in anthropological terms, why is the perfect Aryan profile so rare? what can we do to make it more common?
In anthropological terms, why is the perfect Aryan profile so rare? what can we do to make it more common?
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There is no perfect profile
As an Asian I like more sloped foreheads on women
>Perfect Poo or Durka profile
Because you've arbitrarily defined what the "perfect" Aryan profile is
Nordics have historically had a low population.
Increase nordic birth rates
As a blonde haired, blue eyed, Caucasian fucker who generically has the stereo typical fairly straight profiled face.... I can say I get taken the piss out of by my peers because it is so uncommon, and I'm from England
it's common in india.
Doesn't Emma Watson display strongly swarthy celto-iberian facial traits?
It's not really a genetic problem, but a dietary one. Processed food, and other "soft" foods made us use our jaws less, and our faces suffer. Add in fucked up orthodontic procedures not correcting the source of the problem and we get people deviating even further from that ancestral profile, what we see as the average face today.
>people unironically holding 19th century beliefs
Fuck I hate /pol/
t. Actual anthropologist
Just because it was formalized in the 19th century doesn't mean people have distinct skull shapes.
b8 but I'll take it.
Literally all human variation is on a continuum and no matter how you categorize races there are always enough people sitting on the spectrum between two categories as to make it meaningless.
Every. Single. Facial feature we see in modern humans is the result of adaptation within an environmental niche. The very concept of a "perfect Aryan" skull shape is laughable phrenology-tier horseshit built on the confirmation biases of 19th century racists and has been thoroughly debunked and abandoned by the entire anthropology community. Funny how you only see this shit being discussed like it has any validity by mental midgets with inferiority complexes.
kys faggot
Throwback to the days the average bitch was malnourished
They're probably surprised by you because you seem autistic
Lol why are you so angry?
go be mad and handout kys so liberally somewhere else, it's obvious youre a redditor trying to fit in
Aryan skulls exist deal with it
>what do anthropologists think about this thing?
>we think it's bullshit and that you are retarded
>lol no you're wrong
There is literally nothing racist or phrenological about noting dolichocephaly
just because it was used in race science in the 19th century and that was bad doesn't mean it as a trait stopped existing entirely
Your entire post was a non sequitur about muh racism and muh phrenology
go away reddit
>one anthropologist's opinion represents the entire field
As an economist I can safely say that all economists think you are a faggot
Women literally cannot be aryan.
>think they're a science
l u l
>says the anthropologist
>british girl
The Eternal Anglo strikes again!
British girls are the only Aryans still being present.