Reminder that granting Home Rule to the uncivilised masses of Eire was a terrible idea.
Ulster unionists were and remain the rightful heirs to the island of Ireland.
Reminder that granting Home Rule to the uncivilised masses of Eire was a terrible idea.
Ulster unionists were and remain the rightful heirs to the island of Ireland.
Of course you are correct, but this is the internet which means uninformed 'full blooded irishmen' from America are about to sperg out
me leaving the UK
tfw yuck mouth'd anglos think they're rightful rulers of Ireland.
natural disaster, nothing more we could do
natural disaster, nothing more we could do
german autism, nothing more we could do
german autism, nothing more we could do
Please continue 100 percent pure blooded irishman from america
>Wtf why did Ireland leave us we're stronger together
>Lol fuck the EU we're leaving
The ETERNAL ANGLO, everyone
>Muh yank boogeyman
Really Ireland is a geographic concept and nothing more.
Irishmen have the same culture as Englishmen.
Irishmen speak the same language as Englishmen.
Irishmen wear the same clothes as Englishmen.
Irishmen drive the same cars as Englishmen.
Irishmen eat the same foods and drink the same drinks as Englishmen.
Irishmen are Englishmen.
Now that I have established beyond all refute that we are one people, why not be one country too?
I believe in a United Ireland. United with Britain, that is.
>Ireland is now a better country to live in than England
>Let's continue exporting food, that should do the trick
>Let's do it again but this time also say this
>The judgement of God sent the calamity to teach the Irish a lesson, that calamity must not be too much mitigated. …The real evil with which we have to contend is not the physical evil of the Famine, but the moral evil of the selfish, perverse and turbulent character of the people.
>leading anglo
>The Germans did something autistic, let's go down and bomb our allie's navy
>The Germans did something autistic, now refuse to advance while they take Poland then give it all away to the USSR
Frankly I don't think people understand just how fucking awful England is. They're utter shit and poor compared to both the rest of western Europe and to America but they somehow still think they're the world's richest country or something. It's like they're mentally stuck in 1850.
>Irishman speak the same language as Englishmen.
English speak Gaelic too?
Of course we don't speak Gaelic. Neither do the people inhabiting the Republic of Ireland.
>Irish now the third most spoken language in Ireland after English and Polish
If Ireland is so English then why did they want to leave?
This has to be the single most cucked country in all of Europe.
The UK is far more cucked
Irish nationalism is a false idea first created by the French and then continued by the Americans.
At least we speak our own language LMAO
Inshallah that will be not for long
That doesn't answer the question
Yes it does, they were convinced by French and Americans that they are a seperate people.
Wrongly convinced.
Really irish nationalism is very similar to modern day ''Macedonian'' nationalism in that they are both built on core beliefs which are clearly false, and they both believe that they are a people which they are not.
>English culture
>English language
>English clothes
>English cars
>English foods and drink
>Really Ireland is a geographic concept and nothing more.
>Irishmen have the same culture as Englishmen.
>Irishmen speak the same language as Englishmen.
>Irishmen wear the same clothes as Englishmen.
>Irishmen drive the same cars as Englishmen.
>Irishmen eat the same foods and drink the same drinks as Englishmen.
>Irishmen are Englishmen.
>Now that I have established beyond all refute that we are one people, why not be one country too?
>I believe in a United Ireland. United with Britain, that is.
You could make the case for some sort of pan-British unity but to call Irish English is retarded.
>we'll let you rule most of the world just not Ireland
Reminder that Irish are the true perfidious ones and should have stayed in the union
T. English catholic
>should have stayed in the union
what a terrible idea
The only thing more mediocre than an Irishman is an northern protestant
Really now North island is a containment zone for a people neither Britain nor Ireland want
>Really irish nationalism is very similar to modern day ''Macedonian'' nationalism in that they are both built on core beliefs which are clearly false, and they both believe that they are a people which they are not.
Macedonians are genetically slavs who think they are related to an ancient hellenic city-state because they occupy that geographic area. Ireland on the other hand is inhabited by people largely descended from the people who lived there for centuries.
Oh no I like sucking American cock rather than becoming treated as equals
>Oh no I like sucking American cock
t. Tony Blair
>becoming treated as equals
I meant Irish sucking American duck
But the Anglos do that too and at least the Irish don't always have to fight in their wars.
die traitor
cryptoenglish traitor
Lesser partner but still have a choice of what to do
>I meant Irish sucking American duck
t. Big Dave "gaddhaffi makes me unhappy" Cameron
>skullfucking Gaddafi was a bad thing
>sucking american cock is suddenly a good thing
brisk 180 there albert
>tfw born in Northern Ireland
>killing insane Arabs for fucking with you is bad because the Americans also want them dead
careful with that edge there sport
>guy funds IRA terrorism
>finally have casus beli
>'you have an expering casus beli'.jpg
>Really irish nationalism is very similar to modern day ''Macedonian'' nationalism in that they are both built on core beliefs which are clearly false, and they both believe that they are a people which they are not.
