Be me

>be me
>be karl marx
>be bit of an idiot drunkard but with good intentions
>obsessive over economics
>decide to write a book on my interpretations of capitalism and the future of the world economy
>write this during a particularly dangerous revolutionary time period of rising anti-monarchical sentiments
>ideas used in the future
>results in the deaths of millions because of evil dictators and bad economic theory
>somehow this is my fault

Can someone explain? How is this in any way this guy's fault?

Other urls found in this thread:

>create destructive ideology

>"waa he dindu nuffin!"

also, why do commieboos pretend that Marx was this god tier genius when the retard couldnt even handle a bank account and had to leech off of his friends rich daddy?

>be me
>anonymous poster
>bit of an idiot faggot but with good intentions
>obsessive over shitposting
>decide to post the billionth garl margs killed a gorillion people thread
>write this on a board where left and right wingers sperg over the same 5 or 6 topics over and over again
>thread continues in the future
>results in the deaths of millions because of tired old arguments that pollute the board
>somehow this is my fault


Karl Marx couldn't get a job. Being known as part of the labour movement was a good way of killing ones job prospects, and it didn't help that Marx was one of the biggest figures in it at the time. Engels himself would have had difficult time finding employment if not for his family, and even then he was careful to cultivate something of a double life in his early years there. He didn't really become open about his politics publically until he was a senior partner with the firm.

>>create destructive ideology

What is destructive about determining the future of economic events?

I'm not a commieboo, just an intellectual and a genius.

Actually Karl Marx REFUSED to get a job because he considered it beneath him. He was the 19th century equivalent of the entitled millenial. He let his wife go mad and a few of his children die because he considered he was literally "to intellegent to work".

>Can someone explain? How is this in any way this guy's fault?

He should've known that the ambiguity of what his utopia should look like would cause problems.

There is a reason the Marxist-Leninist developed their theory of the vanguard, and that's because nobody has any idea what a stateless, moneyless and classless society actually means.

>decide to write a book on my interpretations of capitalism and the future of the world economy
And a book which advocated for violent revolution and the destruction of the bourgeoisie...

But he dindu nuffin he was speaking allegorically!

>tfw too intelligent to work

I heard he was part of the plot to kill keyser soze

thanks marx!

>Actually Karl Marx REFUSED to get a job because he considered it beneath him
And where does he say so?

>cultural marxism
my favorite meme

>i-it doesnt exist because I dont call it that!

weakest argument ever m8

Can't make this shit up.

Leftism is a disease.

Nah, it just doesn't exist.

>it just doesn't exist.

sure thing :)

have you ever read about it outside of what you saw on /pol/? i'm not even a commie but you're downright retarded

>i'm not even a commie but you're downright retarded

youre irrational anger at me and lashing out plus your complete lack of an argument says otherwise user. You guys have no argument for it not existing other than "we dont call it cultural marxism so it doesnt exist!" which is imbecilic

it sure is


not an argument.

also being a diverse movement, someone like marcuse is going to offer a very tendentious interpretation of frankfurt school to fit his own ideas, which differ from other scholars of the movement.

>literally just the "we dont call it cultural marxism, so it doesnt exist" argument

I honestly dont understand you guys.

> marcuse is going to offer a very tendentious interpretation of frankfurt school to fit his own ideas, which differ from other scholars of the movement.

I know, which is why I have focused on Marcuse since it is his ideas that led to this PC witch hunt culture we have now.

>Can't make this shit up.
But that's exactly what he did

what, then, do you identify as cultural marxism? read the entry on adorno here in the stanford encylopedia and tell me where it talks about "destroying culture to promote race-mixing and destroying white hegemony," if that is what I understand you mean by cultural marxism.

>I know, which is why I have focused on Marcuse since it is his ideas that led to this PC witch hunt culture we have now.
This is exactly the point though. While Marcuse was associated with the Frankfurt school, he departed from Adorno (the representative of the movement) drasically. Adorno wanted nothing to do with the 'new left' and the student movements of the 60s that marcuse was supposedly the leading intellectual of.

>youre irrational anger at me and lashing out
i apologize, it was immature of me desu

>what, then, do you identify as cultural marxism?


> read the entry on adorno here in the stanford encylopedia and tell me where it talks about "destroying culture to promote race-mixing and destroying white hegemony," if that is what I understand you mean by cultural marxism.

can you please stop strawmanning me? I didnt even mention Adorno and thats not even what Adorno was talking about. His whole schtick was about how bad consumerist culture was and his retarded f-scale that was basically just "if you disagree with me, you are literally hitler and clinically insane!"

