Were shield maidens real?
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Yes. In fact, almost half of the Viking soldiers were shield maidens.
No historical examples I can think of.
>Something something sagas something.
The same sagas that talk about trolls, elves and dragons.
Vikings is hard to watch
>some broad swinging a sword is akin to dragons
Yes. In fact, almost 80% of Viking soldiers were shield maidens
Why do western men worship women so much? What is it about them that must always be glorifying and giving praise to the undeserving sex?
>When Leif Erikson's pregnant half-sister Freydís Eiríksdóttir was in Vinland, she is reported to have taken up a sword, and, bare-breasted, scared away the attacking Skrælings.[6] The fight is recounted in the Greenland saga, though Freydís is not explicitly referred to as a shieldmaiden in the text.[7]
That's kind of hot
No. They existed when the circumstance and need arose iirc but they weren't a standard or systematically trained group.
It's just the same as hearing about noble women fighting in English castle sieges and expecting that they all did. They didn't, rather one did while her husband was away instead of defering control to someone else.
Yes. Unlike bigoted christianity, Norse paganism was egalitarian
t. neo-"pagan"
Egalitarian is a meme that has been allowed to exist due to the gifts of knowledge and technology. Just like how socialism and pacifism is a meme that has been allowed to exist in the saftey that violence has allowed for them.
Women, in general make poor soldiers. Introduction of women also throws off interactions and relationships/disipline on the field. While some women could be effective they would be few in number and, without a drastically different culture, their presence would just upset the flow of the force more than their introduction would assist it.
Nice strawman, christcucks.
>I can think of.
On the other hand, you know nothing about the subject, so you wouldn't think of it no matter what.
Women defended themselves all the time, they wouldn't have gone onto the field but they would have defended their homes. I expect shieldmaidens did that.
The point being, they're fiction. Take anything they say that cannot be backed up with other sources, with a whole sea of salt.
>women defending castle
Yeah, in The Romance of the Rose. Litterally allegorical fiction. Protip: the castle is a womans fuck hole and the rose is her cherry.
I think a better question is: Was Skulda "Half-Elf Necromancer Werebear Killer" of the Gauts a real person?
No. It is just Hollywood modern feminists attempting to rewrite history and shaping it to the political fads of today.
Well Sagas often use real people as characters, while the stories are entirely made up.
Vikings didn't do history, but it's speculated that they made up these stories to honor their greats.
But that's fucking wrong, kiddo. There are several different kinds of saga with differing levels of historicity, as you'd know if you'd ever even wiki'd that shit.
The antithesis of humanity.
Check out the Order of the Hatchet. Women who took part in the defense of the city were given special treatment and a form of tax exemption.
The only record of of shield maiden-like combat was Erik The Red's sister taking up a sword and fighting off American natives while bare-breasted, in Vinland.
Vikings were clean, wore bright colors, did not wear leather and chainmail grimdark armor, and regularly raped women and killed children.
If you want historical female warriors, look to Onna Bugeisha.
>the invasion of Spain and halt of Muslim expansion by Charles Martel
>the end of the dark ages by Charlemagne
>the Brytenwalda
>the Byzantines
There's a dozen more significant and interesting settings between the fall of the West and beginning of the middle ages proper, but we can't learn about that, for resources allocated to dramatizing and romanticizing armed fisherman and pirates, from a barren backwater. Worse still, even their overrated legacy is warped to make them palatable to ignorant, post-modern hipsters. It's worse than white kids glomming onto Rasta, only to be taken aback when they realize that there's gender roles and homosexuality isn't acceptable.
Hohoho, zing!
I think they were real judging by how tough women are up here in the north.
Historical facts though i can only find documented british women gladiatrixes and women dressed as men on the crusades. Maybe some vague viking tales.
I do think the they were real and existed but history has erased them.
Yes because everything in lotr is a direct allegory to WWI or is taken from that experience
They dont but all you have to do is tag a buzzword on it like virtue signaling and then youre justified in your muslamic standard of social interaction
I bet you have a rich daddy
I would like to turn it around why do eastern cultures diminish women so mush an treat them as slaves or commodities.
Women are glue that keeps the community together and they also make new humans with the aid of men.
>Women are glue that keeps the community together and they also make new humans with the aid of men.
Why did you write this in the present tense? They don't do that stuff anymore.
>They don't do that stuff anymore.
Ahahaha they never did. You think human nature has changed?
>I would like to turn it around why do eastern cultures diminish women so mush an treat them as slaves or commodities.
Maybe you should kys
China has more female billionaires than the rest of the world combined, and Russia proportionally has much more female billionaires than the U.S
Nobody in the world cares about 'traditional gender roles' or 'degeneracy' as much as Amerifats, things just happen naturally
There were gender quotas.
At least half of the soldiers had to consist of people identifying as female (although some Viking scholars argued that this was too heteronormative and didn't leave options for other genders; as one can see, even if the past was more progressive they weren't perfect either). A certain percentage also had to consist of People of Colour and differently-abled people (disabled is an ableism that is derogatory).
Exactly. Sagas chronicle history. According to me, a Norse Pagan, it's historically accurate
is dis real?
No. In fact, Scandinavian culture was really against women handling weapons or doing anything "manly."
Based on the writings of Tacitus, most of the "barbarians" were content with one wife which indicates a general trend towards monogamy. For those higher within their social hierarchy however, polygamy was sometimes "solicited on account of their rank".[196] Of note, Tacitus observed that "the wife does not bring a dowry to her husband, but receives one from him" and wedding gifts related to a marriage consisted of things like oxen, saddles and various armaments. Revealing the warlike nature of their society, Tacitus also reported that wives came to their husbands "as a partner in toils and dangers; to suffer and to dare equally with him, in peace and in war.[196]
This would explain the weapons found in women's graves on Germanic countries
>you will never run into battle with a bare chested pregnant woman shouting and screaming for blood
Also on a completely different note I think it's intensely humorous that the Vikings had skirmishes with Native Americans
Basically it's equalitywashing by neo-pagans and romanticists.
Around the same time in history there's plenty of accounts in the historic record of women elsewhere in Europe and in Asia, but no accounts for Norse society outside of Erik the Red's sister, and a Norwegian woman called Rusla who became a raider over a title dispute and was eventually "killed with oar blows" by her brother. And we know that at the time, the Norse society had extremely strict gender roles despite some progressive differences from the rest of Europe. (Eg, after scaring off the Indians Freydís is criticized rather than thanked)
I suspect a lot of it was from early Christian missionaries misinterpreting stories about Valkyries, and possibly turning them into propaganda about how the barbarians make women fight for them and need to be civilized.
100% of Viking warriors were shield maidens. Any other statement regarding such matters is a mansplain.
No, only time it has been recorded were when the Vikings were on the losing side. Which means it was a last resort.
these people have gone so far off the plot it is like they are speaking another language
She was an illegal immigrant but apparently for /hispol/ this is a sidenote.
Women were the most valuable resource back then, you'd have to be donkeyshit dumb to throw them into a battlefield.
JK women fought all the time, but they were paid smaller wages then men because of the patriarchy
During the middle ages a few noblewomen would command the troops alongside their husbands.
I don't know of any who weren't germanics.
Bohemond of Antioch's stepmom
Could you not use sarcasm here? Many of us are autistic and sarcasm is only going to cause a lot of confusion
Most mutinies in armies were led by women that demanded higher pay. Many misogynist soldiers were executed because they called one another 'brother', assuming their gender in the process
>first european man in canada was named "Leif"
Really makes my synapses fire