Why does it always fail?
Why does it always fail?
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reply amen to this post or the devil will get you
>American flag
Reeee fuck off Yank fascism is ours
Because everytime you try it all the other ideologies team up to destroy it because if people saw how well it works they would not want anything else.
Because true fascism has never been tried
Authoritarians are one of the most gullible and deceptive subsets of the population so it's rare for groups of them to get an accurate picture of the world around them, much less interact with it successfully.
There's also the systemic fault, that hierarchical control fails in complex environments, and so as the world has gotten more complex, hierarchies have become less successful.
So what does this mean exactly? That corporations are nationalized? That corporations and the government work together?
The latter. Fascism tends to follow the lines of autarkical state capitalism.
What's the point of these if you can't get (You)s anymore?
Because the more you centralize power, the easier it gets corrupt and inefficient.
It doesn't. It only had one chance, and those nations were widely succeful before the war. Even Marcus "I'm sick of those mofo snakes on this mofo plane" Garvey supported Fascism.
>he thinks (you)'s are gone
>he doesn't realize that Hiro put them back 5 days ago
I pretty much always see them used to derail stupid threads
>those nations were widely successful before the war
>Germany literally teetering on the brink of economic collapse 24/7, raiding the cash reserves of the countries they conquered in order to get by
>it took Italy until 1955 to recover fully from the depression
>Japan a complete shitshow the whole time, held up only by military successes
>when your retarded system collapses but that's okay because it wasn't real fascism
Italy was hugely improved by Fascism
T. Somebody who knows people who lived there as well as research
>Japan was Fascist
What was Japan if not fascist? They definitely weren't a proper monarchy either
Japan was the same as it had always been: a prussian style constitutional monarchy, albeit this time with more military figures in governance.
>Italy was hugely improved by Fascism
>so improved that it took the fall of fascism plus another decade to get the economy back to it's pre-depression state
What do you mean by this?
I hear this term thrown around alot but what the fuck even is Fascism
Narrow definition: an Italian movement from the early 20th century
Common definition: Authoritarian dictatorship, usually with a few common characteristics such as nationalism, conservatism, military fetishism, cult of personality, scapegoating, political totalitarianism and some form of corporate and state collusion.
Broad definition: General authoritarianism
Sophist definition: people I don't like
amen. What does Amen even mean?
It cant find a way to coexist peacfully with other structures.
Its like a ram that is too egressive so instead of just raming a bit with another to see who wins and then walking away he just doesnt stop and either kiles the other or gets killed himself.
All of those definition are shit.
>A merger of state and corporate power
That's just capitalism, fascism is a third way between capitalism and communism that pleases conservative elites while conceding to a majority of poor people
But it doesn't
Unlike Marxism, it has succeeded.
It has worked in the third world rather well, it's only universally a failure if your only example is Nazism.
Think of places like South Korea, and I think even Singapore was fascist.
t. Not even a fascist
make your own then faggot
>Fascism is authoritarian capitalism
When will this meme die?
Will it die with the brave patriots who are making a stand against the fascist Trump or when Milo's blackshirts smash every mosque in America?
Your confused. Mussolini created jobs, did important public works (drained the malaria filled swamp of Rome, for example) and generally improved Italy from its pre-fascist status. However your spinning it reeks of takeing things out context.
Was Antonio Salazar a fascist?
>Italy was hugely improved by Fascism
No it wasn't, Mussolini fucked up so bad even if Germany won ww2, Italy whould still be economically destroyed because Mussolini turned Italy into a starvation zone
Dude, read a fucking book you autistic faggot
>Dude, read a fucking book you autistic faggot
>Turned Italy into a starvation zone.
Ironic. You don't know shit, pull some bullshit out of your ass about the depression and than tell me to read a book.
>destroy the only economy Italy has, agriculture
>hurr durrr muh super Musso yaaa gurrr durrr ur the retard hurr durr
Kys sperger, your home schooling doesn't translate to the big boy world
>your home schooling doesn't translate to the big boy world
>Gives Wikipedia link
That's not what Fascism is because it's a political ideology not a economic one. Most fascist movements adopted corporatism (the collaboration between workers and management plus the state in directing the economy) or national syndicalism (regular syndicalism but with a nationalist outlook instead of an international socialist one)
Arbitration always fucks up systems dynamics resulting in positive feedback that eventually polarizes the system to a breaking point.
Also because facism is always capitalism, and capitalism always ends in catastrophic failure. We just havent seen that yet because when market capitalism fails, it fails because there are no longer any resources to exploit. So that means it's going to happen globally.
Nationalistic authoritarianism, leaning towards the right wing on social issues.
Fascism as a whole never really had the breathing room it deserved to carve out a clear and defined set of ideological rules or structures: the 'Doctrine of Fascism' co-written by Geovanni Gentile gives some interesting insight into Fascist thinking, but in all respects the Fascist ideology is mostly fractured and incomplete. The problem arose when many other countries started adopting their own breeds of Fascism, and it soon spiralled out of control, never leaving Italy to craft its own pure philosophy without association with things like National Socialism.
Perhaps also the greatest detriment to this was Mussolini's indecisiveness about many different subjects, and then being forced to become more politically aligned with Hitler.
>always ends in catastrophic failure
>hasn't happened yet
Pick only one.
Pretty much this. Fascist goverments were right-wing on social issues but on the economic sphere they varied from mixed market (Italian corporatism) to nationalistic communism (Strasserism)
Plus, I think one of Mussolini's earlier mistakes was his compromise with the existing powers. The march on Rome was just some dudes entering a city, not an actual revolution. If it was one we might see original fascist ideas like the 1919 manifesto (en.wikipedia.org
>right-wing on social issues
In what regards? Religiously Italy was more secular/materialistic orientated than 50 years before hand. Same thing with women. 1920s Italian women had far more of a modern lifestyle than 1880s.
I guess what I'm trying to get at, is compared to communist and liberals, fascism was more "right-wing" but when you look at fascism on its own merits you find a modern western ideology (for all that's worth).
Right wing compared to today.
>le contrarian wikipedia hate
Compared to today (Not a good comparision, I admit). They did push for women to have babies to grow Italy's population and make the economy stronger in the long run.
This. Fascism (which is different from National Socialism) was eliminated too early to be anything but a footnote of history. Had it decades to prepare, propagate, evolve and go through trial and error (in the way communism sort of did, going through bolshevism defeating menshevism, Stalinism defeating Trotskyism and finally becoming Marxist-Leninism at end. Or Maoism becoming the "liberal communism" in China) we could have truly seen its merits (or lack thereof)