Why Aryans are more associated with Nordics (blue eye and blonde) than Indo-Europeans today?
Why Aryans are more associated with Nordics (blue eye and blonde) than Indo-Europeans today?
literal propaganda
Because success, people love success stories.
This. Honestly Aryans who went to north western Europe and had natiual selection plus large diary intact became the blond headed people we know today. Ancient Aryans were probably closer to Southern European, if not Persian or Levantine.
Yamna people had dark eyes and hair. I guess a dark Mordvin is the closest thing to the Yamna look as Mordvins tend to top the list when the genes of modern populations are compared to Yamnas, or early Corded Wares who were basically 3/4 Yamnas and not depigmented to the same extend modern Northern Europeans are.
>implying fair hair/skin isn't a native European trait and both Neanderthal/cro magnon remains don't display fair phenotypes
>Ancient Aryans were probably closer to Southern European, if not Persian or Levantine.
Persian and Slavic mostly, if we're going by modern ethnicities.
Top wew
it's because of nazis misunderstanding linguistics and mixing it with racist pseudoscience to back up their claim that germans are the best.
their "understanding" then was spread as their movement became more powerful
Whether it is or isn't is almost irrelevant.
Mesolithic European admixture in Swedes for example can't explain the frequency of blonde hair because it's too damn low in comparison, and Lithuanians are more European than Swedes and have darker hair although they are more Indo-European as well but that's mainly because Swedes have elevated Anatolian Neolithic farmer DNA compared to Lithuanians which decreases the amount of both European and Indo-European DNA.
Aryans expanded from modern day "Ukraine"' in all directions, not came from Persia. They went into Persia.
No, i'm talking about which modern ethnic groups could be related to them, not where they came from. They had absolutely nothing to do with Levantines, neither genetically nor culturally.
Mordvins absolutely. They speak a Finnic language but in terms of their genetics this is irrelevant because they by far show the highest genetic similarity to Yamna and Corded Ware.
But we know that they are also more depigmented than the Yamna so logic dictates that the darker Mordvins are closer to the original PIE look.
Northern Europeans are the Aryans closest relatives today. They were also from modern day Ukraine and Russia so I don't know why you think they would be related to Southern Europeans and Levantines.
Trying to Aryanize the Yamna is retarded. They were just Yamnas.
Aryans were just one people partially descended from them.
The original PIE ethnonym may have been Gael as it was used by both Celts and Balts(Galindians).
>as if Slavic isn't a linguistic group with widely different physical appearances.
I was taking 'Aryan' to mean Proto-Indo-European, in the context of this thread.
>The original PIE ethnonym may have been Gael as it was used by both Celts and Balts(Galindians).
No, the /g/ in Gael goes back to PIE *w, and there was originally a /d/ in the middle of it.
It was just an idea. I can't think of anything else they might have called themselves because it sure as hell wasn't Aryan, a word so very unknown to just about every branch including Slavic and Baltic.
because adolf hitler was a fucking moron who misconstrued national socialism and fascism as justification to kill people he didn't like rather than the ultimate anti-colonial ideologies in favor of self-determination that they are; of course he's also a moron with respect to race
only R1a people are Aryan
>inb4 b-but muh Yamna was R1b
No, only few of them were R1b
wew lad. Be more specific.
Every male sample from Yamna has turned out to be R1b
Almost all Yamna were R1b but the samples are from the east rather from across the Yamna world.
I could imagine that Yamna were not IE, but instead just genetically identical people with a different language but there is a Tocharian problem with this scenario.
Tocharians had to be descended from the Yamna and they were IE so I don't see how Yamna could be anything except IE.
That's because only few samples were taken.
R1a were just northern forest dwellers who got Indo-Europeanized, probably originally spoke a Uralic language or something.
>R1a were just northern forest dwellers who got Indo-Europeanized, probably originally spoke a Uralic language or something.
You're not using your brain Slavocentrist.
People like Scots are very much descended from Yamna people and they have Yamna R1b too. They also have contributed more to humanity than all Slavs combined.
Scots also have the most R1a in the British Isles
>They also have contributed more to humanity than all Slavs combined.
What did Scots contribute?
Men wearing skirts?
>They also have contributed more to humanity than all Slavs combined.
You Scott nationalist are insufferable.
Nordics are actually some the least IE genetically while having a language heavily influenced by IE.
The cold mountainous environment allowed the l1 hunter gatherers to survive the IE rape, thus bringing about the l1+r1b hybrids we now know as Germanics.
