Why is hitler the ONE historical figure on which you're not allowed to have any positive opinion on...

why is hitler the ONE historical figure on which you're not allowed to have any positive opinion on? When I was at university, I knew many guys who had positive opinions of Lenin to the point of idolising him, and people who even liked Stalin or Mao, would try to rehabilitise their image or make excuses/justifications for them. And these people got along fine with other students, even those who didn't share their views. Its perfectly fine to like historical leaders like lenin or stalin. But if you like Hitler or say one positive thing about him or try to make excuses/justifications for what he did, its pretty much social suicide and will make you a social pariah and everyone hate you. You're not allowed to say one positive thing about hitler or like hitler, but society still accepts you if you like lenin or stalin or mao. Why is this?

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because fascists are bad people who promised to do bad things and went on to do bad things

Because German economic recovery under the Nazis was greatly overblown.

You're making a shit comparison

Mao and Stalin's millions are casualties through accidental implication and mismanagement, while a lot of Hitler's responsible deaths were executed by a centralised and highly industrial machine. By your logic counting Mao and Stalin's deaths you could also construe millions of civilian casualties particularly in the Soviet Union to Hitler as well

>I knew many guys who had positive opinions of Lenin to the point of idolising him, and people who even liked Stalin or Mao, would try to rehabilitise their image or make excuses/justifications for them.
Communism is portrayed in a good light because it appeals to the working classes. No matter what atrocities and violations of human rights existed under the Soviet Union, PRC, and other Communist regimes, it ALWAYS get swept under the rug.

I have Hungarian and Czech ancestry; it pisses me off that the Soviet crackdowns in the 1950's and 1960's are handwaved by modern Marxist college students.

Meanwhile, Hitler is a fascist. Fascism isn't seen in a good light by most people except those who are so adamantly anti-Communist that they'll side with the lesser of the 2 evils (like in the Spanish Civil War).

stalin deported millions and confiscated food from ukrainians. was that "accidental"?

in western culture hitler is percieved as the pre-eminent Big Bad

stalin, mao or lenin are not because they do not feature very much in popular perception by virtue of westerners not really knowing anything about russia and china because why would they

Communism as an idea, has never been executed even remotely close as to how Marx intended it

It's funny because I swear to god I've heard "Hitler may have been an asshole but he really turned the German economy around!!!" from like dozens of normal people at this point.

Seriously, just preface it with "fuck hitler but..." and 90% of the time you're fine.

Except in Russia and China Stalin and Mao are highly ambvialent figures, not unilaterally bad

There are lots of academics (in China and out of China, including Kissinger) who consider Mao to be a genius and his ostensibly disastrous policies to have been a catalyst for China's industrial modernisation

Yes even normies are starting to secretely praise Hitler at this point?

Why? Not because Hitler was not a bad person, but when liking something becomes such a taboo that it will even get you to jail in some countries, people naturally want to break that taboo

Mao's failures are blown out proportion anyway. China has the third highest nominal GDP in the world now, because of Mao Zedong's kickstart

If someone told me they liked Mao or Stalin I'd tell them to fuck right off
Guess I'm glad I didn't go to university

I know and I say this as someone whose generally in favor of free enterprise yet has actually read Das Kapital. I mean, even Lenin himself said that Russia was too assbackward to become Communist.

In the late 19th to early 20th centuries, everyone assumed a Communist revolution would happen in a developed industrial economy like Britain or Germany. Russia was still a backwater of peasants in 1914. It wasn't until Stalin's 5 Year Plans that Russia actually became part of the 20th century...at a huge cost.

It really bothers me that asswad is such a China nuthugger.

If anything, Deng Xiaoping is the man who really deserves the credit for turning China's economy around.

People always did it, though. You can even see politicians spout that meme.

I openly admired Hitler for his strength of will in school, I just said nothing about his politics.

No one gave a shit, and a few people even agreed with me.

>Guess I'm glad I didn't go to university
When I graduated HS back in 2007, I considered myself liberal. I was all for gay rights, anti-war, economic aid to the disenfranchised.

But after attending university, I really became disillusioned with the so-called left in the US. I still retain a lot of my views on civil liberties and generally want everyone to live in peace, but fuck Marxists. Seriously, fuck them. My family on both sides had to suffer from Communist regimes and these college fuckwits have the nerve to tell me that "Oh no, you just don't understand how Communism really works. That was just Soviet totalarianism."

It's the same shit when Bryan Cranston said that Stalin was a "fascist dictator" and not a Communist.

>Except in Russia and China Stalin and Mao are highly ambvialent figures, not unilaterally bad

sure because under stalin russia was a superpower and mao rapidly modernized china and dragged it into the modern world

hitler just rampaged across europe and left it a smoking wreck

>WHOOOPS I just invaded the Baltic countries, Finland, established dictatorships across Eastern Europe, created camps to work people to death, orchestrated the cultural revolution, hindered democratic development and murdered an untold number of people MY BAD

There is little good to be said about the man. Only thing he managed was exploit the western pacifism and conquer half of Europe for a short time. Stalin and Mao at least succesfully defended their nations from evil invaders (or at least were the figureheads of the defense).

