Are you more of a Greekaboo or a Romeboo, and why?

Are you more of a Greekaboo or a Romeboo, and why?

Greekaboo here, I guess I just find the diverse city-states to be more interesting than an empire, plus I tend to care more about philosophy and intellectual history desu. I'm fascinated by both though.

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Greeks for a e s t h e t i c s
Rome for being cool and powerful

Just for the fact that they were everything an empire should be. They also had a pretty badass fighting force, and I could even go to the point of saying that they were the best cohesive force pre-1900. While they did not have the whole education centered mindset, their engineering skill was superb and many of their constructions are still here today.

Rome, because Roman history has more implications for today.

There aren't really any societies similar to classical Greece, but we can learn quite a lot from Rome and what exactly happens when a hegemon falls. Same reason British history is interesting.

I prefer ancient Greek history tbqh, though I'd probably put it on par with republic Rome for me, with empire Rome not interesting me as much

Greekaboo, mostly due to their cultural contributions rather than any historical glory. It would be old hat to wax poetic about Greek philosophy, literature, and art. Their influence is obvious.

The Roman republic system however is far saner politics. The city-states are interesting to read about but it kills me when people actually lionize the political landscape of Athens and Sparta when they were such bad, unstable, unjust systems.

>you will never be an ancient Greek hanging out at the acropolis with your fellow citizens

I was interested in Rome in my teenage years, though I liked Carthage more. Never a Greekaboo or a Romeboo, though.


I am not an Romeboo, I'm spaniard so I'm a Roman as fuck.

romanboo becasue we only get the romanboo version of greek history.

Romeboo for being Italian. But I love Greece honestly.


Greekaboo for the art, philosophy, and city-state shenanigans.
>you will never be a comfy Magna Graecian noble

>Just for the fact that they were everything an empire should be
Yeah and most of their citizens lived in poverty

>Rome or Greece
Get on my level

Sacrifice some more children, why don't ya?

Sure. I'll start with the ones who picked Rome ITT.

Rome took hellenism and made it great again.

Hard decision but I'm gonna have to go with Greekaboo if for no other reason than there are more Hellenic influenced times and places I'd have liked to see as opposed to Roman, but it's a tight race nonetheless.

^These, essentially.

delet this

Don't be so salty

I see what you shouldn't have done because its too soon for it but you did anyway

Are you comparing the average Roman with the average American?

It's my favourite slave state

First answer best answer.

Are there any good books for wannabe Persiaboos?

Unfortunately, that means all my info comes from the Early Middle Ages forward, but I love Classical accounts.

Honestly, I'm kind of a Classical Greekaboo.

The Romans seem to me like some decadent version of the Greeks; granted more powerful and grand, but decadent.


If you do some digging you'll find out just how fucking crazy their science and tech development was. Look up Hero of Alexandria to get an idea. Seriously, Rome destroyed or ignored most of their shit aside from military tech.

Khaírete, my name is Mihalis.
I'm a 27 year old American philhellene (a lover of Hellenic culture for you simpletons). I translate Homeric epic and lyric poetry on my tablet, and spend my days reading superior Hellenic classics (Odyssey, Antigone, Republic).

I train in my hoplite panoply everyday, this superior armor can stop any barbarian arrow or spear-thrusts over a thousand times, and is superior to any other kind of armor in the world. I completed my ephebe training two years ago, and I'm getting better everyday.

I speak Greek fluently, both Homeric and Attic dialect. I write fluently as well. I know everything about Hellenic history and their Lycurgian code, which I follow 100%.

When I get my Greekvisa, I am moving to Athens to attend a prestigious gymnasium to learn more about their magnificent culture. I hope I can become a sophists for hire or even a professional rhapsode!

I own several togas, which I wear around town. I want to get used to wearing them before I move to Greece so I can fit in easier. I bow to all beautiful and handsome boys and speak Greek to them as often as I can, but rarely does anyone manage to respond.

Which level? The ash or salt one?

Patrician taste right here.

Rome for first well known western empire, tasty leader drama, and military power/aesthetic. Greece for getting the best from the mediterranian cultures and the phil. Feels from the fact that

>Will never grab some wine amd bread from the marketplace and walk over to the stoa to philosophize and chill for the day

All those bearded boy-fuckers don't mean shit to me

but there was a massive greek empire started by alexander

I'd call the Romans more conservative if anything. At least by taking multiple factors into account . If its a matter of being purer to Hellenism than of course actual Hellenes are going to be better than the Romans .

>more conservative

Their expansion was not "conservative"
Their higher degree of decadence was not "conservative"
Their destruction of pagan tribes was not "conservative"
Their higher reliance on technology was not "conservative"

What is conservative, is that which stands the test of time, and the Hellenic culture has been more timeless than the roman one.

I admire Rome but I always see them as the bad guy. I love hannibal too much, and Pyrrhus of Epirus, and the Dadiochi, the latter 2 being Greek, also the height of Hellenic art is just so interesting. Greekaboo

>Their higher degree of decadence was not "conservative"
In what way were they more decadent than the Greeks?

>The Roman upper class LITERALLY modelled themselves after the Greeks until well into the emperial era, spoke Greek, copied Greek culture and art, literally.
uhhh yeah the greeks no brainer

>emperial era
Am I in the twilight zone?

A Greekaboo, of course.

The Romans were nothing but uncivilized barbarians who imitated the greeks in everything except language. But the Romans did conquer a huge amount of territory and held it for a long time. I'll give them credit for that at least.