Also they weren't even hellenic from the start
>Gaddhafi funds the IRA for years and does Lockerbie
>Absolutely no meaningful response
>America decides to start supporting regime change in the middle-east
>"muh special relationship"
really gets the noggin a'joggin
Why would Ireland want to be part of england when the english were historically abusive cunts to them, when Ireland is objectively a better country and while england wants to pull out of the EU and its trade deals which Ireland and even scotland don't wnat to give up?
If there is one sure thing you can count on, it's the fundamental misunderstanding of Ireland in Whitehall
Northern prods hate the english almost as much as Irish catholics
The North is now an unloved subsidised shithole appendage of Britain. If Orange Men really loved the Queen, they would stop sponging off of her and stand on their own two feet.
They probably would still be in the UK, had the Brits not treated them like shit.
Besides, I heard they're doing ok so far. They're rid of their debts, they're a tax-haven for Facebook and Google, and only like 45% of their population is from the third world.
This, they don't really need to speculate about whether or not Ireland would be better off. There's a control subject
>Trusting anglos
Can we all agree the Island is best left forgotten?
Out of sight, out of mind.
i love being a prod in ulster. the iris hare so salty
you know, even the proper brits think you guys are cunts
>irish are the same people as the english
>irish are subhuman and the english are the master race
Make up your mind you beady eyed fucks.
It's hilarious how that image is completely the other way around now, Ireland is a great country while Nothern Ireland is a cesspool that nobody wants.
>full blooded irishmen from america
Where did this meme come from?
My sympathy for Irish people has suddenly risen
>implying Kerry hasn't literally just been crying because it's all the nasty Brits fault America didn't bomb Assad to save those lovely moderate jihadists
Like most shite yank things, Boston.
It is impossible for us, your comrades up to now, to allow your fine ships to fall into the power of the German enemy. We are determined to fight on until the end, and if we win, as we think we shall, we shall never forget that France was our Ally, that our interests are the same as hers, and that our common enemy is Germany. Should we conquer we solemnly declare that we shall restore the greatness and territory of France. For this purpose we must make sure that the best ships of the French Navy are not used against us by the common foe. In these circumstances, His Majesty's Government have instructed me to demand that the French Fleet now at Mers el Kebir and Oran shall act in accordance with one of the following alternatives;
(a) Sail with us and continue the fight until victory against the Germans.
(b) Sail with reduced crews under our control to a British port. The reduced crews would be repatriated at the earliest moment.
If either of these courses is adopted by you we will restore your ships to France at the conclusion of the war or pay full compensation if they are damaged meanwhile.
(c) Alternatively if you feel bound to stipulate that your ships should not be used against the Germans lest they break the Armistice, then sail them with us with reduced crews to some French port in the West Indies — Martinique for instance – where they can be demilitarised to our satisfaction, or perhaps be entrusted to the United States and remain safe until the end of the war, the crews being repatriated.
If you refuse these fair offers, I must with profound regret, require you to sink your ships within 6 hours.
Finally, failing the above, I have the orders from His Majesty's Government to use whatever force may be necessary to prevent your ships from falling into German hands.
Irish are Gaels. Not Anglo-Saxon. Everyone has to learn Gaelic growing up. Vast majority play Gaelic sports. Gaelic music. etc.
>responding to bait
The last time Ireland was under British rule they genocided half the population. You'll never get that land back.
>the iris hare so salty
wew. the entire northern irish culture seems to be based on getting as angry as possible over trivial shit.
>The last time Ireland was under British rule they genocided half the population.
If we wantdd to genocide the irish there would be nnone left. Think about that
Not even sure what that means? Are you implying it wasn't genocide? Because it was.
genocide: the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular nation or ethnic group.
"a campaign of genocide"
We controlled Ireland for hundreds of years. If we wanted you dead you quite simply would have been wiped off the face of the earth.
Britain donated tonnes of food aid to ireland. Soup kitchens were set up for instance.
And before you quote muh Victoria giving less than the Ottoman Sultan, that refers simply to her private donations. The government donated far more money.
Seeing as we did all we could to help you NOT die, I'm not sure how a natural disaster such as a famine is a genocide.
