Why have russia always been so mean to Poland in history, they're both slav nations, so they should be bros right?
Why have russia always been so mean to Poland in history, they're both slav nations, so they should be bros right?
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because russia are cunts
Poland is kinda Slavic-Germanic. Thus they have always been wedged between two countries that want them dead for different reasons, Germany for being Slavic and Russia for being German,
Russians are Orthodox, Poles are Catholic. It's one of the main reasons why there's so much bad blood between them.
Russia just wanted to save their Orthodox and East Slavic brethren from arrogant papist szlachta who treated them like cattle. And it's not like Poland wasn't opportunistic hack who tried to get itself some chunk of land every time something went wrong in Russia.
slavs hate each other. Did you miss the whole polish-ukrainian war, or the russian genocide of ukraine, or the ukrainians volunteering for the S.S. so they could kill poles and russians and jews, or the yugoslav wars where croats, bosnians and serbs basically genocided each other, or the ongoing Donbass war?
Its like saying why do random african tribes slaughter each other even though they are both black. Slavs are niggers with white skin, they are naturally aggressive and tribal and will chimp out killing each other over nothing.
Purely geopolitical.
Russians read too much Dostoevsky.
The most influential XIXth century Russian historian, who shaped the thinking of Russian elites for centuries was Sergey Solovyov. He applied the Hegelian view of history to the Slavic peoples. He determined that it was the destiny of the East Slavs to protect Christian Europe and the Slavic world from the Eastern steppe hordes and Islam. And thus the emergence and success of the Muscovite and later Russian state was a manifestation of said destiny.
In a similar fashion. He saw the role of West Slavs such as Poles to be the protection of the Slavic world from invasion from the West (Germans, Papists). He supposed that the failure of the Polish state was caused by the betrayal of their destined mission. Instead of protecting the Slavic world, Poland swore allegiance to Rome, allied with the West and expanded Eastward (mostly by incorporating the Lithuanian state that occupied Eastern Slav lands).
This interpretation of history became prevalent in Russia and to this day Russians view Poles as betrayers of Slavdom.
Poles on the other hand had have been strongly influenced by Romanticist Literature and the idea of National Messianism. The conviction that the mission of the Polish people is to guide the nations of Europe to freedom from Imperial oppressors such as Tsarists Russia or the Soviet Union.
It is obvious that societies in which such drastically opposing worldviews will oppose one another. No amount of cultural similarity or strategic interest can change that. The only thing is the passage of time and the XIXth century memes losing influence.
This is actually right.
This post have no place on Veeky Forums.
Leave now.
why should belonging to a language family have any profound effect on geopolitical issues
Poles are Catholic
Russians are Orthodox
Teutons and Swedes ruined Russians relations with Catholics for all time and thus Poland was the easy target after the PLC (which in many russians minds bullied the fuck out of its russian and ukranian minorities) fell apart.
Poles were never part of your imaginary 'Slavic world"
Poland joined Western civilization when Russkies were still fucking each other in the ass and howled to the moon.
>Poland joined Western civilization when Russkies were still fucking each other in the ass and howled to the moon.
Or in other words, Poles betrayed their Slavic brethren and joined the Western kiddie fiddlers.
Also, you can learn advancements from the West without allying with them and force converting your Eastern Orthobros... Just look at Czechs.
There was no Slavic brotherhood.
Poles didn't even know they had a retarded cousin in the east, up to Kiev conquests
It was all about Lech (Poland) and Czech.
Nice that you would mention Chrobry's raid on Kiev that he did with a bunch of German mercenaries. Russians and the Russian state draws it's heritage from Kiev, the capital of East Slavdom at the time. Whenever they debate about Poland they bring up that raid to show that Poles have been up to their traitorous pro-western shenanigans for up to 1000 years now.
Russia came from Mongol Hordes, not from Kiev Rus.
>At first Uzbeg did not want to empower Moscow. In 1327, the Baskaki Shevkal, cousin of Uzbeg, arrived in Tver from the Horde, with a large retinue. They took up residence at Aleksander's palace. Rumors spread that Shevkal wanted to occupy the throne for himself and introduce Islam to the city. When, on 15 August 1327, the Mongols tried to take a horse from a deacon named Dyudko, he cried for help and a mob of furious people fell on the Tatars and killed them all. Shevkal and his remaining guards were burnt alive. Thus Uzbeg Khan began backing Moscow as the leading Russian state. Ivan I Kalita was granted the title of grand prince and given the right to collect taxes from other Russian potentates. The Khan also sent Ivan at the head of an army of 50,000 soldiers to punish Tver
There was no "Russia" in that time, only Poland, Czech, other Western Slavs and leftovers of Western Slavs that build 'Kiev" btw, mainly Lechites (see Kievan Polans, Radimichi, Vyatichi).
But keep going with your Russkie revisionism.
Can you all please take your shit to the designated shitting on other countries board?
Sorry didn't know this was a safe space. Honestly 99% of history is shitting on other countries so I don't know how this could possibly work.
This board is mainly populated by two types of people:
No one gives a shit about other countries in here because no one knows anything about other countries.
