Why is this allowed? Does something like this have a negative effect on historical memory and social harmony?
Why is this allowed? Does something like this have a negative effect on historical memory and social harmony?
Do black people really trigger you that much?
Also, yeah it's going to paint the history in broad strokes, but it's fucking Broadway. It's a drama inspired by a book, which by the way is pretty well researched.
Sure it might not be 'real history,' but I'm just happy people are learning. And about a good American, as opposed to some asshat like jefferson
What are you asking, why is a dramatic retelling of history that takes some liberties for entertainment purposes allowed? Probably to entertain.
Also 25 year rule, so fuck off.
>Do black people really trigger you that much?
Not an argument.
>Also 25 year rule, so fuck off.
The play is less than 25 years old, sure. But it deals with events from over 200 years ago and also aspects of historical memory and popular portrayals of historical figures and events and is thus completely relevant to discuss on this board.
Make an argument pussy
>Why is this allowed?
Why should it not be allowed?
I don't think any of the people that went to see it actually left thinking that any of the founding fathers were black. Even if some did, those people are idiots anyway, not like Hamilton's casting was going to change that.
>I'm just happy people are learning
They're not though, they just think they are, that's the problem.
>Why is this allowed?
The First Amendment.
>Does something like this have a negative effect on historical memory and social harmony?
No. Most people know the Founding Fathers weren't black.
>but I'm just happy people are learning
The "people" aren't learning anything, at over $800 per ticket the only ones "learning" anything are virtue-signaling bourgeoisie liberals who are trying to look progressive to fellow trust-fund hipsters.
cultural appropriation reeee
...as well as the people who listen to the soundtrack on Spotify or some shit? Aka most people who like hamilton?
They know more about the life of Alexander Hamilton than they probably knew before they saw the musical. Honestly most people don't give a fuck about history, they just want entertainment. If you want every person to have historical literacy, changing Hamilton isnt going to do that.
>getting triggered by a fucking musical
Oh no, did someone violate your safe space?
Back to /pol/, fucktard.
>The play is less than 25 years old, sure.
Yeah and you made a thread about the fucking play, not about Alexander Hamilton.
Now that the original principals have left its down to $300 a ticket or so, which is a normal price for a Broadway show.
The thread is about the play's portrayal of Hamilton and the distortion of the historical record, not the play itself.
>everyone on Broadway is gay
>Mike pence goes to see Hamilton
Really makes you think
>this thread is not about the play but the plays portrayal of Hamilton and the historical record
>the play is a history of Hamiltons life
>The thread is about the play
>Not the play itself
The play's existence raises little annoyances here and there. I engage in sexual roleplay online and for whatever reason teenage girls are picking up Hamilton hardcore, and even though I'm pretending to be a cartoon futanari demon I can't help but be disengaged when Black Hamilton starts sucking Black Jefferson's big black dick.
That said, I don't think theres any real problem with it. It's art, free speech, whatever all that shit. Whatever deviance it causes, or corruption it brings, it's protected by the constitution. Deal with it nigger.
So virtue signalling bourgeois liberals remain virtue signalling bourgeois liberals.
>And about a good American, as opposed to some asshat like jefferson
A "good american" that asslicked the banks, wanted a government that was a monarchy in everything but name, and was an all round pussy that let Aaron Burr walk all over him.
>virtue-signaling bourgeoisie liberals who are trying to look progressive to fellow trust-fund hipsters
Like Mike Pence and his republican buddies
Hamilton asslicked the banks because he knew it was necessary for America's future, especially as a manufacturing and trading power as opposed to purely agricultural
And yeah hamilton was in favor of a strong federal government and thought the common people were stupid and only the educated should have a say in politics. He had a very negative view of the innate goodness of man, I'd imagine, but I can't say he's completely wrong in that
>Alexander "actually aristocracy is good" Hamilton
Not an argument.
>Why are musicals allowed?
Dick Cheney is trying to impress trust-fund hipsters?
The vast majority of the audience for the play is bourgeois liberals and you know it.
That's the vast majority of people who go to Broadway tho. Idk what your point is. Bourgie people do Bourgie shit
their message to mike pence during their performance was cringe worthy
>Do black people really trigger you that much?
No, but I find it odd that they casted black people to play a bunch of slavers.
>Does something like this have a negative effect on historical memory
Do you not understand the concept of historical fiction? Should we ban all historical fiction books, too? TV shows? Movies? Won't someone think of the historical memory?!?!?!