Just because a mural in your town calls it a genocide doesn't mean it was one, anymore than half the settlers in America dying of disease in their first year was a genocide
Also, Protestants in Ireland also died in the famine. Were they genocided?
>We controlled Ireland for hundreds of years
Yes and during that time suppressed and punished the native Irish population for refusing to convert from Catholicism, first under Cromwell then with the famine genocide.
>Charles Trevelyan, who was in charge of the administration of government relief, limited the Government's food aid programme because of a firm belief in laissez-faire.[73] He thought that "the judgement of God sent the calamity to teach the Irish a lesson". The Public Works were "strictly ordered" to be unproductive—that is, they would create no fund to repay their own expenses. Many hundreds of thousands of "feeble and starving men", according to Mitchel, were kept digging holes and breaking up roads, which was doing no service.
Plus taking every opportunity to plant the country with English people throughout all the provinces most notably in Ulster which created a bitter division that's conflicted the country ever since. Historically the seat of the O'Neils kings of Ireland destroyed and stolen by the British, except the free 3 counties. Under British rule, the Irish were only allowed the very worst of their own land which is why they were forced to exclusively rely on the potato crop, and reduced to a peasant slave class working for absentee British land owners. The rest of the ample food Irish farms produced (cattle, lamb, chicken etc) was exported to England as cash crops not to be interfered with whilst the natives starved. 2 million dead. 2 million forced to leave. 50% of the population of your nearest neighbour removed. Tactical ay?
Never ever will Britain rule Ireland again. And just because the genocide wasn't completely successful it doesn't discount it as a genocide, in the same way the holocaust isn't discounted because there are still Jews today.
That's the equivalent of a Turk or Russian denying the Armenian genocide/Holodomor by saying 'if we wanted to genocide the Armenians/Ukrainians there would be none left.'
Big talk for the irish. What about the natives you genocided (this time for real, unlike our '''''genocide''''' of the Irish)
Most soup kitchens required conversion to Protestantism.
From wikipedia:
>Records show that Irish lands exported food even during the worst years of the Famine. When Ireland had experienced a famine in 1782–83, ports were closed to keep Irish-grown food in Ireland to feed the Irish. Local food prices promptly dropped. Merchants lobbied against the export ban, but government in the 1780s overrode their protests.[78] No such export ban happened in the 1840s.[79]
>Throughout the entire period of the Famine, Ireland was exporting enormous quantities of food. In the magazine History Ireland (1997, issue 5, pp. 32–36), Christine Kinealy, a Great Hunger scholar, lecturer, and Drew University professor, relates her findings: Almost 4,000 vessels carried food from Ireland to the ports of Bristol, Glasgow, Liverpool, and London during 1847, when 400,000 Irish men, women, and children died of starvation and related diseases. She also writes that Irish exports of calves, livestock (except pigs), bacon, and ham actually increased during the Famine. This food was shipped under British military guard from the most famine-stricken parts of Ireland; Ballina, Ballyshannon, Bantry, Dingle, Killala, Kilrush, Limerick, Sligo, Tralee, and Westport. A wide variety of commodities left Ireland during 1847, including peas, beans, onions, rabbits, salmon, oysters, herring, lard, honey, tongues, animal skins, rags, shoes, soap, glue, and seed. The most shocking export figures concern butter. Butter was shipped in firkins, each one holding 9 imperial gallons; 41 litres. In the first nine months of 1847, 56,557 firkins (509,010 imperial gallons; 2,314,000 litres) were exported from Ireland to Bristol, and 34,852 firkins (313,670 imperial gallons; 1,426,000 litres) were shipped to Liverpool, which correlates with 822,681 imperial gallons (3,739,980 litres) of butter exported to England from Ireland during nine months of the worst year of the Famine.[80]
>Most soup kitchens required conversion to Protestantism.
Well we didn't have enough resources to feed all of them. May as well focus on the loyal
>muh irish-american strawman
Not an American. And besides it was the British who began the colonisation of America, America speaks English for a reason.
>And besides it was the British who began the colonisation of America
Difference being we treated the Natives with humility and respect. That's why they stood with us against the French.
In fact, most native killers (in Australia as well) were descended from irish, not english)
The post you just replied to contradicts your claim that there were limited resources. Britain was one of the richest countries in the world at the time and yet supposedly didn't have the resources to feed the island right next to them?
>most native killers were descended from irish
Proof? (inb4 they turn out to be Anglo-Irish). Large Irish emigration to the Americas didn't start until the famine.
>Large Irish emigration to the Americas didn't start until the famine.
The irish went to the carribean first and once it became less profitable than america they emigrated from the likes of jamaica to america.
