia during the commie revolution, smart and highborn people were either exiled or outright killed and now they're left with a country full of retards.
Someone tell me how are the Balkans even a part of Europe? It seems everything south of Hungary is retard central.
Irish average IQ actually went from low 80s to high 90s in the span of two generations.
Literally because abortion is 100% illegal in Ireland. Very high rate of mental retardation because in other countries they'd have been aborted.
But they've always been known as notably unintelligent even before mass abortion in the rest of the British Isles
Alcoholism kills brain cells
Any Irish with decent educations move to England for work.
Its only like 3-4 points from its neighbors.
Not quite "so low".
whats that one black dot doing above the line?
Reminder that this graph doesn't show actual IQ data.
What it does is take IQ data """"adjust"""" it with PISA data (which has 0 empirical evidence of being high in g-load) because Lynn is an anglo.
Notice how the white IQ clusters below 100, about 97-98, while the Asian one at about 107.
Fucking lol.
Asians are the master race.
Maybe Igbos.
top of the morning to you seamus
it's JUST alrite
Lynn is a Northern Irish Protestant who was heavily involved in the Ulster Israelist movement. He doesn't like Irish people.
I'm not irish and you haven't refuted anything I said.
will the goyim ever learn?
I know it's selection, but why is it bad to have 100 IQ white people replaced by 115 IQ Chinese?
and Indians
and even fucking African negroes?
Shouldn't we only care about intellect and not outward appearance?
i just want more milk tit cow Jews in the personally
According to Jewish IQ those absolute cock sluts are smarter than the average white male, which makes it all the hotter to fuck them as a white male.
Like Orc on elf porn.
Igbos are the Jews of Africa
Chinese are rude bastards
Also they smell like dried sweat
>That Serbian IQ
GCSEs really aren't a measure of IQ though (e.g. girls get much better results at that age despite similar IQs - if not IQ distribution). Not saying there isn't a correlation, but GCSE results are dependent on a lot of other factors.
I thought the average croat iq was like 90
>I know it's selection, but why is it bad to have 100 IQ white people replaced by 115 IQ Chinese?
>and Indians
>and even fucking African negroes?
>Shouldn't we only care about intellect and not outward appearance?
I don't think it has as much to do with outward appearance as people think. I remember seeing a table on countries brits would like immigrants from and there were a load of people commenting how 'racist' it was because it was mainly from white countries, but Japan and South Korea were higher than most white countries and places like Russia/Argentina were low on the list.
Realistically, people want immigrants from societies that function well, as you are more likely to get a decent citizen.
IQ might be a predictor of decent behaviour, but there may be other factors involved. Living in London in an area near Indian and South Korean enclaves and having also been to India and South Korea, I think the simplest example is littering. India is covered in litter and South Korea is spotless, and in London South Koreans put their litter in the bin whereas Indians drop it where they are standing. Even 2nd/3rd generation Indians. Plus Indians seem to have higher levels of other undesirable behaviour - e.g. corruption.
It may be a cultural thing, but it lasts a long time within families. At the same time, something to do with warmer climates (e.g. increased levels of disease) might cause people from these places to be 'genetically more selfish' or less societally inclined - the worst litter in London is in the African area! Which might be the reason people see white people as more desirable immigrants - not sure about this though.
She's pretty cute, honestly.
It's fucking always Portugal
tfw no average irish gf
>Albanians are human
Who's "we"? No one on that map has an average iq of 107.8 as far as I can see.
>tfw everything east of you is shit
Feels good.
She's actually pretty cute, the jawline is a bit too strong, but would breed.
Reminder that NI Protestants (descended from Scottish and English settlers) have results only slightly better than Travellers and the Roma (in other words gypsies):
So much for the potato nigger theory.
A better question is: why do people hate on us for no reason? I see so many buttblasted /pol/acks making threads like these and I have to wonder if any of them have ever even met an Irish person
Because /pol/ has lots of Anglos and anglophiles.
Also all but 3 countries are below the global average for IQ, which is quite embarrassing
The Irish are pretty well liked on Veeky Forums. Anglos are the ones universally despised even the US hates them.
Hating niggers and jews is too mainstream
South Korea is "spotless" (it isn't) because they're rich enough to hire old ajummas to clean the streets, and that's only in Seoul. There is no cultural habit of cleaning shit, it's just a matter of how wealthy you are.
t. Worst Korean
That's very surprising but anyone can throw up a map and draw some numbers on it. Do you have any solid and credible references to this?
Class results mean nothing
>There is no cultural habit of cleaning shit, it's just a matter of how wealthy you are.
Balls. You wouldn't get the differences between litter levels in different ethnic neighbourhoods in cities like London if it wasn't cultural. You literally see normal Indians drop litter on the floor in front of bins in the UK, when only the worst English chav would behave like that.
After going to India, trust me, South Korea looks spotless. It is also cleaner than England despite England having higher gdp per capita.
Because you are either a farmer with no access to good education (although some of the most educated people I know are farmers) or you live in an urban area where being a stupid potato nigger is the culture and you need to act and talk stupid to fit in.
fellow irishfag here, this is basically true.
>you live in an urban area where being a stupid potato nigger is the culture and you need to act and talk stupid to fit in
especially this. taking dublin as an example, even posh southsiders are just a different kind of stupid & ignorant compared to scumbags
Culture > race
The same reason that people think that the French always surrender or that Napoleon was short.
Bosnia was a mistake
as american, can confirm
Ireland has produced a few really cool professional wrestlers so it's okay in my book.
who is we and where do you see 107 you god damn mongrel
>professional wrestlers
You have the IQ of a squirrel
>you're a retard for liking a type of entertainment
That entertainment, yes.
Stay seething
If you are referring to that score of 83.2, that is Bosnia
So, does islam make people retarded, or are retards attracted to islam?
It looks like lower IQ correlates with Catholicism and Orthodoxy
Macedonia wouldn't be so low if Albanians didn't make up 20% of the population.
delet this
Hould up, that ain't right. I recall that Portugal's intentional homicide rate was the same as England's (1,2 per 100,000).