Misunderstood genius or twisted fucking psychopath?

Misunderstood genius or twisted fucking psychopath?

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Misunderstood genius

Misunderstood twisted fucking psychopath

Russian Leader

Was he a genius, yes
Is he misunderstood, yes
Was he twisted, fuck yes
Was he a psychopath? I personally don't think so, just as I don't think Stalin was a psychopath.

He was an average great Russian ruler.
As in him doing a bunch of good things then leaving no suitable heir leading to long decline.
Other cases are Peter " the great" And Stalin

Don't know about Ivan but Stalin was absolutely a psychopath. There was no sign of any regret for any of the horrible shit he did and he continued being like that until he keeled over.

He reminds me a bit of Alexander the Great.

His dad (Philip in Alex's Case, Ivan III in terms of Ivan IV) did all the work but he's the one history remembers more. And everyone acts like they were amazing when everything they conquered turned to shit about 5 years after they died.

I've started to call him Peter "Fuck Yo Beard Nigga" Alexeyevich

Philip didn't accomplish everything Alexander is known for though not did it all turn to shit after his death. Philip set him up for success but Alexander conquered so much that the Macedonians didn't even know where the fuck they were by the end of it. The Empire was divided but those divisions stood for quite some time and had an immense impact of the regions that they controlled.

Peter "no swedes in my hood" Alexeyevich

Fredrick the Great aswell

The dude beat his son to death with an iron rod. The only not retarded son he had. To death. With an iron rod. He's a textbook psychopath.

except Philip basically maintained an empire while Alexander conquered the entire middle east and made huge steps towards Asia. what?

can people just post anything that pops into their idiotic skull on this board?

Alexander couldn't have done bupkiss if it weren't for his dad amassing a huge fortune. Otherwise Alexander would have had to have spent years amassing the wealth he used to pay his soldiers for all those years.

>conquer middle east
>Greek-Egyptian guy claims most of it
>the rest devolves into a civil war
>Persia came back as Parthia and lasted longer than any of the Selucid rulers that succeeded Alexander
>modern day Iran exists
>Persian spoken by 110 million people today
>Macedonian spoken by 2.2 million at best
>Macedonia not even allowed to call itself macedonian without Greece going "WE WUZ MAKEDONIAN AND SHIT TOO!"

Western history just props up Alexander because the Greeks were anally aggravated about Persia fucking their shit up.

>Macedonia not even allowed to call itself macedonian without Greece going "WE WUZ MAKEDONIAN AND SHIT TOO!"
Macedonia is in Greece.

Psychopathic misunderstood fucking twisted genius

>misunderstood genius
>twisted fucking psychopath

In other words, Russian.

Misunderstood genius twisted fucking psychopath.

The lands of the ancient kingdom of Macedonia are in Greece, and the people living there identify as Greeks and are of Greek blood.
The nation of "Macedonia" is located on the lands of the ancient Paeonia, a likely Thraco-Illyrian kingdom that was conquered and hellenized by Phillip of Mecedon, and the people there are unrelated to the historical Macedonians.

>Greek-Egyptian guy claims most of it
Are you talking about Ptolemy? The Ptolemys were pure Greek until the end of their dynasty with Cleopatra.

>the rest devolves into a civil war
Most of those empires/kingdoms lasted for centuries.

>Persian spoken by 110 million people today
>Macedonian spoken by 2.2 million at best
What the fuck are you even on about? The ancient Macedonians spoke a Greek dialect, and the language they spread through their conquest was mostly common Greek. It was because of them that Greek became the lingua franca for centuries to come.

Modern day iran is a persia cucked by arabs.

And he realized what he actually did only after a couple of moments after his son was already dead.

Not really. He was obviously capable of remorse and empathy. You don't need to be a psychopath to be cruel and malicious.

>and the people living there identify as Greeks and are of Greek blood.
>Implying that Greek didn't get those lands only after WW2 and there wasn't a civil war where Greeks were forcing hellenization on Slavic-Macedon population.

Psychopaths aren't violent Sociopaths are.

He was an absolutely moribund ruler.

>Moderate church reforms (Stoglav)
>Expansion of the Russian state (Conquest of the Kazan and Astrakhan Khanates)

>Mass killings for no reason (Oprichnina. Seriously, what was the point?)
>Terrible fiduciary control (constant wars)
>Could not successfully eliminate or shrink the threat of the PLC (they fought for decades for fucking nothing)
>The whole fucking Simeon Bekbulatovich thing
>Sacking Novgorod with the Oprichnina because they were so fucking broke
>Rampant paranoia over stupid shit
>Did not leave behind a great legacy, wasn't even two decades before the Time of Troubles because he did not have a great strategy for his succession

He has cool art. That is it.

>Implying that Greek didn't get those lands only after WW2
Confirmed for literaly braindead revisionist.

>where Greeks were forcing hellenization on Slavic-Macedon population.

>Implying there were no Greeks living in the province of Macedonia
>Implying non Greeks "Macedonians" were even a thing people seriously identified as before Yugoslavia.
People living in Macedonia identified as Macedonian because that's how the land they lived in was called, not because they thought they were descended from ancient Macedonians, a people with which they shared no language or blood.

>Implying that forced hellenization is ok just because Slavs living in Macedon lands aren't descendants of ancient Macedonians