I ebb and flow between radical facist to staunch freedom loving libertarian with a pinch of socialism
I don't understand how it would work, but I don't understand how people believe communism works so fuck it

I saw a traffic accident once and admired the car's strength of will not to stop before it caused a 20 car pile up. Just like your admiration of Hitler's pigheadedness.

I'm somewhat like you barring the radical fascist. Though admittedly, I'm really starting to be wary of admitting in "refugees" and open borders immigration. US immigration policy needs serious reform, but admitting all these peoples into a Western democratic state is disaster. Even my liberal buddies from the Netherlands and Germany warned me about this.

>I don't understand how it would work, but I don't understand how people believe communism works so fuck it
The only way Communism can feasibly work is if we develop Star Trek-level tech. If we can somehow produce basic needs like food, shelter, medicine, etc. at little to no cost, then we've reached utopia. Until then, human greed and squabbling will always fuck over any ideology.

Pure capitalism can cause massive fuck-ups as history demonstrates, but on the whole, humanity has benefited from its innovations and increases in living standards. Capitalism MUST be restrained by laws and an alert citizenry because otherwise we'd have nothing but cronyism and multinational oligarchies run amok.

On that note I'm also anti globalist until we're at that point, we should be more focused taking steps forwards than just diving headfirst into everyone's happy ideals

Oh god THIS

I actually had this reproductive rights bitch in my Chem lab actually tell me that the world is open to all and we are all human. I replied, so does that mean I can enter her house, eat her food, and sleep in her bed?

Globalism is a long-term dream. We're far from its ideal point. I mean, even the EU itself was too rushed. How the fuck can you have a democracy OF Europe when there's still a problem of democracy IN Europe?

Because jews are the most butthurt people on earth.

He believed 1+1=2 which is something I strongly agree with.

because stalin did nothing wrong and the kulaks deserved it, you goddamn revisionist

A car doesn't have will, imbecile.

Neither did Hitler, idiot.


*subs to /r/EnoughTrumpSpam*


*uploads picture of """""girlfriend"""""*


*preps le bull*


*shills for Bernie Sanders*


*upvotes le bacon narwhal reddit xD*

Do you understand what a metaphor is, dumbass? The momentum of the car is like the will of Hitler, as a driving force neither of them are virtues in and of themselves. That was the point I was trying to make. It would be like openly admiring Mao for his will, even though that will was used towards despicable ends. A strong will is not a rarity and its virtue is defined by its consequences(the car crash, the thug government of nazi germany and its eventual downfall, mao's communist bloodbath, etc.) rather than being something good in and of itself.

A car doesn't have will, imbecile.

enough trump spam hates bernie, they blame him for causing hillary to lose the election... somehow.

Are you thai?

>Mao and Stalin's millions are casualties through accidental implication and mismanagement

Yeah, minus the fact stalin committed genocide you ignorant fuck

The only people Stalin killed were cowards and traitors.


What language is this?

>Its perfectly fine to like historical leaders like lenin or stalin
no it's not

you probably live in some shit country where people think that because of some retarded cold war propaganda or just a ghetto with shit education in general.

How do you feel when somebody tells you he admire Staline?

I think the fact that Hitler's killings were systematic and racially motivated is a big part. If you go up to a Jewish person for example and say "hey I really like this guy that thought you were a subhuman parasite and would've wanted to kill you with your entire race," you're probably not going to get a positive reaction, either from a person of that race or anyone with a friend from that race in particular. By contrast, if you attempt to deny the Holodomor or say that Mao was a good leader, most people don't really connect to that (with Mao in particular was less intentional), and therefore usually just consider you a delusional revisionist idiot rather than actively evil or malicious

And millions of Ukrainian Christians

Because post ww2 universities had a lot of marxist sympathizers in them. They shaped the current range of socially acceptable political thought.

It's quite amazing if you read declaration on the soviet union made by marxist westerners throughout the 50s, 60s and 70s.

Honestly, who cares if Mao killed some Chinese people? Had he killed more of them, we wouldn't be facing them as such a political rival at the moment, and they don't even seem to mind being the target of genocide: between that and opening China's borders to the west, he's only done everything he can to help us.

That was for kicking him out of the church because he was a communist

The Turks did the same thing with the Armenians and Greeks, why is Chunk Wigger allowed to name a propaganda outlet after a group that committed the first genocide?

There are many people who have a positive opinion on Hitler in the same way as Mao or Stalin at college. That is, they say "yeah he was bad, but look at this good thing he did". Usually followed by some utter bullshit like how Hitler fixed the economy (by bankrupting it). Again, like Stalin and Mao.

This is because almost every college student is a contrarian who wants to go against the grain regardless of whether it makes sense.


was it written for him?

>Mao and Stalin's millions are casualties through accidental implication and mismanagement

Historical revisionism: the post

If you don't think the Soviets and the Maoists deliberately murdered political opponents I don't what you're doing on a history forum.