However they were likely a bunch of mutes because their language has barely any pre-IE influences. This makes sense when you look at the Danish stereotype of kids not learning how to speak Danish until around 2-3, being effectively mute
No, see they are literally the most IE.
>However they were likely a bunch of mutes because their language has barely any pre-IE influences. This makes sense when you look at the Danish stereotype of kids not learning how to speak Danish until around 2-3, being effectively mute
aka Niemcy(Germans) in Slavic, meaning "mute" people
So your saying le "Germanics purest looking Aryans' meme is nonsense?
I just have deep respect for Scottish people, their culture and their contributions to the world.
They set an example for the rest of Europe in all ways.
Slavs on the other hand are are just jealous fools who have nothing else to brag about except some haplogroup they believe to be better than the Scots R1b.
l1 people cannot be Indo-European.
The reason Norwegians have so much IE "genes" is because they have a lot of R1b and R1a admixture.
>I just have deep respect for Scottish people, their culture and their contributions to the world.
They set an example for the rest of Europe in all ways.
I'm still waiting for the important Scottish contributions to the world.
Looking at that graph, you have 5 Scandinavian, 4 Balto-Slavics and 2 uralic. Seems more geographic than ethnic, and hardly proves anything.
Mostly irrelevant shit already made by someone else.
And now slavshit ones.
There's a lot more Slavs on the planet. All of them have ugly cultures compared to the Scots.
>All of them have ugly cultures compared to the Scots.
Yeah, because men wearing skirts is a great culture.
So many retards in this thread.
Kilts are very aesthetic. Slavs wouldn't know anything about aesthetics since they only wear adidas tracksuits.
WHAT..DID YOU SAY? youtube.com
How is that Scottish independence going?
Yup. It's nonsense.
The l1 people were probably pretty good looking and hardy to survive the mass IE rape.
There was no I1 people. There was one man. the TMRCA of all I1 is under 5k years making it contemporary with the Battle Axe culture.
We could theorize that the wife of an infertile R1a Battle Axe king had illegal sex with an I1 slave male(one of very few I1 males, all the others had lineages doomed to extinction) and the resulting lineage had absolute control over the Battle Axe world.
I mean, I can't think of another reason why it would spread so fast. It had to be linked to a high social status but yet it's illogical to think that a native male could acquire such in any normal way.
There are zero old I1 subclades. Not a single one has been found. It's all new in the sense that it's all from one man and whatever remote relatives this man had were wiped out by whatever forces of nature or man.
So how does that work.
If there is one man with l1 haploshit and he fucks with R1b and R1a people, how does it create more l1 people?
It's a known and proven fact that men of high social standing have more descendants so it's a natural assumption that the early I1 males were heavily outnumbered but that they were kings which resulted in the propagation of their paternal lines.
Y-DNA doesn't recombine, it's passed directly from father to son every generation.
Pic related, the red dot is your haplogroup.
It's not a good indicator of your general genetic makeup
This is how Iberians have some of the highest levels of R1b in Europe but also the lowest levels of Yamna admixture, and Scandinavians can have the highest Yamna admixture in Europe and a huge chunk of I1 lineages.
Interesting, thanks.
It's only native in North Europe. The rest of Europe was swarthy to brown, including the Yamnaya.
Why do Sardinians have so much I2a? Were the farmers actual cucks or was it something similar like ?
It could be invasion of hunters and killing the local farmers and taking their women or hunters abducting farmers women from the continent.
I2a1b reporting in.
Daily reminder europe used to be all brown up to a rather recent point
Sardinians are 34% Hunter gatherer, the neolithic farmer component in that map includes a good amount of European Hunter gatherer blood
Nordics have always been IE genetically ever since the early stages of the corded ware culture.
And that is genetically and culturally.
Pic related
That's because Lithuanians hunter-gatherer ancestry in Lithuanians is WHG and in Swedes it's and the Hunter-Gatherers in Scandinavia were off slightly different stock. It is speculated that Eastern Baltic was refugium of WHG.
Supposedly there should be some paper coming on Baltic aDNA, but they have been saying that for a few months already. Some people who on some forums who have seen results give hints that Baltics were basically WHG+Steppe ancestry from Corded Ware and that farmer admixture was also brought along with Corded Ware.
There are some abstracts.
