The city of Dresden (1945, colorized):
War crimes
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>Strategic bombing was a war crime.
[citation needed]
start shit; get hit
>Bombing schools as hospitals
Haha, roasted!
>Strategic bombing is a war crime.
Yes... that's exactly what it is.
Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.
Oh boy it's this meme again.
Glad to see Veeky Forums is going the same way as German medieval cities in the 1940s.
Under what definition of war crimes? Bonus points if it is something contemporary to WW2.
Under current international law.
>Under current international law.
Please show me what it is you're drawing from and how you reached that conclusion.
oy sheisse
It's not legal under international law to deliberately attack civilians in war.
Afterall, the Axis were well known for their precision strikes that only hit Allied military targets and left everything else intact.
Please show me what it is you're drawing from and how you reached that conclusion. I, for one, have never seen the equation of imprecise methods of attack with deliberate murder of civilians in an ICC paper. There are civilians on quite a few military installations, or intermingled with the soldiery in any urban combat. At that point, is every mortar strike a war crime?
>have never seen the equation of imprecise methods of attack
Firebombing Tokyo, Dresden or London isn't "imprecise methods of attack".
It's quite deliberate.
It's a quite deliberate strike at a number of targets, civilian intermixed with military, at a time when you couldn't get a heavy bomber to pinpoint a target; you would hit within a circle of about 600 meters radius.
Again, show me something, a court case, a statute, an argument, claiming that strategic bombing is against the laws of war, either now, or( stronger for your argument) from the time period around WW2. I personally, have never seen one.
Fucking assholes, have you ever been to any of the cities that got their asses bombed by the Germans?
>ha ha i get to show those evil germans whose boss ha ha
>man i cant wait to take their so evil leaders to trial for their evil crimes ha ha good guys always win!
>ill do this at the same time while doing the same even tho its my fucking fault for causing the second war in the first place due to the fact i cant make a proper peace treaty!
>t. allies
>t. united states the only country in the world to ever drop atomic bombs on another country
>even tho its my fucking fault for causing the second war in the first place due to the fact i cant make a proper peace treaty!
What did he mean by this?
>aw shucks guys i almost forgot!
>ill also split the contenet with someone who hates our guts and keep nuclear winter one button push away!
>and we will do this for sixty fucking years
>never mind the fact that we almost killed ourselfs maybe 20 times ha ha!
>implying ww2 was not the allies fault
>implying if you did not attempt to mutilate Germany the Germans would not have got butthurt and try to rightly kill you
If they'ren't prepared to deal with the consequences of their actions then perhaps Germans should had told Austrians to calm the fuck down and not start shit with France&UK back in 1914.
Werent the english the first to start bombing tough ?
Germany wouldn't need to be multilated if they had kept their hands to themselves.
>the English
>Germany annexes Austria, Czechoslovakia, and Memel
>Allies tell Germany that if they attack Poland it means war
>Germany does it anyway
>REEE why are the allies attacking me?
>Germans should had told Austrians to calm the fuck down and not start shit with France&UK back in 1914.
Better idea, next time a Serb from Serbia wants to murder a monarch from Austria and Austria wants to investigate it just use your "great power" status to tell Serbia to just let them do it.
Oh and next time dont lie about a ship hold munitions to get amerakikes involved next time
>France and England get 300 year head start in colonial race and start bickering about it
>the second germany does it its fucking with it the powers in europe get buthurt
>carelessly cuts up germay
>germans try to take back their land and then some
>hol up m8 thats bad and evil you cant just take over places like that!
t. empires of great britian and france
They wuz gud bois who dindu nuffin!
Stormtards may as well rename themselves Nazi Lives Matter.
Well, if you look at it from that point of view, why didnt England declare war on the soviets?
>problem between Serbia and Austria?
>better invade and rape the shit out of Belgium, while on the way to attack France!
What is Maginot
>problem between Serbia and Austria?
>better get France and Russia involved!
... that's from the second time Germany tried to destroy Europe.
They couldn't fight autistic Germans and Soviets at the same time.
remind me again why poolands """allies""" did not declare war on the soviets who were also invading them as well?
Sorry man i didnt read your post correctly.
Remind me again why Germany invaded Poland after explicitly promising not to?
Yeah but thats kind of a lame excuse isnt it. You are sending your people to die for some Poles get them all worked up. And then, when the soviets do it no one bats an eye.
If you rape a serial killer you're still a rapist.
are you going to give me a reason?
or are you going to beat around the bush?
Is an executioner a murderer?
Rapist should get raped.
Why are you trying to change the subject?
>Why are you trying to change the subject?
im not the image was for some other poster
besides you still didnt give me a reason for great britian not declaring war on the soviets
>the entente were the first to declare war
Well desu i think we all know the reason. Look at a map. Look at Britain. Look at the USSR. They were probably to big of a pussy to do it. At least Germany had balls.
You didn't give me a reason why Germany invaded Poland after pinky swearing to be a good boy.
>Look at Britain
i asked you first ill give you a reason after you answer my question
Considering that Warsaw was terror bombed on the first day of the war, no.
