Hey Veeky Forums, can you redpill me on Islam? Google of course brings up either 'its 100% a religion of peace and all the bad things any muslims have done don't matter' or it brings up Islam hate articles.
So is it really a religion of peace? Is the stuff about killing infidels to get into paradise in whatever part of the Quran considered to be their 'Old Testament' and thus only followed by radicals?
Anything you know plus any links to actual information on the religion itself would be great, I want to learn as much as I can.
Other urls found in this thread:
I don't care about islam
It's no more or less violent than any other Abrahamic religion can manage.
Tunisian muslim here.
>killing infidels
Ignored and considered as only relevant to the early times of Islam (at the time it was written), it's considered as a story more than something to follow.
Don't really know what to say but if you want to ask questions I'd gladly answer as much as I can.
It's a religion of peace in the sense that when they have conquered the world and everyone is a Muslim they imagine there will be peace.
In other words, it's the only of the Abrahamic religions that is openly imperialistic. They even call every place on the planet that isn't majority Muslim for "The House of War".
Islam is the overarching theme, but individual sects interpret the Quran differently. Some adhere closely to a literal translation (more fundamental), and some more loosely (more progressive). To claim that all of the sects adhere to the same principles, values, and teachings would be sheer ignorance. I hate to compare it to Christianity (because they are not directly comparable, though many will claim they are), but that would be like claiming Orthodox Christans, Catholics and Lutherans are all the same.
Probably the biggest thing you could realize about Islam is that it's a confederation of several different lifestyles and cultures with each adopting for themselves a religious framework for their existence. Some are good, some are bad. The issue is that globalization has begun to bring together many of these subcultures that had lived separately for so long, and some of the worse ideas are winning out over the better ones due to politics.
There is no Islam. There are several Islams, and there are many both within and without with a vested interest in only presenting one aspect or subculture as its one true face.
The Tunisian guy again. These guys are totally right and you have to consider it.
A morrocan won't have the same opinion as a Lebanese, or a Saudi and an Iraqi etc...
Not by tunisians
Two truck drivers in a year
It's a dangerous political ideology.
You know extrapolating those numbers is not exactly methodologically sound, right?
u made me think
>religion of peace
Trying telling any non-Christian that Christianity is a religion of peace and prepared to be laughed out of the room. The problem with Abrahamic religions is that Christians/Muslims/Jews think of themselves as saints and think the other Abrahamic sects are destroyers of civilization. This misses the ultimate truth that they're all followers of an extremely dogmatic and intolerant religion.
Obviously, Islamic regions are a bit behind on the whole medieval thinking thing. But that's not really the religion as much as it is the history of the regions.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't Wahhabis the particular sect that are currently conducting the majority of terrorist actions in the world? What's the difference in nuance between Saudi Arabia's brand of Islam and whatever causes non-Saudi Wahhabis to conduct Jihad?
I think ISIS attacks are far too nebulous to pin on one thing like "kill infidels" as its motivation. I'm not the person you were responding to, but I'd say Islam is just a convenient radicalizing ideology for these purposes when used from an underdog perspective. I'd compare it to how in the alternate situation (say, Europe is militarily dominated by a primarily-Arab force and occupied for decades) you wouldn't be surprised to see people reviving knightly orders and using Christian examples to promote resistance. I don't necessarily think the two are 1:1 equivalent, but environment seems like a much larger factor here. Talk to the Muslim that lives in a prosperous or Western country with decent social cohesion and that radicalism isn't even a concern, but it may be a different story to one who has grown up in an environment under intermittent Western military occupation being taught that only strict traditionalism is acceptable. Combine that with what they must think of Westerners from that perspective- we attack from almost only where there is no chance of reprisal, we bomb civilians, etc, and if your default morality example is the disadvantaged but determined freedom fighter and martyr, is it really that surprising that radicalization efforts are pretty successful?
Gee user, how many of those images do you have? Are you lost?
It'd be interesting to see how that compares to Muslim immigrants in more developed countries.
In some countries it's actually worse. Something like 30% of British Muslims sympathized with the Charlie Hebdo massacre.
Why is it so taboo to have/create/show images of Muhammad?
Why is Mecca so important?
I know you guys pray a lot throughout the day, how often and why?
What's the difference between Shi'ite and Sunni?
Also what country do you live in? If it's a non-mostly Islamic country, do you face a lot of prejudice? Is so, what kind/in what way?
