What caused this? Will it keep going?
What caused this? Will it keep going?
Other urls found in this thread:
The fastest peak ever in BTC was 430% growth in 20 days. 20 days in and we've only seen 70% growth in this newest event; this will keep going through the end of June without slowing.
Public awareness slowly increasing. More and more people are learning that putting a few % of their portfolio into bitcoin is a good idea.
The best days are yet to come. $10k BTC is pretty much guaranteed.
When people buy in at coinbase, are they always buying the lowest asking price?
when you use the 'coinbase dashboard' you are basically submitting a market buy order
so it fills the lowest ask limit that exists on the exchange (GDAX.com)
I highly recommend making a GDAX account so you have access to limit orders and stop loss orders
>just found out about bitcoin
>read that you could mine it
>could mine about 50-75 coins a day on my rig at the time
>download wallet
>download miner
>fire it up, it doesnt work (forgot to set my wallet address and worker password i think)
>fuck this, its just internet monopoly money anyway, it will never be worth anything
>go back to playing wow all day
a lot of us made this mistake user.
make sure you're on the train now so it doesn't leave you behind again.
Korea/Japan retail bubble
"the bigger they are the harder they fall"
I will be looking to buy more crypto once this phase is over, as I think after the coming crash we will continue to even higher targets.
This is probably why the price is going nuts.
If its any consolation, you probably would've sold it when they were worth about $40 each for a few thousand total.
It takes balls of steel to hold long term.
No, that's how its worked for years.
I kinda did the same thing, but I don't have any information about it anymore.
>MFW I lost around 500-600 coins
Yea but were your parents buying btc on coinbase then?
You have to be joking.
People have been saying this for years now.
The Crypto market is barely a child yet.
MOON is RDD 2.0
>starts at 1 sat, so whales will want it
>even though the price is in the single digit sat area it has a high Volume rivaling eth
>soon on Bittrex
Is it possible to sell with huge profit BTC on one of the Korean exchange at ~4000$ ??
>soon on Bittrex
[citation needed]
An informal promise was made to add MOON if it ever took off, which it is now.
This isn't even an altcoin thread, literally go jump off a bridge, fucking degenerate pumper.
>Public awareness slowly increasing. More and more people are learning that putting a few % of their portfolio into bitcoin is a good idea.
It ain't 2013 no more.
I'm still of the belief that 2013 only crashed as hard as it did because of GOX.
You have to be retarded or delusional.
The total crypto market cap has increased almost x4 in 2-3 months, do you think that is natural growth?
It's incredible how people get caught up in this frenzy of crypto going up, makes you blind (since most of the people on this board including me are invested in crypto) to the truth that it also has to come down, and this time the fallback will be extremely large.
Noone is arguing for that crypto does not have a long way to go, but short term this is going to crash.
What are China's analogs to the Dow and S&P?
Its got a lot further to run before a correction in my opinion, and I don't expect it to fall back below $1500.
Looking at the actual chart you posted, even in its lowest dip in 2015, crypto still had 4x the market cap it did before the "bubble" in 2013.
The Chink&Chonk60
3.5x of that 4x is from foreign markets opening up due to various laxing of regulations; they're not disappearing, the game just changed in a huge way. It will correct, but not nearly as much as you think. Only a small percentage of speculation, most of this is people that want a better currency than they have at home
I was hinting at the fact that around that time general public heard about first fortunes made on bitcoins.
It's foolish to assume "no one knows about it". Those who are interested in pursuing wealth and seek opportunities are monitoring cryptos for years now.
I agree with what you said. I think the best way to avoid being caught is to set up a stop order. Although after the ETF crash the fucker didn't work. I hope it won't fuck me.
shanghai composite
Thanks bro. Could this be the key to spotting the crash?
The laddle is only going to get bigger from this point on, you know..
>normies suddenly realized bitcoin is the future!!!
>to the moon!!!1
What is this, 2013 again? If this is what you really think - welcome to the cryptos, say goodbye to your money.
Anyway, if it's chinks then we might see a dump to 1000-1500$ very soon. Even people who don't give a crap about cryptos started talking about bitcoin bubble. But I hope it's some exchange pulling a mt. gox, that would be fun.
That'd be cool but it doesn't make a lot of sense.
Is their market falling BECAUSE they're putting their money into crypto?
>mfw it's bittrex
no. they're putting it into BTC rather than gold because the market is falling.
I remember the suicide hotline being sticked on /r/bitcoin after the crash kek
Not sure what to feel about this, it is eating my shitcoins value, but at the same time I have a few bitcoins.
How much got robbed?
~$460m USD. At the time fucking massive.
Yes, people have heard of it years ago, but it was just silly internet cash that was likely just a short term pump and dump.
It's in the new more now, and people are starting to realize its not a silly nerd gimmick, and it's a big deal.
Investors are realising its a good asset to hold, and financial advisers are (very slowly) starting to advise their clients to put a few % into crypto.
