>Reagan literally started a civil war in Nicaragua because their government was vaguely socialist
Reagan literally started a civil war in Nicaragua because their government was vaguely socialist
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He didn't start it, he just funded and helped the rebels. Sometimes I feel funny about you Americans thinking your president is omnipotent or something. The same with Afghanistan, it's always "WE beat Russia" not giving any credit to the mujahedeen who you know, actually did all the fighting.
No he didn't ''literally'' start a civil war. Pick up a dictionary you underage figurative piece of shit.
In my experience it's usually "we did this we did that" for the boasting and "you did this you did that!" for anything that had negative drawbacks.
The only good socialist is a _____ Socialist
Probably saved Nicaragua in the process
We know how socialism ends, just look at Venezuela
Every country does this. Like how the UK will always insist on being counted for their relatively minor contribution in WW2's European Theater when the Americans (somewhat correctly) portray the Western Front as "80% Murika + 20% various minor players with weapons supplied by America". Or even moreso their small contributions in the Gulf War or Korea. But when Iraq 2 comes up, suddenly it's the "Americans" did this, the "Americans" did that.
The Mujahideen would not have won were it not for American arms and financial assistance. The proxy war was won by those we allied with and supported, and through that victory we did win. I'm not saying it was good, right, or smart, but the CIA did accomplish the goal they set out to achieve: a defeat on the part of the Soviets.
Sandinistas eventually won you know and Nicaragua isnt much worse of than the neighbouring right-wing shitholes like Honduras and Guatemala.
>reagan literally killed the Soviet Union because it was socialist
How did he do it lads?
>The CIA created the U.S drug problem by supporting drug lords in the region
>The people responsible are still free to this day
Helping the mujahideen was one of the greatest things the US has ever done
dude, that continent is rife with unrest, we don't start shit
Take a look at bolivia, tho.
It's working for them, slowly but surely.
Plus Reagan fucked shit up in south america by giving more strenght to the war on drugs, ergo also fucking shit up in central america because the traffic of drugs had to pass through there.
well yeah, you can't arrest all the drug addicts in america, there's simply not enough prison space.
CIA literally recruited and trained the rebels
No it literally did not you fucking retard. I already know you're gonna imply a shitter like bin Laden and a few Saudi mercenaries were ever relevant in that war, read a book.
>we sent them guns therefore we won that war
I see Americans applying this idiotic logic to every fucking war ever including WW2. A war is won by fighters, not by suppliers.
Furthermore, saying the mujahedeen would never win the war is disingenuous, the entire population was so opposed to the communist occupation the Russians wouldn't win unless they literally genocided the entire country.
I'm talking about Nicaragua. American agents organized and trained anti-Sandinista forces, known for their exceptional brutality against civilian targets.
The best part? They fucking lost. The US poured millions into a bloody civil war that achieved absolutely nothing for our Cold War goals.
Not only that, but he sold weapons to Iran (who was currently at war with (American pseudo-ally) Iraq) to raise funds for supplying that civil war.
>He didn't start it, he just funded and helped the rebels
It is the same thing
>Sandinistas eventually won you know and Nicaragua isnt much worse of than the neighbouring right-wing shitholes like Honduras and Guatemala.
You man the place where companies make their own currency they give to employees?
No bro. Go research cold war conflicts.
Their water source and ice caps are fucked by global warming. They literally have no water.
Literally one of the worst things the U.S. has ever done. It was both the fuel on the fire for local extremist groups and a contributing factor for the birth of domestic/international terrorism.
>saying the mujahedeen would never win the war is disingenuous
The mujahideen did not have an abundance of Stinger missiles and land mines (or the means to obtain them in the quantities required) before the U.S. intervened. I know the soviets didn't invade to slaughter the population of Afghanistan, but it would not have been such an overwhelming victory without intervention. Besides, it was a CIA-funded proxy war, so nobody that I've ever met considers the defeat of the soviets in Afghanistan an 'American victory'.
Everybody was an 'extremist' in Afghanistan since commies thoroughly purged all the secular moderates.
I'm more pissed that Reagan gets blamed for "not doing enough about AIDS" when the gay community dragged their heels for a year and more when a substantive link between sexual activity and HIV transmission was made
"Obviously it's not that HIV is transmitted through bodily fluids, so much as damn repressive breeders want to police our bodies!"
I'm a gay man and I'll be the first to claim the only people responsible for the AIDS epidemic are degenerate faggots. Not Reagan, not conservatives, not any of that. Faggots.
Milo pls go
>clinical retardation
>He didn't do X, he did X
Milo is a degenerate himself. Monogamy or kys.