>Adorno wanted nothing to do with the 'new left' and the student movements of the 60s that marcuse was supposedly the leading intellectual of.

Again, I know, which I why I have focused only on Marcuse. And he wasnt just "supposedly" the leader of the new left, the guy is refereed to as the father of it. Furthermore, Im not a neo-nazi or anything like that, I dont think of cultural marxism as some jewish anti-semetic thing or anything like that. I first heard of it from an interview with Andrew Breitbart, who you might hate but whatever, and then I started looking into his claims some more. There is obviously something there, and the only real "argument" I ever see from people that it doesnt exist is "we dont call it that" or they push it back to "well it exist, but no one cares about it" which doesnt really hold any truth to it when you visit literally any college humanities class.

heres the interview I first heard it from

>Adorno blamed capitalism for erosion of genuine culture and replacing it with consumerist and hedonist culture (what /pol/ would call 'degenerate')
>conspiracy nutjobs blame him for pushing for consumerist and hedonist culture in the name of socialism
there is no limit to the autism of the far-right

>but with good intentions

Friendly reminder to all leftards that Marx was a racist that advocated for the extermination of certain nationalities.

>implying that doesn't make him even more based

wtf i love marx now!

you didn't answer the question. if we can't define what cultural marxism is, then how are we to know who espouses it or if it even exists at all?

>His whole schtick was about how bad consumerist culture was and his retarded f-scale that was basically just "if you disagree with me, you are literally hitler and clinically insane!"
kek, that barely scratches the surface. authoritarian personality is not the sum of his work.

>which doesnt really hold any truth to it when you visit literally any college humanities class.
and that's probably true. you think 1960s rebels or their counterparts in the succeeding decades actually understood marx, or read anybody from the Frankfurt school for that matter? It's just like how modern day feminists or black activists espouse slogans that are travesties or downright mischaracterizations of intellectuals, if they are even that at all. no philosopher can be boiled down to a couple of talking points

Marx worked as a journalist for a newspaper. What the fuck? Where do you stupid faggots get that he didn't have a job or refused to work?

>Can't make this shit up.
>makes shit up

>you think 1960s rebels or their counterparts in the succeeding decades actually understood marx

Here is the root of all the denial, Marx himself. No one has ever claimed that this is a direct idea from Marx, but an offshoot of marxism by members of the frankfurt school

look at 8:50

>the guts of the frankfurt school as it started when you started talking about the RE EXAMINATION of marxist concepts

>the feeling that marxism has to be RE EXAMINED AND RECONSTRUCTED that gave rise to your movement

> if we can't define what cultural marxism is, then how are we to know who espouses it or if it even exists at all?

we can though, the problem is cultural marxism is a term that its opponents came up with, so no one is going to say "Im a cultural marxist" but that doesnt mean they dont exist.

Barely. He got Engels to write the articles for him, kek. But he still forced him to sign with Marx.

He was a piece of shit.


Has any of you ever read DAS CAPITAL. Not books about it, the actual book.

if you havent read mein kampf and Hitlers second book, then you cant critize nazism at all.

>be leftist
>follow an ideology created over 200 hundred years ago and pretend it is without flaws
>Mock people who cite Adam Smith, Freud, or Aristotle on epistemology and logic

>gramsci part of frankfurt school
>ANYBODY from the frankfurt school coming from italy
>implying that Germany's economy wasn't as developed, if not more developed than some parts of America at the time.
>states that cultural marxism is multiculturalism and political correctness without giving examples
>hurrdurr before cultural marxists came america was a golden age and class conflict and racial antagonism never existed!
>obama was a community organizer (during which, by the way, he didn't do shit), therefore he's cultural marxist!
>states that marcuse and by extension other cultural marxists are indecipherable, but then goes on to explain that he knows what it means.
>critical theory is about destroying people, showing he doesn't know what it means.
yeah...breitbart is really on to something!

>we can though, the problem is cultural marxism is a term that its opponents came up with, so no one is going to say "Im a cultural marxist" but that doesnt mean they dont exist.
and once again, you haven't define it. all your saying is "i feel as though it exists, so it must exist!"