Textbook nationbuilding yo. Wants to show everybody is American. Like in today's america, Washington could have been black, doesn't matter. America then played by america now
>muh 25 year rule
Better not talk about videos until their 25th year anniversary.
The problem with Hamilton is it glazes over the fact that the founding fathers were aristocrats who considered non whites to be subhuman and instead attempts to depict them as non whites
It distorts the problems of the founding fathers to create a market-friendly version of history that can be enjoyed by the liberal elites of Washington and Manhattan.
The heroic founding fathers that are glorified by politicians are a lot more likable when they look like slaves
>historical memory
I mean the average American is retarded when it comes to even basic history, but I don't think a play is suddenly going to cause people to think that the Founding Fathers weren't white.
>social harmony
Cool, when can we get a hip-hop musical about the Confederacy?
This board is for history & humanities. Theater is part of humanities.
You've already got your shitty French Gone with the Wind musical
I actually really like the show as written, even if it is pretty revisionist in making Hamilton some sort of semi Byronic supergenius and Burr a simpering, petty retard.
As for the casting, I think in twenty years it will be remembered as very silly, but not ultimately harmful.
>Do black people really trigger you that much?
ironic to say this when you are utterly terrified of white people
>when you are utterly terrified of white people
>hate white people
>accuse others of being irrationally fearful of other races
really made me think.
the founding fathers are likeable regardless of whether they owned slaves or not
>I'm just happy people are learning.
They're not. They learn to worship an overly simplified caricature of a smug elitist prick.
Who "hates white people?"
>Hamilton some sort of semi Byronic supergenius and Burr a simpering, petty retard.
Not THAT far off...
American culture is basically the utter niggerization of everything. As a Yuro I find it absolutely comical what you guys are doing to yourselves.
American history consistently proved Hamilton's ideas correct. Look what happened when Jackson tried to implement his "FUCK DA BANKS" policy. Jackson fanboys are the absolute worst.
the type of people who post shit like "Do black people really trigger you that much?" in response to someone saying they dont like Hamilton the musical
Yes. Getting people to like Alexander Hamilton has a negative effect on historical memory :^)
Oh please with their views on slavery, the founding fathers are the fucking liberal elites of their time
and the best part is its really only two cities in this entire continent to. Thank god for the electoral college.
>South has most blacks
>somehow this is the north's fault
literally not even close that what I was saying.
He means that Jew York and LA are shitting out this pozzed "culture", he said nothing about the south.
If you actually think that then you're retarded.
We should do the same really. Let's make a film about MLK and have someone like Michael Fassbender play him. Or film about Shaka Zulu, starring Brad Pitt.
>the founding fathers are the fucking liberal elites of their time
That's the point. Liberal elites don't want to think that the liberal elites of the past thought vulgar thought that today are considered fundamentally illiberal
I've never heard of an intelligent or successful white person getting triggered by stuff like this. Only absolute losers. Protip: when you say "why is this allowed" you're not "defending the honor of your race," you're just showing your personal inferiority.
The last nigga on earth starring Tom Hanks.
Reminder Keanu Reeves and Tom Cruise are samurai, black face was a thing for decades, and Major Kusanagi is being played by Scarlett Johansson.
What your talking about has been done and is still done to this day. But if minorities do it, it's an outrage.
Given /pol/'s presence here, it's not an entirely unreasonable assumption
Tom Cruise explicitly plays a westerner/foreigner in that film, not a Japanese.
>Major Kusanagi
t. cucks
>Reminder Keanu Reeves and Tom Cruise are samurai
tom Cruise was an american who goes to japan as a military adviser and ends up fighting along with samurai, which was based on a real story about a french guy.
at least watch the movie before you bitch about it
>the founding fathers were aristocrats who considered non whites to be subhuman
In all his correspondence, George Washington never indicated that he believed blacks were inherently inferior to whites. Instead, he consistently displays the attitude that the degraded conditions of black people were a product of nurture rather than nature, and that they could be educated and integrated into society and taught to be free. Although Jefferson was racist against blacks, he was a huge Indianboo, and explicitly stated in a letter to the Marquis de Chastellux on June 7, 1785 that "I beleive [sic] the Indian then to be in body and mind equal to the whiteman."
That isn't to say that your statement often didn't apply, but it's overly simplistic, and I think it's easy to forget just how progressive the Founding Fathers were for their time.