>In this paper we aim to show how these processes affected the Eastern Baltic region where the archeological record shows a drastically different picture than Central and Southern Europe. While agricultural subsistence strategies were commonplace in most of the latter by the Middle Neolithic, ceramic-producing hunter-gatherer cultures still persisted in the Eastern Baltic up until around 4000 BP and only adopted domesticated plants and animals at a late stage after which they disappeared into the widespread Corded Ware culture.
Baltic Galindian etymology is probably from Baltic word Galas meaning end, there were two Galindian tribes one lived in Eastern Prussia and the other ones in East just West of Moscow. Their name probably noted they were most Western and Easternmost settled Baltic tribes.
Also they were one of the first Baltic tribe mentioned in history by Ptolemy in 2nd century Galindai kai Soudinoi, Galindians or Sudovians some people consider them same tribe some very closely related, either way both were Western Balts, also archeologists found 5th century grave of Galindian warrior with Byzantine death shroud a few years back.
If the Yamnaya were NOT the indoeuropeans, and the modern europoor is neolitic hunter gatherer plus Yamnaya plus anatolic farmer, then who was indoeuropoor?
Who wuz aryan and shiet? Where does blondism even come from in neither the Yamnaya nor the anatolian farmers were blonde? Consider the fact that the hunters were brown with fair eyes.
This brain fuckery about white people lurking in central asia and siberia really plunfers my johnsons, i'm used to see white being equal to european, but apparently that's not even true when it comes to the origin of whites.
>If the Yamnaya were NOT the indoeuropeans,
Says who? It's is quite clear that Yamnaya -> Corded Ware is how majority of Europeans got steppe ancestry. Corded Ware is 75% autosomally same as Yamnaya.
Indo-Europeans (Yamnaya) were not made up of a single ancestry either. They were a mix of various Hunter-gatherers, EHG + CHG Caucasus Hunter-gatherers which were completely isolated population for for thousands of years, and probably something else too in that mix, it's hard to tell yet.
The only post who is actually answering the question
My theory is that the farmers in Cucuteni-Trypillia culture of Moldova became very blonde because of some adaptive but mainly sexual selection and that Yamnaya men were attracted to the exotic blonde women so when they conquered it they ignored many of the brunettes in favor of blondies, and this is the source of Northern European blondism although with some more sexual/adaptive selection beefing up the frequency too.
Daily reminder that Southern Europeans are true Aryans.
If she had red lips and she was tall, my ideal woman.
>Southern Europeans
What a meme, they're mixed into oblivion. There's nothing homogenous about Southern Europeans to associate them to any Indo-European peoples.
Except for genes, history, culture, language, religion, art, values, morals, appearance and everything, right?
What do you see when you imagine a default human?
Male/White/5'11/~170lb right?
Because we're the majority, that's why. Imagine living in China and think of the default human, you'd think of 5'9,140lb Chinese man.
You're also speaking English, a language for westerners and europeans.
All these things add up to create a default bias that we can't escape.
There is no such thing as an Aryan race. It's all superstitious occult nonsense.
>tfw barbarian turks oppress pure aryan kurds to this day
>Northern Europeans are the Aryans closest relatives today
Nope. From modern populations the most similar to Aryans are Eastern and North-Eastern Europeans
>It's is quite clear that Yamnaya -> Corded Ware is how majority of Europeans got steppe ancestry
No, it's not. There is no evidence that CWC is descended from Yamnaya nor that it has any "Yamnaya" admixture. What we know is only that CWC and Yamnaya share around 70% of auDNA. It may as well be CWC admixture in Yamnaya, but most likely it's admixture of some other, ancestral steppe population in both CWC and Yamnaya.
"Yamnaya" label for PIE admixture is simply wrong. It's steppe ancestry, but not specifically Yamnayan.
There's of course also nowhere said that Yamnaya was PIE or IE at all.
>They also have contributed more to humanity than all Slavs combined
>R1a were just northern forest dwellers who got Indo-Europeanized
The other way around. R1a Indo-Europeanized R1b which represents earlier, non-IE expansion.
>probably originally spoke a Uralic language or something
R1a people spoke PIE language.
>It may as well be CWC admixture in Yamnaya
CWC and Neolithic European admixture.
Yamnaya had Caucasus and Eastern Hunter Gatherer DNA only without even a drop of Neolith.
Yamnaya is R1b and CWC is R1a. Explain this.
Yamna and Khvalynsk which predated it had R1b, R1a, I2 and Q.
All the samples are pretty much from Samara which is pretty far out east at the Volga.
Yamna in eastern Ukraine may have had more R1a.