I want to learn more about Rome, pls give recommended reading, Veeky Forums.
I want to learn more about Rome, pls give recommended reading, Veeky Forums
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Watch that one 45 part youtube series. I thought it was really good.
Ban this picture from the internet pls
In The Aeroplane Over The Sea - Neutral Milk Hotel
Listen to The History of Rome podcast. Pretty good and gives quite a number of recommended readings and primary sources.
this is shooped right
Adrian goldsworthy. Just read all of his books.
I see this faggot posted all the time. what is its name / story
Which? :/
His name is Jimmy Nu-male
SPQR by Mary Beard, the Gallic wars and Edward Gibbons the decline and fall of the Roman empire are all good reads.
much appreciated, have this rare pepe in return
I want to hate him but I can't.
just started listening to this last week. it's pretty good, got through the second samnite war today. I just wish he would have made the episodes longer and combined them instead of making me download like 4 of them for an hour of listening.
it's a lot of information though so I need to not binge them or else all of the names start to blend together and I remember nothing
You'll kind of get the big names as needed.
Publius Decius Mus is a name that will forever stick with me tho. absolutely fucking based for three generations.
Dont read SPQR by mary. Fucking disgusting.
Raggi is a shit mayor
Who is this guy, and why do people keep posting pictures of him?
The catechism of the Catholic Church
potion seller
Are there any books on the Roman Kingdom to early Republican Rome?
Everything seems to focus on either the Empire or the Punic Wars and I'm tired of it. I want to read about their dealings with Etruscans, Sabines, other Latins etc.
Anyone got that "Resume with the Romans" chart?
I think Jimmy Nu-Tron is a pretty cool guy. Eh fucks grills and doesnt afraid of anything.