>no fault divorce
>single motherhood
>prostitution/homosexuality (inb4 "greek homosexuals") (It wasent socially acceptable to be the "catcher", and the pitchers werent exactly praised for their hedonism either).
>demographic collapse

>All things found in Greece

unapologetic greekaboo

Conquering aside from "muh morality", is not all good for the conquerors.

Conquer too much and you overextend yourself as Genghis Khan did, and lose everything.

The desire to conquer arises when life becomes too easy or too numerous due to civilizational/societal sheltering and men feel the need to express their energies outwards instead focusing on their survival.

The ancient Pagan tribes would often choose a champion to face the champion of another tribe and see who was better. The losing tribe would not be "conquered" because they knew about the consequences of expansionism (globalism).

Not to the same degree.

>>posts a pic of rebuilt roman carthage

>empirical era

A Greekaboo for philosophy, art and reason, as well as maths and other inventions (and an interesting religion).

Rome is okay for politics and domination. That's it.


Rome was the bully. Greece was the smart one.

Greekaboo who moved mainly into byzabooism but is still a greekaboo

>Romans decadent in comparison to hellenes.
It wasnt untill the romans became hellenised as a result of them expanding well beyond italy that their society started to become decadent and even then that was nothing in comparison to contemporary hellenic powers.

both, because of a e s t h e t i c

>Greekaboo here, I guess I just find the diverse city-states to be more interesting than an empire, plus I tend to care more about philosophy and intellectual history desu. I'm fascinated by both though.
Are you me?

no, you are both me

I really like both. Roman empire is sure the most imponent and manly system that ever existed. Roman Law is one of the greatest creations in humankind's lifespan.

But greece have this superior cocky aesthetics and intellectual highground that i just love it, and all this in a age that half of the world was trying to figure out how to make fire yet.

I like both, but i'd say Greece outweighs Rome for me because of a few reasons: it's more interesting to me, the most interesting aspects of Roman culture are the ones that were influenced by Greece.

>Hero of Alexandria
This motherfucker right here.

>Heron described[6] the construction of the aeolipile (a version of which is known as Heron's engine) which was a rocket-like reaction engine and the first-recorded steam engine (although Vitruvius mentioned the aeolipile in De Architectura some 100 years earlier than Hero). It was created almost two millennia before the industrial revolution.

Neither. Babylon had calculus 3000 years before Newton.


>>Will never grab some wine amd bread from the marketplace and walk over to the stoa to philosophize and chill for the day
You can do this still, but instead of stoa go to the park or cafe

>muh marvelous millennia ahead of its time technology that slightly resembles actual advanced technology but is utterly useless


>It wasnt untill the romans became hellenised as a result of them expanding well beyond italy that their society started to become decadent

Yeah well, I wasn't talking about the Roman Kingdom though. I was talking about the Roman Empire.

Either way, while I respect Roman history, the arts and their language, I personally think that the Greeks understood more clearly the problems of human existence and tried to articulate them as carefully as they could, and I think Western culture has a higher debt to them than to the Romans because of that.

Early Romeboo is the only right answer.

both are shit, i am a proud seleucaboo
true heirs of alexander
african elephants BTFO

>not ptolemy

Mah dehani



Romans stole Greek aesthetic like the hacks they are but they did have trade routes n shiet. Still prefer the greeks though.

Why did rome not paint their colums and busts?

they did but the paint eroded over time

Bactriaboo actually

Ive heard that the greeks did it but the romans did not

to be completely honest i just know that the romans painted their statues, i don't know about columns or busts

>utterly useless
Much like yourself and your shitposting.

Romeboo, because the first history book I read when I was a kid featured Romans. Plus the Greeks didn't have much impact on Britain. Although I've recently started paying more attention to both Greek and Roman history.

Greek because if history went down as it should, there would've been a great long-lasting Hellenistic empire to rule the same area as the Roman Empire did, as well as Persia and more. Instead having the Roman Empire as the great legacy we look back on, there would've been the great Alexandrian Hegemony.

Rome because I'm more into legal and military than philosophy

So did most of the world at that time. At. Least they provided for their citizens. Besides, when you subjugate shitty uncivilized people, you're not exactly going to get much out of them economically besides slaves.

T. Gauls

They were just linguistically, culturally, and a esthetically conservative.

lol he pegged you and your steam machine.

Whoa a fellow lover of cultures!
Ave, my name is Gundemar.
I'm a 27 year old Gothic Foederati (a mercenary of Latins for you simpletons). I translate Vergilian epic and lyric poetry on my wax tablet, and spend my days reading superior Latin classics (Aeneid, The Conquest of Gaul, Meditations).

I train in my scutum everyday, this superior shield can stop any barbarian arrow or spear-thrusts over a thousand times, and is superior to any other kind of shield in the world. I completed my palos training two years ago, and I'm getting better everyday.

I speak Latin fluently, both Septentrional and Meridional dialect. I write fluently as well. I know everything about Latin history and their Twelve Tables, which I follow 100%.

When I get my citizenship, I am moving to Ravenna to join a fabulous bathhouse to learn more about their magnificent culture. I hope I can become a Tribunus or even a Magister!

I own several tunics, which I wear around town. I want to get used to wearing them before I move to Italia so I can fit in easier. I bow to all beautiful and handsome puella and speak Latin to them as often as I can, but rarely does anyone manage to respond.

I used to be grecoboo, then I became a Romaboo, now I love them both

My African brethren

I'm a minoaboo

If you wanted to make an argument Hellenes > Romans you shouldn't have a gone a "romans were more decadent" root. Plenty of reason exist without pulling something petty and historically false out of your ass.


Rome because you get the Latin West, Greek East, and a general Greco-Roman fusion culture so you're getting both essentially.

Best choice right there.

This guy gets it.