This board was a mistake.
FTR the most wars happened between ethnic nations. Germans killed millions of Germans during the holy wars and unifications. Slavs likewise killed more millions of themselves during years of unification and persecutions.
Pokand has been mean to Russia first. People think that Russia was always a big bully while Poland was a small victim but in the 17th centuries the roles were very much reversed.
>Poor Poland dindu nuttin
Not even a russian or a tankie
>Bolesław's victory opened the road to Kiev, already under harassment from his Pecheneg allies.[1]
>At Boleslav's instigation, the very strong city of Kiev was disturbed by the constant attacks of hostile Pechenegs and severely weakened by fire. It was defended by the inhabitants, but quickly surrendered to the foreign warriors, after its king [Yaroslav] fled and abandoned it.[22]
wow so Poland basically fucked up the Kievan Kingdom and gave way for it to be raped by the Mongols hoards.
The most intra-slav killings were probably Russians killing Russians during the Soviet Terror periods.
Slav states warred less between each other than Germanics did and also killed less.
>wow so Poland basically fucked up the Kievan Kingdom and gave way for it to be raped by the Mongols hoards.
And after that Lithuania took all the Kievan clay and later Poland got that via marriage.
Russians and Ukrainians are still mad to this day.
nice argument
not an argument
>But keep going with your Russkie revisionism.
That's not Russia.
Both Kievan and Muscovite Rus were ruled by the same dynasty. They had the same religion and culture. I know you hate the Muscovites but you can't deny they had more in common with Kievan Rus than they did with the Hordes they conquered. Moscow just played the dutiful Mongol vassal while it was profitable, turned on them at the first sign of weakness and then proceeded to liberate all of Eastern Slav lands under the Mongol yoke.
Orthodox-Catholic divide isn't /int/ memery though.
I doubt that Novgorod would agree with that opinion.
Novgorod was conquered for the greater slavic good.
You mean Mongolian good. Novgorodians were Slavs conquered by the Mongolian Muscovites.
Boles are subhumans
>Poland betrayed his bis slavic brother
Russia wasn't even a thing until the 16th century.
True No matter how hard Muscovite niggers will claim that they're Kiev Rus, they're not.
Because if you would look at the fucking stats sheet for reality and stop being a spoonfed baby you would notice that slavs have -10 relations with other slavs.
Unfortunately wrong. Indeed, in early 17thC Poland fucked up Muscovities (as they didn't recognize name of Russia and tsar till late 18thC), but that doesn't mean Musovities didn't exist before that, and no, there weren't on peace. Of course Russians like to forget, that Muscovy was the sole reason Polish-Lithuanian Union(1569).
So, here is yours "russians gud boyz, they dindu nuffing"
>But that's Lithu...
Lithuania was ally of Poland, and Muscovities allied themselves with Germans(so much for protecting Slavs)
Later it become only worse. Ivan the Terible crowned himself "tsar of all Rus" and demanded Ruthenia of Poland, which gave them a good laugh. He allied himself with Swedes (again, such protectors of Slavs) and invaded Poland. Then he did it fucking again. Do you want to know, how many wars Poland waged till new Russia, or before that - Muscovities? Fucking 0. That was a rare moment in history, were Poles get pissed, and BTFO Russia so hard, that Ivan begged for peace and never attacked them again. This war basically leads on to times of trouble in Russia, where among the other Polish adventuers supported False Dmitriy and captured Moscow. But then death of Dmitriy and massacre of his supporters happens
>Palitsyn boasted in his chronicle that, "a great amount of heretical blood was spilled on the streets of Moscow."[7]
Poles get pissed away and you probably know what happens, thanks to popular "Polish victories" pasta
And later it's again one sided, till the Partisions
Oh, and you probably know that painting, do you know about what is it?
> Stańczyk during a ball at the court of Queen Bona in the face of the loss of Smolensk(1514)
So who bullied who?
And i don't even want to start about what later happens. Persecutions under partisions
>and some other shit
After Polish independence they greet it with fucking war, then again do it in '39, and after 2WW they end up occupying Poland, and again while doing some shit
How many reasons Russians have to hate Poland? Not many
How many reasons Poles have to hate Russia?
Who are SouthWest slavs?
I'm 99% sure that's meant to be Croatia and Slovenia, so it's bullshit (at least for Croatia).
Croatians probably when they were part of Venice
Muscovy was an irrelevant shithole in the 16th and most of 17th century while Poland was a great power. Sometimes I think you retards act like history started in 1900 and Poland was always just a victim and never the aggressor.
He literally explained why Poland had to go to war with Muscovy
This is the correct answer
Russia is mean to everyone.
ITT I have never read about Russian-Polish conflicts before the 20th century
Poland used to bully Russia every decade
epic meme senpai
>implying anyone actually gives a fuck about the whole Slav pride worldwide bullshit
You cared enough to respond.
You telling me this doesn't even make any sense.
>Poles get pissed away and you probably know what happens, thanks to popular "Polish victories" pasta
swedes were protestant retard