It's just beginning.
The east sees BTC as the new gold. Untraceable, un-taxable, resistant to theft. It's a dream currency for those who like gold but are afraid to keep it in their home. And they're just realizing this now.
Was it in BTC?
I was in the same boat back in the beginning, and I had friends who were mining too. We all sold way before even the 2013 crash. We basically spent everything on Steam games.
I got back in after the crash though and now I'm holding.
>He ACTUALLY believes Bitcoin will pop
>And they're just realizing this now.
user we live in an internet bubble
Do you have any idea how many retards are out there and how much longer it will take for them to even consider BTC to be anything but a complete scam?
The only person I knew in real life who heard of it a couple years ago was my uncle, and he's really anti-government and anti-banks. I bet he has lots desu but I don't know him well enough to ask
Nobody else knew shit about it. And people who knew only "KNEW" they didn't KNOW and didn't invest. Now they realize
Mtgox? Correct.
Don't get too comfy. If you think there isn't already a Nigerian and Chinese Mt. Gox brewing ready to fuck over third-worlders and steal their coins, you're delusional. We'll see another crash soon, it's just a question of which day.
The Chinese have been in BTC for a long time. That's my point.
don't know about your country but in my country bitcoin is regularly mentioned in big newspapers at least six times a year
Yes. I am a Korean citizen working on arbitrage quite a time now. wanna join?
Damn that would be an absurd amount of money today. Was it yakuza or something?
I hope so. Buying more at $1000 will seem like a dream when it hits $10k+
I'm not sure they ever found out. You could probably find documentaries on it at this point.
Holy shit it was around 850,000btc. That's $2,352,859,500 today
Yes, everyone suddenly realized that bitcoin is a big deal and one month later it almost tripled in price. You fanatics are hilarious. I'll come back here in a few days/weeks when it pops to read your posts about WEAK HANDS and HODL.
I can send BTC on the Korean currency but how can i get some other coin/USD that would have same as here or not so high different for local price price?
Or you proposing me to rely on you and get all my funds in your hands?
not to go full hillary clinton but it was probably the russians, they were the only one's at the time with the sophistication and desire to hack the exchange
That or the Chinese would make sense.
>had all the coins
>sold for small gains
Is it worth it to buy more at this point?
normies smelt 2k and a bunch of people want lambos
>talking about scams
remember cryptsy?
its going to hit 3,000
Sorry, man to risky. Nice proposition, but, really it is insane to make such investment.
Find a korean off craigslist to translate and get a vpn.
Already hit 4000 on Korean exchange
Still need verification of citizenship to sell. They'll let you buy but won't let you offload.
Why not sell in person?
In... Korea? I probably misinterpreted what you said.
Japan + Korea new money. China can't have all the fun right?
Crypto is going big boys, we're all going to be richer than we rightfully should be.
You haven't heard of the famous laddle formation in T.A.? All the rage these days.
what about ETH? Will it gain momentum when this shit inevitably pops?
Not immediately. You have to keep in mind that btc die hards see it as literal gold. They might think of ETH as zinc. Sure you can invest in zinc and make a ton but it's not as safe as gold.
>inevitably pops
I hope so
You sold below $2k, didn't you?
Is it late to start mining now?
>They'll let you buy but won't let you offload
that's what noobs dont realize. They buy bitcoin and think it will be as easy to cash out large sums of fiat. The bubble will pop as soons as people will realize they can't transfer back in fiat currency.
A bit, yeah. Best thing you can do is get a rig and premine alt coins.
dont care how sketchy they are, is there a way I can get money to buy ethereum?
I can sell stuff, but only like 400$ worth
Is there a way to get access to cash? like a loan, credit card, etc?
I have some money on altcoins hoping for a moon, but thats probably not realistic
>Is there a way to get access to cash? like a loan, credit card, etc?
Don't do this, friend.
>MFW I lost around 500-600 coins
My butthole puckered when I read those numbers. You could've been a millionaire m8.
why? its a dumb move but with the way eth is going now, it would probably work right?
plus, i already have some so if I really needed to pay something back i could sell a little
>the way eth is going now
I want it to keep going up. I'm all but convinced it will keep going up. There's always the chance that it won't and that it will go down. What if it goes down so much that what you're currently holding and what you buy can't pay off that credit card?
Problem is that crash might be a year from now. Do not get into the business of top calling. It never ends well.
It did.
Mt. Goy was the only major liquidity provider. Once they were insolvent, you basically couldn't cash out to fiat.
Poloniex might do the same to the crypto market this time around, because of their USDT scam.
Didn't even have to wait days.
The sacred ladle graph, a well known use of measurement for sure.
What started this normie invasion?! Motherfuckers.
exactly me, and I came back about three times and sold right before big bucks were coming in.
Not this time though, this time, I'll fucking get rich or die trying!
USDT is managed by Bitfinex, not Poloniex.