Projecting much? No one here was talking about hating white people.
/pol delenda est desu
>I've never heard of an intelligent or successful black person getting triggered by stuff like this. Only absolute losers. Protip: when you say "why is this allowed" you're not "defending the honor of your race," you're just showing your personal inferiority.
Do you still stand by that statement with the race changed?
Maybe stay till the end where he offered to teach the Emperor his lord's samurai ways. I mean at that point of time he might as well be one
Yes, I do. I mean, unless you consider Reverend Jackson to be an "intelligent or successful black person".
Not the user you responded to, but do you not think white against black racism is more dangerous than black against white racism, because white people happen to hold most of the power in america, and historically even more so?
>As a Yuro I find it absolutely comical what you guys are doing to yourselves.
Better start praying or Ahmed is gonna blow your shit
>but do you not think white against black racism is more dangerous than black against white racism
Statistically black against white racism is more dangerous, whatever else you said is largely irrelevant.
So Van Jones and Ta-Nehisi Coates aren't intelligent or successful black people?
Not an argument.
They're Drumpftards still butthurt about losing the popular vote.
Black on white crime is more dangerous than the reverse, but I don't know that black on white racism is, since I don't see much evidence that most black on white crime is racially motivated.
> "Do black people really trigger you that much?"
>complain about other projecting
really made me think. Time to go check my privilege
>Men used to dress up as women in Shakespeare's time, that is no problem
>White guy is portrayed by a black man, /pol/tards sperg out
Wow, Really makes one think.
I mean, do you really think op would have posted this topic if the cast wasn't black, and op didn't have a problem with the cast being black? Don't think it takes that much thinking
>America then played by america now
We're still 60% white, and a quarter of the non-whites are in jail.
Niggers are not America now.
>projecting even more when called out on your bullshit
Kind of the same feeling I have about Crash Course videos by John Greene on Youtube, but less bad because it's entertainment. Crash Course is just wrong about so many things and it's misinformation dressed as education.
I think as long as you're not trying to come as being very historically accurate you can do what you want to create a good story. That ends as soon as you try to pass ahistorical things off as fact.
This play isn't even good history without mentioning the racial makeup of the cast. The music isn't even good.
What exactly is my bullshit? Calm down and tell me. I don't give a fuck about white or black people. Argue with me without telling me I hate white people. Cmon brainlet, you can do it. Tell me why hamilton is so awful
Because censoring theatre because it triggers you makes you even dumber than the people who take a musical for historical fact.
So if some author wrote history book we can't talk about it until its been published for 25 years?
The subject of the media is older than 25 years, get over it.
My gut reaction was disgust, but I've come to peace with the musical. In a century or two when whites are a small minority in this country I hope our successors have the same reverence for the founding fathers as we do. If it takes works like Hamilton to engender respect for the men of 1776 and make that happen then I think I can accept it.
>Why is this allowed?
First amendment
>Does something like this have a negative effect on historical memory?
Given the fact that it caused a ton of people to read biographies of Hamilton, I'd say it had the opposite effect if anything.
>and social harmony?
It's a fucking musical.
>since I don't see much evidence that most black on white crime is racially motivated.
Of course you don't.
>Why is this allowed?
>The play's existence raises little annoyances here and there. I engage in sexual roleplay online and for whatever reason teenage girls are picking up Hamilton hardcore, and even though I'm pretending to be a cartoon futanari demon I can't help but be disengaged when Black Hamilton starts sucking Black Jefferson's big black dick.
>That said, I don't think theres any real problem with it. It's art, free speech, whatever all that shit. Whatever deviance it causes, or corruption it brings, it's protected by the constitution. Deal with it nigger.
a national bank was and continues to be unconstitutional. Jackson might have fucked up the execution but there isn't really a good way to get a patient off heroin
Virtue signal is alt right codeword for not being a dumb fuck race bait retard
They are not allowed to trigger the emotions of nu male republikids dont you know Trump is in the whitehouse now everythings changed
Yes but why is anything upsetting ever allowed to take place? They might even disagree with me and not be punished. Why??????
No, it's imagining you're doing something good in the world, but in reality you're just sitting in a stoner-circle singing Kumbaya.
That doesn't even make sense.
Kind of like thinking that posting cartoon frogs on /pol/ makes any difference whatsoever.
Not to be racist, but I don't think black people hang out on Veeky Forums.