*blocks your path*
*blocks your path*
Other urls found in this thread:
you had extended yourselves too far toothlongers
*blocks your colony*
*blocks your trade routes*
The British conquered the world by sea and by land.
*burns your capital*
*makes you dismantle your entire empire*
You didn't even include a funny image to go along with it
Why are Americans so shit at banter?
French navy blocks English from landing troops and supplies there by winning the American Revolution for the colonies. America never forgives the French
*evacuates your shore*
*teleports behind you*
*Unsheathes katana*
>Psh, nothin' personal kid.
>'It's another fun thread gets ruined by nationalists who can't detect irony' episode
>*Unsheathes bayonet*
Why do non-anglos have such terrible banter? It's just frustrating.
>It's another Brit who appreciates humor only as long as it's not against him
Why are Brits so easily triggered?
He didn't post an image, either.
Anyway, America is Anglo.
Doesn't seem like an accurate assessment
*blocks your retreat*
You don't have humour, just le ebin wikipedia battle pages
I forgot to attach it and replied with it dumbo
>unsheathes dane-axe
Remember me, Saxon dog?
Get out of the way fucking lobster
America is German-Irish
Germanic + Celt = Anglo
t.60% white
*summons hurricane*
Heh....looks like you're....washed up......
ummm... fuck off?
And yet now its military is relegated to preping Somalian bulls and kicking down doors to execute people who say mean things on the internet
*throws tea in harbor and writes declaration*
if you think about it Brittan was the ultimate neet back then.
their soldiers literally imposed themselves in other peoples homes sitting around and playing the equivalent of vidya (cards) inconvienced their relatives with their shitty beggy for tendies and money z(taxes) that it caused a war and the fucking bill of rights
You realise the taxes were caused by British defence of the Colonies in the 7 years war, and that Britain themselves were taxed 4x as much?
>tfw Anglo
>tfw minority
Well, at least our language and culture are Anglo.
See above.
Also, Veeky Forums Americans are probably 90% white, 8% chink, 2% else.
you realise that the americans were taxed for insignificant properties and sales that included paper, ink, sawdust, anal beads, tea, furnishings, AND Islamic practices?
*blocks your path*
*chops off Rorke's Dick*
Can't fight nature Jack...