Hold on a fucking second

Hold on a fucking second.

An user gave me 6,600 Veeky Forumsbucks to my Waves wallet when I got dubs in his thread.

I go on the Waves lite client right now and I seem to be transactions including a sale of 870 Veeky Forumsbucks for about 1 BTC.

I just want to make sure I understand what the fuck is going on here. Am I hallucinating? Are my Veeky Forumsbucks worth several BTC? And I got these in a meme thread? Please help me understand.

Send them to me and I can confirm it for you.

>Veeky Forumsbucks
what are Veeky Forumsbucks?

That's what I need you to clarify for me! I thought it was some worthless meme that a guy gave me as a joke!

Does anyone else here hold any?

What are you even talking about?
You have 6600 Waves?

If an user gave you 6600 wavecoin, you received $18000

No. From what I understand you can use the Waves platform to issue your own made-up currency. An user started a thread and said he would give away his currency, called Veeky Forumsbucks. I thought it was just a joke sort of thing.

Now I went on the Waves lite client to lease my measly 14 WAVES. And I looked up Veeky Forumsbucks on the Waves exchange. And it looks like people have traded these things. Based on these prices my 6,600 Veeky Forumsbucks would be worth 7.8 BTC.

I am in shock that someone could have given 7.8 BTC in some kind of joke memecoin he created. I feel like I must be misunderstanding something. This can't be real. Somebody help me understand.

It's real bro, go and buy yourself a cold beer and celebrate.

dubs says you give me half of your bux

I don't use the Waves platform
Can you convert your Veeky Forumsbucks into Waves or BTC?

No, I can sell them on an exchange. Seems like low liquidity but there are some orders.

Try to sell then

Pic related is what I'm seeing.

Who has these? Who is buying?

I'll try to sell a small amount I guess. Jesus Christ I'm nervous.

try selling them and see what happens

I have 10000 as well. It gives me a pop up that says "Error:Order not placed"

Do you get the same? The volume is actually pretty fucking high.

tfw 20k Veeky Forumsbucks

lol I want to be here when you guys find out your shit is worthless


you need waves to buy and sell anything

OP here, gonna go to the gym and swing back later.

It's BTC or MBTC?

Fuck can someone send me a literally .3 waves? Does anyone know where the fuck I can get my address? Their wallet is complete shit. They want me to buy them with a credit card.

not like any of us paid for the shit

im trying to get the same myself, everything is tied up atm though

Bittrex, my friend.

Nevermind I found it.

If this works Ill send you .05 BTC in return. All I ask for is like 1 or 2 waves

Just buy it on bittrex, dude, they're legit.

I have 0 BTC on Bittrex because I transfered it to buy MOON at 1 sat today. Best trade I've ever made. Please I'm begging for just .3 waves. I'll send you .05 BTC if this works I swear on my unborn childs life.

give mine a minute to transfer to my waves wallet and ill send you some

Why don't you just deposit the BTC directly to your Waves wallet? Then you can use the BTC to buy Waves or whatever else on the Waves exchange.

btw your waves address is at the top of the page

I just have 24 waves in total, i'm a poorfag, I would like to help you, but literally losing $3 is too much for me.

alright drop your BTC address here and I'll copy it. If it doesn't work. I'll try to send the waves back to you. Sorry for being a beggar but it would take a shit ton of transfers to get .3 waves to my wallet.

dont worry about it

how do I buy biz bucks?

WAIT I'M A RETARD. This won't work please don't send me any waves


OP posted a chart of the waves chart. He made me think that was a chart for Veeky Forumsbucks. My bad.

back to being poor I guess:(

Did you try the BTC deposit option in your Waves wallet?

Kek, welcome bro, I literally just have 24 waves because someone just donated 0.02 btc to me.

Nice. I donated 1000 DGB to some user that asked for them on here. It was at 160 sats then lol

And I just bought 1000 dgb with some bucks that I managed to buy on exchange at 700.

Still holding, fuck it, moon or burst.

im glad i live in a cheap as fuck state. 1200 sqft 2 bedroom apt for 325$/mo

You're a good man user

Where do you live

I opened a sell order. Waiting now.


If you put them at 0.00109999 I'm going to beat you up.

Uh. Look man I'm sorry. I did it a few minutes ago.