>And besides it was the British who began the colonisation of America
The Dutch would disagree with that
Yes, the Irish "went" to the Carribean alright.
>The Irish, many of whom were prisoners of war or civilians, deported from Ireland following the Cromwellian invasion, arrived in Barbados alongside African slaves. English lords had used coerced or forced emigration as a way of pacifying Ireland since the start of the century, but the Cromwellian invasion greatly increased Irish emigration. Unlike English and Scottish indentured servants, the majority of labour undertaken by the Irish was slave labour, and their circumstances were "much worse than those of the indentured workers who travelled at the same time and later, not least because indentured work, though often harsh, was voluntary and time-limited." [2] In 1649, due to the harshness of the servitude to which they had been subjected, the Irish joined with the Africans in rebellion against the English colonists.[1] In response to the rebellion, many were hanged, drawn-and-quartered and their heads deposited on pikes on high ground where the entire population of Bridgetown would see them as a warning against future rebellions. Despite this, attacks by Spanish and French pirates, as well as the loss of crops due to climatic shocks, led to further black and Irish revolts against the English. Rebellions increased the fear felt by white slave owners of the Africans, whom they perceived as savages.[1]
>Cromwell's victory brought famine and poverty to Ireland and coupled with a breakout of bubonic plague, Ireland's native population was reduced by as much as 20-25 percent. In addition, harsh anti-Catholic laws were passed, lands were confiscated and many Irish were deported as indentured servants, approximately half of which were sent to the island of St. Kitts. Many Irish laborers died from the island's tropical heat, disease, or hard and excessive working hours. Any Irishman who tried to escape was marked with an "FT" on his forehead, marking him as a "fugitive traitor."
wtf I love Cromwell now
If that's all, then I think we've reached checkmate.
Not really i just don't really care about internet arguments
You are speaking English, you are an economic puppet of Britain. We won :)
Shit, you guys are just as annoying as Swedes both as internet users and conquerors
I really feel for the irish
Whatever. Your country sure is shit for someone who won, your capital isn't even majority British anymore, your economy is going to collapse after you leave the EU, your country is still importing third worlders through the commonwealth and you have one of the highest crime rates in Europe. Even if we got screwed over historically, I'm glad I'm Irish and not an Anglo, we still have the future.
>screwed over historically, I'm glad I'm Irish and not an Anglo, we still have the future.
Reminder more people in Ireland speak Polish than irish.
>limited the Government's food aid programme because of a firm belief in laissez-faire.
Because, like modern libertarians, a lot of people back then thought that the government was inherently evil and that its involvement could only make things worse - and this philosophy was applied in exactly the same way in England. Relief was supposed to be the duty of private charity. Trevelyan's letters are filled with excoriating diatribes against the Irish aristocracy, who as he saw it were shirking their natural duty to make sure their tenants were fed in a time of crisis. He even got a law passed that would force landlords to take some responsibility for tenants (which unfortunately backfired when landlords started driving tenants off their land rather than pay for them).
>"the judgement of God sent the calamity to teach the Irish a lesson".
everyone said that about every natural disaster in those days.
>Plus taking every opportunity to plant the country with English people throughout all the provinces most notably in Ulster which created a bitter division that's conflicted the country ever since
The only real area of English settlement in Ireland was Dublin. Ulster was mostly settled by Scots.
>Historically the seat of the O'Neils kings of Ireland destroyed and stolen by the British
The O'Neil lords voluntarily swore fealty to the kings of England (in return for swanky court titles and privileges), as other Irish lords. Then when it turned out that being vassals of the same king meant that they couldn't wage their little internecine wars any more, they rebelled and tried to offer the crown of Ireland to the king of Spain.
>working for absentee British land owners
Most landlords at the time of the famine lived in Ireland, and a large minority were Catholic.
>get BTFO
>deflect and change the subject
>You are speaking English
Why would I speak Irish on an American website
>you are an economic puppet of Britain.
had a chuckle at this one 2bh
>The only real area of English settlement in Ireland was Dublin.
>Then when it turned out that being vassals of the same king meant that they couldn't wage their little internecine wars any more
Take this whole fucking thread to and GTFO muh Veeky Forums
>Went to Grand Cayman recently
>Literally every black Caymaner has an Irish surname
>Irish BTFO "their" country and forced to become rumniggers in the Carribean
Soon to be the non muslim population in the UK
Daily Reminder that Home Rule was necessary.
Daily Reminder that Gladstone did nothing wrong.
Daily Reminder that the Liberal Unionist split killed the Liberal Party and in the long term caused the rise of the Labour Party
Daily Reminder that giving the taigs Home Rule does NOT mean they're Independent