>say, Europe is militarily dominated by a primarily-Arab force and occupied for decades
Kinda like Spain before the Crusades?
Thank for aknowledging that Crusades were justified
I didn't say they were justified, I said that it was comparable. Unless you're saying ISIS is justified? Are you aware of the point you're making?
>Talk to the Muslim that lives in a prosperous or Western country with decent social cohesion and that radicalism isn't even a concern
Actually, muslims who live in Western Europe and the rich oil states are the most infidel hating ones
Muslims born in Western Europe are the main jihad fodder and Gulf billionaires are the ones funding islamic terrorism
That's because most Muslims in the Middle East don't read or write English and thus never see Western media which pisses off the diaspora Arabs and Persians.
If you were some young Arab kid in France and the media painted a ridiculously generalized and often racist image of your people, you'd be more prone to radicalization, too. It's like how lots of young white kids got radicalized after GooberGate.
I'm not a Muslim but I sympathize with Charlie Hedbo massacre
>If you were some young Arab kid in France and the media painted a ridiculously generalized and often racist image of your people, you'd be more prone to radicalization, too
Stop spreading this pathetic meme.
So you're an idiot. Doesn't change what I said.
Not an argument
These are pretty stupid questions. You can look them all up if you were at all interested.
>Why is it so taboo to have/create/show images of Muhammad?
It was forbidden because it could lead to idolatry
>Why is Mecca so important?
The place of birth of the prophet and funded by Abraham
>I know you guys pray a lot throughout the day, how often and why?
5 times a day, you need to wash yourself beforehand each time. To remember to be thankful to God at all times.
The times are dawn, midday, during the afternoon, sunset and during the night you can check the exact times.
Most people I know don't though
>What's the difference between Shi'ite and Sunni?
At first a question of succession of the first caliphate, nowadays shias have different traditions (just like sunnis have different traditions between each other).
>Also what country do you live in? If it's a non-mostly Islamic country, do you face a lot of prejudice? Is so, what kind/in what way?
I live in tunisia so I can't say. But my cousins living there never had any problem (but they're quite wealthy desu so it might be different for others)
>We're just going to ignore that the majority of ISIS attacks have been staged by radicalized nationals
>Lets also ignore that Western Europe does an absolute shit job of assimilation
Yes I could have, but getting a reply from someone who practices Islam seemed to be an even better way to learn about these things. Faggot.
I'll be honest, I haven't spent enough time in Europe to know much about their inclinations. Social cohesion seems especially vulnerable and inflexible in Europe given that the US has had a strong national myth of being a cultural melting pot and focused on individual rights- we don't have 2000-year-old history to protect with our land and skin color, and we don't have a singular recognizable ethnic identity. In addition to this, the lower financial and logistical bar for entry to Europe as opposed to the US means our assimilation seems to be much more effective. That said globalism seems to be a huge trigger to a traditionalist revival, so who knows what the future holds here? I have to agree with you about the Gulf states you're referring to though, they seem like an outlier with enough money to stir the pot for ideological reasons. It's certainly a tough question to answer regarding the social aspect of changing demographics; the biggest problem is that the massive number of displaced first-generation immigrants represents a cultural shift, not necessarily a solely religious one. Here the most radical Muslims are converts, often ethnically white or black, much like many other religions. What I'm getting at mostly is that religion is secondary to culture, and attacking religion in place of culture is ineffective because it is not aimed at the right thing- if often creates the tension needed to radicalize.
Get the information from the source instead, it's readily available for free.
Yeah, lets ignore the fact that the people who come, are actually people who consider the West literally Satan, and have no interest in being assimilated nor integrated.
Thankyou! Very informative user I appreciate it.
How do you feel about the persecution and/or fear of all muslims based off of the few that are terrorists? Do you feel any of it is justified, or that people shouldn't label all muslims as bad?
Actually, that may be the wrong way to ask what I'm trying to ask. How do you feel about Muslims having to get background checks/more demanding checks when trying to travel/etc? And how do you feel about the prosecution of muslims, again do to the actions of the few extremists?
Oh also, what exactly is the 'revival' of Islam I've heard about? What is it, what would it entail and what would the desired result(s) be?
>If you were some young Arab kid in France and the media painted a ridiculously generalized and often racist image of your people, you'd be more prone to radicalization, too.
Most media in France and Western Europe are actually blindly tolerant toward islam and muslims
After every attacks, the fact it could lead to some distrust of muslim is treated as worse than the fact people died and will keep dying as long as muslims are present in the country
Also, if the young arab is pissed off, he can GTFO back to North Africa
Who else /ISIS sympathizer/ here?