>the guts of the frankfurt school as it started when you started talking about the RE EXAMINATION of marxist concepts
>the feeling that marxism has to be RE EXAMINED AND RECONSTRUCTED that gave rise to your movement
they were still working in the marxist-hegelian tradition. they may have borrowed from other scholarly traditions and took an interdisciplinary approach, but they didn't throw the baby out with the bathwater.

This doesn't exist anywhere in the OP.

also he literally reveals in the first minutes how he had no influence on student protesters. i wasn't talking about just marx (who is still important to understand the frankfurt schoolers), but the frankfurt school

>and once again, you haven't define it.

its just the continuation of the new left. The modern SJW thing

> but they didn't throw the baby out with the bathwater.

I never said they did and obviously dont think that if the thing has "marxism" in its name. You said that it wasnt directly from Marx and I was just explaining that it never was even stated to be that, but an offshoot of it. If you want to argue that cultural marxist are so off the tracts that they arent "real" marxist that a different discussion. All Im saying is that this thing exist, and even you are acknowledging that to at least some degree.

Also, America did experience a sort of post war "golden age" and when people like Marcuse or Adorno looked at a prosperous conservative city like San Francisco, they just bitched about it.

>being this retarded
The right blames socialism for these things,
Cultural marxism is cultural realtivism eg all cultures are good degenerate is a "social comstruct", moral is not universal its the evil white man morals that set rules etc...

>also he literally reveals in the first minutes how he had no influence on student protesters

he says he didnt start them, he just articulated the ideas that they fought for

Stalin wrote books and papers with his personal philosophies.
I once started reading Rozenberg's book but too much hokus pokus on me. I prefer reading original mythology or even arlekins than shit like that.

Ah yes....

Our ideology isn't built around a proletariat class consciousness. If Rothbard, Rand, or Friedman said "only the proletariat can understand capitalism" then yes this image would have a point. More over, that image ignores Mises and Hayek, both of which served as distinguished soldiers in the first world war.

BTW not a Marxist.
I strongly believe that ideologies are actions and reactions for specific social conditions. Otherwise they are either poisonous or meme-tier bullshit, kinda like drugs.

>its just the continuation of the new left. The modern SJW thing
I disagree. New left was just a coalition formed in the 1960s that changed the face of the democratic party from one that championed primarily the working class to a broader coalition of minorities, middle class people and such. imo you're conflating the new left with the frankfurt school, when the link itself is tenuous at best. The rabble rousing activists at the vanguard of the movement were mostly about organizing and political activism (something which isn't exclusive to the left, the conservative movement of the late 20th century was arguably the more effective activist movement seeing how republicans dominate the state and federal governments atm). That's why I say I doubt if these activists or supporters of the new left read any frankfurt school at all. It was mostly a voting bloc for the democratic party. In the video of Marcuse, in the first few minutes he's shit talking the student activists for their methods, their antiintellectualism (i.e. their ignorance of marx or any kind of scholarly tradition) and their naive belief that they could effect change as the world was at that moment (i.e. when capitalism was probably at its epitome for delivering widespread wealth in history). SJWs I think arose from the new left, but their beliefs are just butchered caricatures created by gender and race studies academics who have only tenuous understandings of the frankfurt school or marx themselves. the sjws in turn are just as wacky because they further water down these ideas (like the idea of intersectionality, which I've read misconstrues an idea that derives from some obscure feminist scholar)

>Also, America did experience a sort of post war "golden age" and when people like Marcuse or Adorno looked at a prosperous conservative city like San Francisco, they just bitched about it.
that's true and I think it has to do with their adherence to freud (cont.)

>Mises and Hayek
Literally WHO!

You can ignore their influence doesn't really do you any good nice argument pal

How was that an argument?

Are you retarded?

Mises FOUNDED modern mainline Austrian ideology, while Hayek extrapolated and finalized Austrian business cycle theory and created a technically "separate" austrian methodology. The fact you don't know who they are, but post that meme image is pretty sad.

The fact that you not only know in detail who these autistic Neoliberals are. But expect others to is pretty sad too.

At least I know what I'm talking about before I talk about it. But this is Veeky Forums who needs that.

and his idea that people feel one way while subconsciously they feel something else. It was also, as you mentioned earlier, their fear that mass media is escapism, obscures inequality, fosters unquestioning obedience with one's lots etc. etc. (though people would probably disagree) In this sense they did choose to see the negatives of america, but I'm sure they were also attune to the positive, but I think they were more interested in the emancipation of the individual from domination (whatever that means)