You forgot the part where Serbia denied Austria access to investigate the murder of their monarch
Good luck sending those niggers and ex felons into a war with the USSR
Ah, i did not know that
Not him, but it's pretty obvious there's a big distinction from the British point of view:
The Nazis are an expansionist power in Europe that have broken numerous treaties, some of which are bilateral with your country in specific, all in the past few years.
The USSR's invasion of Poland was their first instance of expansionism since Stalin took the helm. There was still hope for diplomatic resolution for Soviet movements; the Nazis had amply demonstrated that their word was worthless.
>The USSR's invasion of Poland was their first instance of expansionism since Stalin took the helm.
Wait what about the Baltic states and Finland?
But if they had made a diplomatic solution with the USSR after they invaded wouldnt Britains word be equally useless ?
You mean, the ones they did after Poland and thus not known at the time of the invasion of Poland?
>I asked you first
How about Mongolia?
soviets held mongolia hostage for like ten years before ww2 broke out
>But if they had made a diplomatic solution with the USSR after they invaded wouldnt Britains word be equally useless ?
Not if they were successful. The Agreement of Mutual Assistance demands they give "support and assistance" without specifying what exactly that shall consist of.
>Agree to every point but to let Austrian representatives exercise power in Serbia ( compromising its sovereignty)
>"It's all Serbia fault, we must invade"
I can't find the source, but apparently the England-Poland defense pact mandated that the UK would come to aid if Germany invaded, but if another country were to invaded they would "consult together on measures to be taken in common"
Soviet vassalization (to use the term loosely) of the Mongolians began in the civil war and reached its climax in 1921, again before Stalin took power.
Jesus Christ its like its all tought out 20 years in advance and everybody just colludes to fuck Germany over.
Austria-Hungary would never have been satisfied with anything less than the dismantling of Serbia. If they were given access no they would have found Princip killed the Archduke with the aid of the Serbian government and used that as casus belli instead. A-H viewed the state of Serbia as a lightning rod for nationalism in the Balkans (and not without reason considering nationalist rebels had in fact risen up in Bosnia-Herzegovina just a few years earlier) and felt destroying it would solidify their control over the region.
>I can't find the source, but apparently the England-Poland defense pact mandated that the UK would come to aid if Germany invaded, but if another country were to invaded they would "consult together on measures to be taken in common"
I'm afraid that's incorrect.
You won't find the term "Germany" in there. It's always about a "European Power", and while I'm sure they had Germany in mind, the Agreement doesn't state that.
I suppose you could theoretically argue that the USSR wasn't a European power what with its vast holdings in Asia, but I wouldn't want to try that line in some sort of court.
>Is an executioner a murderer?
Yes, obviously
But apperantly that is what happend
Of course that's what happened. And to this day Poles lament the fact that the West in general didn't come to their aid against the Soviets and all those decades behind the Iron Curtain.
Although, to be fair, Churchill did want to try to start WW3 on the ashes of WW2, and was overruled by pretty much everyone else.
Yeah i can imagine that senile alcoholic trying to start another war.
well there perfectly justified in doing so in the end wernt they?
Allies can't commit war crimes. They're the good guys.
i dont remember any nazis being charged for any warcrimes over the blitz
>Firebombing Tokyo, Dresden or London isn't "imprecise methods of attack".
The same payload of bombs dropped by the same number of planes that hit Dresden would be dropped on Berlin 16 times without once causing a firestorm. The conflagration in Dresden was clearly God's will.
The bombing of Dresden was a test for the nukes to see what would happen if you lit a city of fire.
>war crime
Start shit get hit
And it would have been their good right to do so to pacify that haven of terrorism. Starting WW1 over Serbia was not worth it. It destroyed Russia and doomed all of Eastern Europe, it destroyed the British Empire and set the US on the way to world domination. And Germany rules Europe either way as we can see nowadays.
Crime: Jasenovac
Year: 1941
Perpetrators: Croats (NDH)
Death Toll: 600.000 Serbs
Croats should fuck off
Not the point
someone for the love of God explain to me how 9/11 wasn't also """strategic bombing""". The WTC was the centerpiece of the US global economy which financed their military industry and the pentagon is literally the hq of the us armed forces.
Valentine Day Germans deserve.
>Not bombing nazi hospitals to fuck
Get a load of this guy
>ill do this at the same time while doing the same even tho its my fucking fault for causing the second war in the first place due to the fact i cant make a proper peace treaty!
Yes user, that was the only reason. The only reason Hitler rose to power was because of the treaty and not through the demonization of minorities.
The Allies should have pulverized Berlin.
t. German
Christ alive Im not even on the right but the memes are true that G*rmans hav been cucked beyond understanding
Berlin has been a forced meme and sinkhole since Friedrich I.
Germany would be better off without this waste of money.
Do it again Bomber Harris
Do it again bomber harris
You're right, it should have been further divided.
The hijackers weren't part of country that declared war on the US.
They hijacked a civilian aircraft.
By your definition, if I stole a single seat plane and rammed it into the house of some guy I didn't like, I "strategically bombed" him.
people like to forget that in Rotterdam allied bombs killed way more civilians