How much will my $300 be worth in 5 years if I buy Bitcoin now?
How much will my $300 be worth in 5 years if I buy Bitcoin now?
About $299.95
$1200 or $75
5 years from now Bitcoin will be 1 million per coin, so around 120k give or take which isn't too bad desu
It will be worth ($300/current price of bitcoin)*100 percent of 1 bitcoin.
$1127.80 when btc goes to 10k this summer.
1 satoshi = $1 in 5 years
Do the math
one or two shit maybe threes
Some insight on the latest Bitcoin pump and why you should hold Eth.
I bought Bitcoin because it really is an amazing technology with a high value proposition. However, as I started to learn more about crypto-blockchain-decentralized technology, Ethereum seems like the obvious winner. Vitalik and co are so incredibly intelligent, the way they've made Ethereum so accessible to developers is second to none. The major companies and players that have endorsed the technology is found no where else. It's scaling solution and community all on the same page. The commodity use for 'gas' is incredibly unique and logical for value in the currency. From what I can surmise, it is by far the best bet in the crypto space and its use cases are endless and more imaginative than I can dream up
Just because something is technically "better" doesn't mean it will win out.
There's countless examples of superior products that have lost to inferior ones. Some examples are betamax vs vhs, dreamcast vs ps2 etc.
Bitcoin has the humongous advantage that it is "the" cryptocurrency. It has brand recognition and superior market cap. It's where all the normie money will go.
buy RDD and you'll be able to tip her direct with crypto from your lambo
More like 10-20 years. It's ok I'll wait.
>cases are endless
As is the supply which vitalik has sole control over.
dont slander vitamin butterlik
Isn't the fact that bitcoin has a hard limited supply good?
-there's nothing superior about Ethereum's technoogy, in fact it's even less scalable than bitcoin
-Eth isn't decentralized and immutable, which means only retards like you could consider it a safe haven for their money
-your shit opinions are a result of eth pumping, and are in no way a result of actually knowing what you are talking about
literally JEww
But you can't use it for anything
So much this.
Can't believe so many faggots fall for the ETH meme. Literally moving from government and bank controlled fiat to some Russian dude controlled crypto.
Reminder that if your crypto is not decentralized and not limited supply it's a fucking scam.
Do the math.