KEK @ you idiots not in the only coin that hasn't dumped in the last 24hrs
I wonder if its retards buying because they think its ETH regardless I'm making gains on gains on gains
All of you guys here on Veeky Forums are wasting your time on your cuck coins like redd, digibyte, monero, mooncoin, and any other fucking cuck coin.
Meanwhile i'm sitting comfy with my:
BTC, ETH, ETC, WAVES. Enjoy losing $$$ on your meme pump and dumps
I think ETC might be a good solution for some ETHs applications, and I'd expect it to go way higher once crypto goes mainstream.
The Korean whales are trading this shit at almost $40 USD a fucking coin. Barry FUCKING Shillbert(Silbert) is tweeting now.
All aboard!
ETC is a literal scam. Good job making money out of it but be careful bros.
bitfinex won't let me deposit usd. coinbase won't let me deposit usd. kraken won't verify fast enough. changing address so can't verify bittrex account until new driver's license. only option is to wait 3 days for coinbase wire transfer and by then it will be too late to buy etc
Good coin, bad to hold if you're already holding ETH.
Just saying.
I thought etc was obsolete why the fuck is it going up
ETC is volatile as fuck. Basically another pump and dump coin
I have no idea about waves since it's not even on Polo and therefore a meme coin
Good to hold if you got shaken out by the finex and DAO hacks.
the fee is ridiculous but a local bitcoin atm will have the btc in your exchange's wallet in an hour
why are the prices on trex on polo so different?
Assuming you believing ETH is the gold to ETC's silver or whatever:
The money you put in ETH will universally be worth moth.
Having a coin directly tied to ETH is risky since it's got a high correlation.
Could be a good investment to leverage, but going 50:50 eth/etc is stupid.
I'd personally rather hold distinct alts rather if I have to hold any.
Cause it's not. I traded in one of my eth last night after I did more research. ETC is actually going to be a currency, it's capped at 230m(90m now), staying PoW(while eth is going PoS), recently got added to a korean online marketplace for use as payment, and has a lot of asian backing.
If you don't know, asians/chinese are behind the recent growth of the entire industry. Japanese banks deal with ripple, china removing their bitcoin withdrawal ban in june, etc.
ETC is going to be bigger than LTC, it's going to be another bitcoin and it's said to see people don't understand that.
ETH is a totally different philosophy and use case. Now that ETC is hitting nearer to LTC price levels we'll see this grow even more sharply in the future, especially when/if eth goes PoS.
You haven't done your research if you aren't holding some ETC. I've got 3 eth still myself because it's still fucking eth, but don't fool yourself into thinking there is nothing here.
I just sold off ETC and holy fuck is it crazy over there.
I managed to make back my DGB losses, but watching ETC drop 100,000 sats in a split second multiple times scared me away for good.
>ETH's retarded brother
>real value
enjoy the LTC, faggot
read this whole thread and i still duno what the fuck is the point of etc
honestly just play it as a hedge with eth.
i bought in @7. saw the volume skyrocketing and the graphs looked like it was going to boom. Bought in again, most of it, at 11, and my final position at 18. It's tracking with eth, and basically was a mimic in volume. i can see it pumping to 30s or 40s in the next week. better to put a small play down than to miss out completely if youre on the fence.
wanting to be what 2016 ltc was, in 2 days.
>managed to make back my DGB losses
Good for you kid
Not to mention the back-compatibility of ETC's chain means a serious hedge against future DAO hacks and other shenanigans on Ethereums chain
>Assuming you believing ETH is the gold to ETC's silver or whatever:
All these precious metal comparisons are total bullshit
etc going to dump hard on newfags jumping on ATH.
It's chinks. They love etc.
Its still extremely under bought imo
Fuck they better not fuck me while I sleep
hope its getting ready for another rebound to 0.011. looks promising.
Should I buy in? I could throw a couple of ETH at it and see where it goes.
I would. Rn would be best because its likely dropped as low as it will go before the next run up
were can i DUMP some eth on an exchange that doesnt require credit cards or drivers lisences?
to USD?
Meme triangle analysis.
as long as it doesn't fall out of the triangle, once it hits the tip it will moon again
Good luck with that shit nigga
lel heres pic
I'll have to do that, thanks user.
anything would be better than ETH right now