I just want the damn fighting to end.
Personally I want the West to leave the ME alone to sort out it's own shit, and stop giving people an excuse to hate us.
it's got little to do with integration and is closer to the way a lot of young people are flocking to alternative political movements lately because they feel their lives are at a dead end and all their futures are drying up.
It's neither the media nor the Quran that changes them. It's their shifty consumerist lives barely sustained by even shittier low level jobs with little chance at becoming more than a cog in the wheels of a machine the elites will never allow him access to.
t. Marx
No. It's got nothing to do with class consciousness or whatever. It's a psychological problem on an individual level regardless of class or race, affecting Bin Laden as much as a poor Afghan who cant read or a Western Muslim who has a college education.
>it's about capitalist consumerism and alienation in society because you're a cog in a machine
Yeah, definitely not Marx.
We should kick every muslim out of the West and stop involving ourselves in the Middle East
We stop bombing them, but we also stop accepting and welfare-feeding every single sandnigger that feel like immigrating to our countries
It is not our job to help them assimilate. Don't like it? Leave
I dont care about Islam today but when it first appeared it must have been terrifying
There is no such thing as a religion of peace. There is just religion.
Islam, like any religion, is largely made up of people just going about their business living their daily lives, and has a vocal minority that is batshit crazy. In Islam's case the batshit crazy minority is more violent and more pronounced because of geopolitical factors. There are more factors pushing Muslims towards radicalization, especially the Wahhabi school which is being promoted by Saudi Arabia (which is being propped up by western powers because oil), as well as America's destabilizing foreign policy and the resulting flooding of migrants to Europe which is causing a culture clash.
Just as an aside, I personally only care about cause and effect and leave the blame game to others.
And what about the thousands upon thousands that were born there and are citizens? Where exactly are you going to deport them to?
You don't have to be Marx to point out any of that, and you're the one making this about Capitalism and class.
>How do you feel about the persecution and/or fear of all muslims based off of the few that are terrorists?
Tired and annoyed by it. Tired by the fact that we also always talk about Muslims, I just want to live my little life.
>Do you feel any of it is justified, or that people shouldn't label all muslims as bad?
I understand why and how the people start thinking that way but I don't think it's justified.
>Actually, that may be the wrong way to ask what I'm trying to ask. How do you feel about Muslims having to get background checks/more demanding checks when trying to travel/etc?
A bit rude but in a sense I kinda understand even if I don't think that's effective (see the attacks that keeps happening)
>And how do you feel about the prosecution of muslims, again do to the actions of the few extremists?
Unfair and tiring. But seeing things such as "pas d'amalgame" or I'll ride with you tires me too. I just want media to stop always talking about us, either in a good or bad way.
No idea as I never heard of that. But salafis and radicals says we're kuffar who lost ourselves so this might be related to that and Isis.
>1.62 billion people were interviewed
Yeah, guess we'll just sit here hoping we don't get shot up because I'm too petulant to expend any effort I don't fully agree with.
>what is inferential statistics
>saudi arabia
>implying they're not
Simple: they give up islam or GTFO in a muslim country
Islam should be declared a dangerous and therfore illegal ideology just like nazism
But Nazism is only actively acted against if they are a dangerous and active terror cell, unless you are Germany.
If you're expecting us to roll over like the japanese-americans did, you got another thing coming.
That thing that predicted Trump would lose?
Pretty delusional m8
Oh I didn't mean to be rude and I'm not saying that I agree with the persecution of muslims at all. Thanks again for the responses user.
Shoo /pol/, we are trying to have an interesting thread.
Don't worry, you've actually been more polite than necessary.
Anyway have a good night user.
Oh by rude I meant checks, not the question, don't worry about that.
>How to create an insurgency and make everybody hate you
You must be american to be this retarded
Saudis are "Salafi Talafis" or basically pretend-salafis but in reality puppets of the west (US)
Why is it only relevant in the past? Dar al-harb hasn't been subjugated, Dar al-Islam if anything has been rolled back in the last centuries.
You've proudly never taken a course on statistics in your life I see.
It's a Satanic false religion that denies the trinity
They belong on sticks
>People know about vlad
>Forget about his cousin stephen
>graced by god
>tasked with impaling all the roaches
Same. And I know of more like me.
