Why doesn't the mainstream ever depict Mao to be "worse than Hitler", or even Stalin for that matter? Comparatively, he's barely ever acknowledged, unless as first place in any 'Top 3' list of historic mass murderers.
Mao Tse-tung
Because a higher proportion of the people he fucked over were poor and isolated than for either Hitler or Stalin.
That and most of the people he killed were through incompetence rather than deliberate policy.
because hitler was fucking with everyone else invading them while mao minded his own chinese business and only killed other chinamen.
for the most part, no body gives a shit what you do no matter how crazy it is as long as you keep it to yourself.
So what if Hitler was only killing German Jews? People wouldn't care?
probably, yeah. It still might be different based on the fact that Germany is part of western civilization, so he would still be viewed as a savage.
I think it was more due to the access of info. People would most definitely care now.
Because we personally bombed Germany to the point of 60% destruction?
And all the nazis are dead, while Mao vanguards might not be
nobody has ever cared about China or Chinese history. Millions of chinks die in every meme war and literally nobody has ever noticed or cared
cuz he wuz a gud commie he aint do nuffin he a gud boy
It's funny because we can't even do with Stalin and say starvation was a policy of killing whilst keeping a clean image
He really did make absurdly poor decisions and Chinese peasants just lemming'd themselves on some of the dumbest shit
Several reasons. First, the language barrier and fact that China was a smoking ruin after decades of warlords, Japanese invasion, and civil war meant that relatively little news was getting out about internal affairs during the height of his dickery. The average Chinese person at the end of the civil war had 1/3 the wealth of the average Subsaharan African.
Second, relations between the USSR and PRC were icy, and the US wanted to take advantage of this and widen the Sino-Soviet split. When it became obvious the KMT was never going to capture the mainland the US intensified efforts at courting the PRC away from the Warsaw Pact, culminating in Nixon's visit to China and giving the KMT the boot from the UN Security Council. The US propaganda machine never really opened full blast on Mao and the PRC like they did the Soviet Union because they didn't want to completely burn bridges and ruin that strategy.
Third, the PRC is an economic and political juggernaut. Even though today the only thing commie about them is liking the color red, the Communist Party is in charge and Mao and the other founders of the PRC are still widely revered. Few governments, media outlets, or entertainment companies want to piss the Chinese government off by portraying them in a negative light and get locked out of an increasingly wealthy customer base of over a billion.
Finally, while Mao did have a fuckload of people executed unlike Hitler most of the deaths under his regime weren't deliberate. He was ignorant/retarded when it came to economic policy, and local bureaucrats terrified of getting purged for failing to meet production quotas ordered stupid shit like melting down vital agricultural tools to produce more metal and faking crop yield data. This chain of bullshitting meant that Mao's regime had extremely unrealistic expectations and made new plans that worsened the problems and ultimately caused mass famine that killed tens of millions.
Because of different culture. Same reason Turkey nightclub shooting was only news for a couple of days
He greatly benefited China in the long run.
The deaths he caused were by incompetence rather than malicious intent.
The Nazis decided to systematically annihilate an entire people and more with modern technological methods, Mao, Stalin and others just fucked up the food production.
>most people know a lot about ww2 and hitler
>most people know fucking nothing about mao or chinese history
wow you'll never guess which one features more prominently in popular consciousness
Because he was a bumbling retard whos shitty decisions lead to millions of deaths. Hitler was a deliberate murderer. You don't judge someone who accidentaly killed a bunch of people the same way that you judge a serial killer.
Because China trades with other countries.
>Stalin just fucked up food production
WHEN will the genocide denial fucking END
Good post.
Do you think a more bottom-up approach instead of vice versa approach to the economy would've worked better?
Tell that to the koreans
>chink mentions tianmen square
>gets shot by everyone
chinks are brainwashed and shit now
He only killed Chinese people, ergo our rivals.
That's because it happened in another country. If it happened in the US then everyone would care.
As much as the Nips fucked over China big time with war and all those fucked-up atrocities, the Communists killed WAY more people than Japan ever did. Yet all the butthurt is toward the Japs than Mao and those other shitheads.
The reason Stalin and Mao are thought of in a more positive light than Hitler is because of intention and calculation.
When people refer to Mao and Stalin's deaths, they consider all that died from mismanagement and implication - why not do the same for Hitler? Hitler's mismanagement and implications of his management could be construed as amounting to a good half of all WW2 casualties, and he is worse because of the genocidal and industrial dimension of it