The war is won!
WE DID IT, Britain and France!
We secured the independence of Poland!!!!!!
The war is won!
WE DID IT, Britain and France!
We secured the independence of Poland!!!!!!
Other urls found in this thread:
>WWII was about the independence of Poland
t. memelord from /pol/
Even memelords from /pol/ don't actually believe that, they just want to show how every country except Germany was Evil with a capital E, because Hitler was a gud boi, he dindu nuffin.
Obviously not but it is funny that it all started there, and then went far, far by the wayside by the time shit was done
That was literally Britain and France's casus belli for declaring war on Germany.
user, that was how it started...
Meme answer: Soviets didn't use up their three chances
Genuine answer: Going to war against the USSR to secure a "fair deal" for Poland was considered, but deemed far too costly for the West, already spent by years of war. In the end pragmatism ruled the day.
>literal reason the war started was the British-French guarantee of Polish independence
That's the reason the war was started.
Britain: Spongebob
France: Patrick
But not what it was about
You might as well argue that ww1 was all about Serbia
That is how it started (Well, partly. It actually started as an attempt of curbing German aggression and expansionism and as defence of international treaties.), however, the war had nothing to do with Poland since 1941, when it went global. Actually, make that since the day Poland fell or, if you want to be generous, since the day France fell.
Not him btw.
it wasn't about freeing poland, it was about putting those damn krauts in their place
mission fucking accomplished
> You might as well argue that ww1 was all about Serbia
But that's literally what it was about???
But was.
>actually calling yourself a memelord
you should let your handler post for you
WWII was about the Western banking dynasties stopping Germany from using an alternative to fiat currency and the central banking system.
Lets line up and execute a few million Poles to celebrate!
>implying Hitler wasn't funded by multiple big bankers
Industrial oligarchs actually.
This is a book from pre ww2 about Hitler's rise to power.
The old banking dynasties hate those guys. They still treat the Rockefellers like scum even.
The war was about (((independence))) not independence.
>implying we fought for the independence of Pooland
Not it wasnt. Serbia was the trigger
Britain France and Germany didnt give two shits about it and Russia and Austria Hungary only vaguely cared
Hitlers alternative was literally government IOU's and massive international debt
Not that scary
t. Ron Paul
/pol/ are retards that think the jewlluminati was trying to take over the world when brave and noble hitler stood up to them
Poland was an independant country and decided to enter a military alliance with Soviet Union
Nothing wrong with that
Does anyone actually believe this?
The issue was German expansionism. Poland was just the line in the sand.
>Nations of Western Europe were an independent countries and decided to enter a military alliance with United States
Does anyone actually believe this?
>Does anyone actually believe this?
yes because they did.
Bankers more percisely
>The Soviet Union (includes Russia)
Why is this so funny?
>In the end pragmatism ruled the day.
That "pragmatism" doomed the West to decades of cold war, and almost lead to nuclear armageddon. For everyone, it would have been better if the red menace had been crushed before they acquired their own nukes.
Oh, and the people of the Soviet Union would have been spared decades of economic depredation and totalitarianism. Maybe China could have been helped as well. Really, it would have been worth many millions of deaths.
No Westerners retarded enough to think that after destroying 60% of Europe, let's get into a retroactive war for the independence of Eastern Europe
That's the exact opposite of what OP implies.
>government IOU's and massive international debt
Change "massive" to infinite and "international" to (((international))) you just described central-bank issued fiat currency.
The deprivitized Reichsbank issued labour-backed currency.
>The Soviet Union
>(includes Russia)
why do i need telling this
Yeah the debt sure is infinite you fucking retard. Damn those Jews!
When you lend someone money with no expectation of the principal ever being repaid, but intending to collect interest payments for the rest of history, yes, that is infinite debt. Let me know when the government starts paying back the principal on its debt to the Fed.
>Let me know when the government starts paying back the principal on its debt to the Fed.
You mean, like what happens every time a bond matures? I forget, when was the last time the U.S. defaulted on one?
Yes, and many left the alliance, i.e. France.