>Most medias im France are tolerant of Islam
I'm french and this is some hardcore bullshit. The medias are one of the first reason why arabs have so much trouble integrating.
If you guys want a good movie on this situation in France I highly suggest you watch La Haine (the hatred), it's one of the best movies ever made.
that's the jews
Mark 12:29
I agree, neoliberalism should be the only acceptable ideology.
Dissenters should be criminalised
Nice post.
I think this Islam globalization you're talking about took roots in recent events like the Algerian War when colonies which went independent put this religion at the center of their politics. Also I'd bet the Afghan Soviet War and the political use of Mujahideens by the US played a role in the present state of Islam in middle east.
All religions have their radicals. Christians have the Westbooru Baptist Church. Islamists have ISIS, Al Qaeda, and the Taliban.
Here's the thing though, the WBC hasn't killed anyone, or even broken the law, and they only have 40 members.
All the Islamist terrorist groups I mentioned have about 200,00 thousand people between the three of them, and they are constantly waging war.
So yeah, that's why people have a problem with Islam.
>All religions have their radicals.
Unfortunately, a moderate Islam doesn't exist. Muslims are radicals, by definition. All of them.
>L'Islam Moderato non esiste.
>a moderate Islam doesn't exist
You have thousands currently living in the US and get along perfectly fine.
until they snap... just like pit bulls
>inb4 all dogs can snap
whatever makes you sleep user
>Muslims are radicals, by definition.
Islamist and anti-Muslim memes aside, Muslims are, by definition, a nation that follows the middle path.
What do you mean by "middle path?"
a path to achieve 100% of the people around you to be Muslim as explained in
unfortunately there are different types of Islam, so eventually you have to kill everyone else except yourself; but don't worry, if someone kills you in the process, you'll still get 72 virgins in paradise:
>96% Muslim
nigga it's like 96% Hindu
couldn't you let people draw muhammad and keep people from idolatry at the same time?
Less difficult than just banning it all.
Heck, people tried to worship him right after he died, but his companions prevented them from doing so.
>Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image
simple as that
Of course it denies the trinity, after all, Islam is a monotheistic religion, unlike Christianity
>I'm french
Non tu ne l'es pas, Momo
>The medias are one of the first reason why arabs have so much trouble integrating.
The reason they "have trouble" integrating is because they don't want to
They don't want to adapt in order to live in a "kuffar country" (to quote Black M), they want France to islamizes itself to become more like the shithole they/their parents fled
The media are overly tolerant of islam and it's fuck ups
Everytime an attack occurs (every two months), it's another mediatic crusade to remaind people that islam is a religion of peace...etc
>If you guys want a good movie on this situation in France I highly suggest you watch La Haine (the hatred), it's one of the best movies ever made.
La Haine is utter garbage, pure bullshit made by (((someone))) who has no idea of how muslim ghettos works
It's basically "poor muslims and poor jews are oppressed by evil whitey"
In reality, there are no jews in the ghettos (muslims would beat/kill them on sight anyway) and jews are on the oppressing side much more often than they are on the oppressed one nowdays.
For someone like me who lived in a French ghetto for years, the mere idea of a jew being friend with a muslim in such context is so hilarous I can't even try to take this movie seriously
>The crusades
>Having anything to do with Spain.
It asks you to fight who ever fights you. So it's not exactly turn the other cheek. But it doesn't promote unprovoked offensive warfare. Islam also says that those who die in a jihad go into heaven. Jihad isn't a war fought for religion. It's any defensive/pre empitive war against non Muslims .
> Non Western
> Muslim
Disgusting. Your kind should be forbidden to participate in this site.
Just for reference.
The world is divided in two for Islam: The Dhar-al-Islam and the Dhar-al-Gharb, wich mean literally "the house of islam" and "the house of war".
The house of war is not just meant to be of proper war of course, it is meant as methaphysical batte between cosmogonies, but the fact that they consider everything outside their own turf passable for opposition.
wasn't Reconquista a kind of crusade?
in any case, they overlap in time:
Reconquista: 718-1492
Crusades 1 to 9: 1095-1272
Many crusades exists.
What we call the crusades are a series of expeditons wich are relevant more because of the modern cultural context then anything else.
Probably the most important crusade is actually the northern one, wich led in the end to the creation of Prussia.
No it is meant to be proper war, but it applied at a time when empires were constantly warring.
It doesn't apply to the modern world with established nation states and borders.
>It's no more or less violent than any other Abrahamic religion can manage.